News Another comedian accused of rape..... this time of a 15 year old girl.

Not zero distinction, but I don't give the consent of minors nearly as much weight as others seem too. Imo people often miss the point in these conversations. On average there is such a massive disparity in intellect, experience, maturity, etc. and that is precisely why statutory rape is a crime, and not a minor one. Consent becomes meaningless when you can mentally run circles around someone and manipulate or intimidate them into providing it.

So I don't view it the same as forcible rape, but I take a more severe view on it than some.
Thanks for clarifying. I suppose we're never going to fully agree on this, which is fine. It seems like something happened to this girl LONG before she even met Ross, because per her own words, she "attacked" him sexually in an elevator before he made any kind of moves on her, and he had to tell her to chill (but later on he had sex with her in his apartment, she alleges). I find it interesting that she's focusing on him rather than that. Because in all likelihood, that is the real root of her problems rather than whatever happened with Ross.
Not zero distinction, but I don't give the consent of minors nearly as much weight as others seem too. Imo people often miss the point in these conversations. On average there is such a massive disparity in intellect, experience, maturity, etc. and that is precisely why statutory rape is a crime, and not a minor one. Consent becomes meaningless when you can mentally run circles around someone and manipulate or intimidate them into providing it.

So I don't view it the same as forcible rape, but I take a more severe view on it than some.
Here's the thing it's possible for someone to be aware of all you points and indeed that is their own points and their own reasoning for why that stuff isn't ok but still put it in a different category to to other crimes against minors.

When a post pubecent girl throws herself at someone and she's a minor it's wrong to take advantage for all the reasons you describe but when prevailing attitudes are, "doesn't matter got laid," or "thank god for girls with daddy issues," the conditions that normalize taking advantage have been normalized. That's a very different thing than pre-pubecent girls or non-consensual rape. Besides I think the issue is really the notions that normalize that sort of behavior and I'm willing to bet their is a direct correlation of people taking advantage and the mechanisms of normalization.

Normal people are capable of doing terrible things without remorse once it's been normalized as evidenced by me being bullied in this thread.
Why? Are countries that allow it disgusting and immoral? I don't think they are.

Uhhh yeah those are third world shit holes.

You know what I think is immoral? Women in their 40s trying to have kids who are more likely to have birth defects.

Then start a thread about it instead of derailing from how you think its cool to fuck kids.
She was her dad's property? Shall we go back to dowry again?
This reminds me of a woman I know who turns 30 this year, but has always been super young looking. When she was 14 and was living in Oman, some older guy seriously offered a dowry to her dad for her hand in marriage. Like a fuck TON of goats and sheep and shit. I can only imagine how young she looked at the time.
Not zero distinction, but I don't give the consent of minors nearly as much weight as others seem too. Imo people often miss the point in these conversations. On average there is such a massive disparity in intellect, experience, maturity, etc. and that is precisely why statutory rape is a crime, and not a minor one. Consent becomes meaningless when you can mentally run circles around someone and manipulate or intimidate them into providing it.

So I don't view it the same as forcible rape, but I take a more severe view on it than some.
100% agree.

What's with the pedos in this thread? Where do they set the bar for this cases? Fucking degenerates.
Why didn't you respond to me? I know you got caught out, but thought you wouldn't get caught our like that. Wow.
I didn't get caught out on shit! I probably just didn't notice your response or I didn't find whatever you said was worth responding to. I enjoyed the back and forth with fizban because his reactions/insults/lies were demented and therefore made me laugh.
This reminds me of a woman I know who turns 30 this year, but has always been super young looking. When she was 14 and was living in Oman, some older guy seriously offered a dowry to her dad for her hand in marriage. Like a fuck TON of goats and sheep and shit. I can only imagine how young she looked at the time.
Good gosh. Don't say that, the "well it used to be okay" people will be saying it should be brought back to western civilisation again.
I didn't get caught out on shit! I probably just didn't notice your response or I didn't find whatever you said was worth responding to. I enjoyed the back and forth with fizban because his reactions/insults/lies were demented and therefore made me laugh.
Yeah, ya did. You made a play for me which was a pathetic attempt at sexism and everyone saw through it. Dealwithit.gif
Yeah, ya did. You made a play for me which was a pathetic attempt at sexism and everyone saw through it. Dealwithit.gif
I'm drawing a blank, luvvy! I think it was you I quoted to start this shit show, but beyond that I'm drawing a blank. I don't feel like sifting through this history to find this alleged event, but if you want to refresh my recollection go right ahead.
honestly, I think they should just raise the age of consent law to age 20 with a romeo and juliet clause allowing for a 4 year age gap.

When 40 year olds say shit like, 'some 18 year olds are so mature though' or 'you're just jealous ' it makes me cringe. Conflating the arrogance of an 18 year old with maturity is cringeworthy.

