Elections US Election days PBP - Day(s) 4+

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Well, he has a website up collecting money to pay for an "investigation" that's helping him pay other bills, so he's probably inclined to drag this on as long as possible.

There are reports that pretty much everyone close to him is trying to get him to stop embarrassing himself, but Trump has to Trump.

He claims to be a billionaire but needs to set up a website for donations.
Not a law talking guy but isn't there laws/sanctions about filing frivolous lawsuits against lawyers
@Lights Out 101

AZ is probably out of reach for Trump. Garret Archer, data quant, and Nate Cohn have the best updates on it on Twitter.

In general, Trump has underperformed the marks he needed for about two days.

A good bulk of what’s left, about 40k, is from blue county. There are about 40k additional that are mixed randomly.

I expect AZ to close about where it is at right now, Biden up 17k

He fucked up by Alienating the McCain's and those that were Loyal to him , that State loved that man.
He fucked up by Alienating the McCain's and those that were Loyal to him , that State loved that man.

That actually probably did play a part in his loss there. Amazing how he might have won had he not been such a jackass
It was reported that Jared spoke with Trump about conceding, but Don Jr. and Eric want to him keep pretending he won.
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