Greg Hardy: How does an elite NFL athlete not have cardio built up from years of training?


Freakin Covid
Nov 20, 2014
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Anyone have any insight on why he was about to fall over even during the interview with Bisping? I know he used an inhaler before in between rounds but damn, does he have an extra medical issue going on? Especially when he would be getting world class level mma training...
Because sherdoggers have always confused cardio with endurance, whereas there is overlap between the two, they're not the same thing.

NFL athletes at his position are designed for short quick bursts of energy and then they need a break before they're able to do it over again. That's cardio, but not great endurance. Take a long distance runner and have him perform in the same way that Hardy does for the NFL and he'll be gassed before Hardy.
NFL players play a total of 7 seconds at a time. Their cardio is to complete in a bunch of sprints, not built up to compete without the ability to take a break after every few seconds. NBA and soccer players would both have better cardios suitable for MMA. Not saying they would translate as well to actually fighting just talking about a purely cardio issue.
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TS has obviously never played football. "Why dont linemando well in triathalons?"
Cardio is largely sports specific, and like others have said Hardy was basically a sprinter.

It reminds me of when posters thought Mariusz Pudzianowski would have great cardio in MMA because of what he did in strongman competitions. They put completely different demands on your body.
He was a lineman. Also running and tackling people is a whole different thing than fighting in a cage. I would even make the case that most NBA players, running down the court constantly, or marathon runners would need atleast some time to prepare for just the cardio thing of a MMA fight. Its just a different sport and the way they build up their body and cardio might even be an hindrance.
And maybe him having asthma plays a role.

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