I think we're at a point in society where it makes sense for people to live with their parents longer and stay in school longer. Heck, High School should be extended two years as well.
honestly, I think they should just raise the age of consent law to age 20 with a romeo and juliet clause allowing for a 4 year age gap.

When 40 year olds say shit like, 'some 18 year olds are so mature though' or 'you're just jealous ' it makes me cringe. Conflating the arrogance of an 18 year old with maturity is cringeworthy.

I think we're at a point in society where it makes sense for people to live with their parents longer and stay in school longer. Heck, High School should be extended two years as well.

20? LOL

most of the world is 15-17 bro.
Uhhh yeah those are third world shit holes.

Then start a thread about it instead of derailing from how you think its cool to fuck kids.
Now you have to start cursing and being vulgar to try and make your argument appear more reasonable.

18 years old is an arbitrary number and you have to denigrate other cultures who have a different standard than you so that you can try to feel morally superior. You should apologize for being racist and culturally insensitive.

20? LOL

most of the world is 15-17 bro.
yes, I know but it's 2020 it's not 1950 anymore.

People get married older now. I'm pretty sure the age of consent laws are based around people getting married at a young age and to account for age gaps where men are the primary bread winners taking longer to get established and families wanting to marry their daughters off into wealth.
yes, I know but it's 2020 it's not 1950 anymore.

People get married older now. I'm pretty sure the age of consent laws are based around people getting married at a young age and to account for age gaps where men are the primary bread winners taking longer to get established and families wanting to marry their daughters off into wealth.

No thanks, I like banging 18 year old chicks.
honestly, I think they should just raise the age of consent law to age 20 with a romeo and juliet clause allowing for a 4 year age gap.

When 40 year olds say shit like, 'some 18 year olds are so mature though' or 'you're just jealous ' it makes me cringe. Conflating the arrogance of an 18 year old with maturity is cringeworthy.

I think we're at a point in society where it makes sense for people to live with their parents longer and stay in school longer. Heck, High School should be extended two years as well.
So someone can join the military on their own at 18 but should be 20 before they can legally consent?
So someone can join the military on their own at 18 but should be 20 before they can legally consent?
what I'm proposing is a way to keep gross power and maturity imbalances out of the relationships of young people.

I saw loads of underage teenage girls hooking up with guys in at least their mid-twenties at raves 20 or so years ago. The mechanism that created that environment was they didn't card anyone entering. You didn't used to have to be 18 to enter. They made a rule where you have to be 18 to enter and that resolved that issue.

It seems the easiest way to solve that is by keeping those age groups apart coupled with people thinking it's wrong for their to be gross power and maturity imbalances.

So, with what I proposed it would be acceptable for a 16 year old to hook up with a 20 year old and a 19 year old to hook up with a 23 year old but not a 16 year old to hook up with a 23 year old not an 18 year old with a 50 year old.

I'm proposing rules that reflect contemporary social standards that would in turn normalize those social standards.

Where some dude says, "whoa look how hot that 18 year old is" and another dude says, "yeah, but can you imagine dealing with how immature she is?" and the first dude says, "hell no!" I want that to be considered normal.

The idea is that when people have interactions where there is a huge age gap and one of those people is under a certain age getting laid is already taken off the table as a consideration rather than that being the end goal that seems to be considered normal. There's no nudge nudge wink wink by other people. It's where the younger persons desire to be sexually objectified is seen as an annoyance by the older person. I want that to be normal, like it's depicted in, "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood."
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what I'm proposing is a way to keep gross power and maturity imbalances out of the relationships of young people.

I saw loads of underage teenage girls hooking up with guys in at least their mid-twenties at raves 20 or so years ago. The mechanism that created that environment was they didn't card anyone entering. You didn't used to have to be 18 to enter. They made a rule where you have to be 18 to enter and that resolved that issue.

It seems the easiest way to solve that is by keeping those age groups apart coupled with people thinking it's wrong for their to be gross power and maturity imbalances.

So, with what I proposed it would be acceptable for a 16 year old to hook up with a 20 year old and a 19 year old to hook up with a 23 year old but not a 16 year old to hook up with a 23 year old not an 18 year old with a 50 year old.

I'm proposing rules that reflect contemporary social standards that would in turn normalize those social standards.

Where some dude says, "whoa look how hot that 18 year old is" and another dude says, "yeah, but can you imagine dealing with how immature she is?" and the first dude says, "hell no!" I want that to be considered normal.

The idea is that when people have interactions where there is a huge age gap and one of those people is under a certain age getting laid is already taken off the table as a consideration rather than that being the end goal that seems to be considered normal. There's no nudge nudge wink wink by other people. It's where the younger persons desire to be sexually objectified is seen as an annoyance by the older person. I want that to be normal, like it's depicted in, "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood."
Sounds gay.
They didn’t have any pubic hair

While I abhor pedophilia and I think that pedos should be shot, this statement had me puzzled. I mean lack of pubic hair hasn't been age identifier for about 25+ yrs.

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