Elections US Election days PBP - Day(s) 4+

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It was reported that Jared spoke with Trump about conceding, but Don Jr. and Eric want to him keep pretending he won.
Don Jr and Eric stand to lose all their shit once Daddy gets boned as a non president. Fuck em.
I wonder if Republicans push too hard to find fraud...it might bite them in the ass. It's not necessarily projection, but it does sound like projection.

Another thing to keep an eye on is the extensive USPS sabotage. Maybe when that's fully investigated, we'll find out some interesting things too.
Republicans truly despise trump. That want his base to still vote for them but they cannot wait to be ride of him. We will see which ones really want to push these unamerican conspiracy theories and which ones tell trump to be a man.
The fraud push won’t end. These turds don’t even follow the lifespan of these allegations they raise. Most of the time they are already dead on arrival. I can’t WAIT until Monday. Hopefully they will put ghouliani in a covid home after this
Biden's cabinet will include a diverse group of war criminals.

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