Who's the smartest MMA fighter

Rich Franklin believes in creationism so much, he was a celebrity guest at the opening of the Creation "Museum" in Kentucky in 2007. He had pics of the event on his website and everything.

This is the place that says dinosaurs and cavemen were alive at the same time, and claims the book of Genesis can be scientifically proven. LIke the planet was created in seven days and all that shit.

"Saturday I had the opportunity to attend the ribbon cutting ceremony for the Creation Museum in Northern Kentucky. The museum explains the history of the earth from a biblical point of view, including an in-depth scientific analysis of the flood recorded in Genesis. The exhibits are top notch, some containing animatronic dinosaurs designed by people with resumes including Universal Studios. I am sure the pictures will not do any of this justice, but I hope you enjoy."
There are different strands of Creationism (some believe that the Earth is 6000 years old, others don't). I have no idea which faction Rich adheers too. Creationism basically just means that you believe scientific evidence can prove that God created geology/evolution/etc.
Thanks for that. I’ll tone down my own rhetoric :)
Rich Franklin believes in creationism so much, he was a celebrity guest at the opening of the Creation "Museum" in Kentucky in 2007. He had pics of the event on his website and everything.

This is the place that says dinosaurs and cavemen were alive at the same time, and claims the book of Genesis can be scientifically proven. LIke the planet was created in seven days and all that shit.

"Saturday I had the opportunity to attend the ribbon cutting ceremony for the Creation Museum in Northern Kentucky. The museum explains the history of the earth from a biblical point of view, including an in-depth scientific analysis of the flood recorded in Genesis. The exhibits are top notch, some containing animatronic dinosaurs designed by people with resumes including Universal Studios. I am sure the pictures will not do any of this justice, but I hope you enjoy."

I believe in God, but this automatically disqualifies Rich as being the smartest MMA fighter.
The Creation Museum is blatant delusion. Like there is a replica of Noah's Ark and they say all the dinosaurs were killed in the Flood from Genesis a few thousand years ago.

All bets are off when religion is involved. Rich might be educated, but his beliefs are deeply irrational.
They don’t deny anymore. They just think dinosaurs are about 4K years old and walked the earth (which is 5k years old) with humans.

Their proof is a) a fossilized hunk of mud seemingly with a dinosaur footprint and a human footprint, and b) the Old Testament.

They take the Old Testament verbatim...except when they don’t.

There are different strands of Creationism (some believe that the Earth is 6000 years old, others don't). I have no idea which faction Rich adheers too. Creationism basically just means that you believe scientific evidence can prove that God created geology/evolution/etc.
Yeah, you two are right i think, at least with some, or even most of them.

A friend told me about a woman who threw a tantrum as well when she entered a museum and read on the descriptive texts there that (for example) the dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago...
Well spoken and quick witted are their own things. There's probably some correlation with intelligence but it's not much to go on.
The Creation Museum is blatant delusion. Like there is replica of Noah's Ark and they say all the dinosaurs were killed in the Flood from Genesis a few thousand years ago.

Doesn't God also command Moses to gather 2 of every animal? Which would mean that the dinosaurs couldn't possibly have died in the flood since they would have been on the Ark as well?<45>
Yeah, you two are right i think, at least with some, or even most of them.

A friend told me about a woman who threw a tantrum as well when she entered a museum and read on the descriptive texts there that (for example) the dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago...
Funny thing is, 200 years ago everyone agreed with her. Isaac Newton agreed with her. And although geologists knew earth was older, no one considered a different biological history than the Old Testament laid out, until the 1860s.
What about Jon Jones? Not academically but fight IQ + ability to avoid USADA hounding on him for years for him specifically?
Funny thing is, 200 years ago everyone agreed with her. Isaac Newton agreed with her. And although geologists knew earth was older, no one considered a different biological history than the Old Testament laid out, until the 1860s.
Crazy stuff, right?

But that's how the world works, or used to work.
Dr Rosie Sexton is a clear winner, Miranda Maverick from the current roster.

One thing is obvious, brainy guys are smarter than brainy women, you don't find them getting their heads punched in for sport.
What about Jon Jones? Not academically but fight IQ + ability to avoid USADA hounding on him for years for him specifically?

He was suspended for 27 months by USADA and his tweets are a gold mine of stupidity and pettiness.
On the current roster it's probably Alex Chambers.
All-time, Dr. Rosi Sexton, no question.
Those all contribute to IQ. Depends on what IQ you are gauging. People can be intelligent in one subject, others can be in multiple. Different kinds of intelligence when factoring IQ.
Different kinds of intelligence:
I would say GSP, Khabib, Jones, Khabib, Conor, Adesanya, Mighty Mouse, Dominic Cruz just to name a few. As others have mentioned already Franklin and Chuck, I would add Koscheck as well.

It all depends on what kind of intelligence you are using to make comparisons and to gauge their intelligence.
Nah man these things don't make up IQ - different tests factorise IQ differently but being sound-smart or body-smart aren't intelligence, they're talents.
IQ is mostly about information processing ability