Law Discrimination Against White People Mega Thread

It's curious that the income gaps correlate almost exactly to the average required test score on entry for each race.

hi there Scheme,

i'm not as curious as some of you are, lol. i mean, i've never really tried to put much effort into building a case for aggrieved white people when it comes to being on the receiving end of racism.

see, i look at a chart like this, and i understand there are issues of methodology that i could look more deeply into - but i'm a simple guy.

my conclusion is simply, "being black in America is a drag, even if you go to college".

i get that its more complicated than true.

Sometimes I wonder what drugs it would take to get me into the reality that some of you are living in. Giving those with a disadvantage a fair playing field is not white discrimination, its equality.

LOL. I always love these stupid Twitter talking points. Telling white people they are the root of all evil is "equality". LOL! If this is the only way Democrats think that minorities can find equality then you're fucked already.
It really is interesting. Especially if you compare blacks with a high school degree have a higher unemployment rate than whites without a high school degree. Those white kids that drop out of school must just be hard workers.

Edit: The unemployment rate for whites without a HS degree is the same rates as black veterans and blacks with some college. Those are incredibly telling stats.
Degrees don't mean the same thing. To be brutally honest, the valedictorians from the inner city schools (which had more funding) down the street from my high school would have been among the dumbest kids at my upper middle class public high school.

I went to a decent college. I have a shittier job than a 3.0 from Harvard would expect, even though I made better than a 3.0. That's not surprising. A 2.5 student from Harvard is smarter than me.
Degrees don't mean the same thing. To be brutally honest, the valedictorians from the inner city schools (which had more funding) down the street from my high school would have been among the dumbest kids at my upper middle class public high school.
Exactly. This is a very overlooked point. They hand these degrees out like candy in certain areas. Frankly it’s gross and disgusting.
Exactly. This is a very overlooked point. They hand these degrees out like candy in certain areas. Frankly it’s gross and disgusting.
There are large accredited universities now that have lower standards than my public high school did. For example, I've heard of large universities dropping the algebra requirement to graduate. It was looked down on if you didn't learn algebra in middle school for me..
There are large accredited universities now that have lower standards than my public high school did. For example, I've heard of large universities dropping the algebra requirement. It was looked down on if you didn't learn algebra in middle school for me..
All part of the plan. Dilute our society with people who can’t meet the standards of old.
The way many western majority white countries tries to battle racial discrimination has a way of backfiring and making people more inclined to dislike immigrants/foreigners etc. When you heap special rules, laws and benefits for one group that another group cant get it creates a bad mood all around.

Alot of people in this forum and in this thread seem to think that all white people are descendants of slave owners and have vast fortunes built on the backs of blacks or natives, while the truth is almost none of the whites do. What money white people have comes from hard work in many generations alot of the time and if other people want to get there you have to work hard for many generations wich todays kids/young adults dont want to do as they want instant gratification.

If you give unfair advantages to minorities and/or discriminate against whites you will make more people racist/discriminatory as its the whites with the least amount of resources that gets shit on and usually the less resources you have the less education you have and uneducated people tend to be more racist than well educated people. Benefits should be the same no matter the race you are and be based on the social and economic situation you are in when you apply for it. While some things like giving new immigrants/refugees more help if they had to flee and have nothing is a good thing, simply giving people more if they are immigrants/minorities vs what you could get if you were white is stupid and works against inclusion.

In short, people should be grouped by social circumstances and wealth, not race when you consider who should get benefits. Grouping people by race creates racists as it makes it clear there is a difference amongst the races.
hi there Scheme,

i'm not as curious as some of you are, lol. i mean, i've never really tried to put much effort into building a case for aggrieved white people when it comes to being on the receiving end of racism.

see, i look at a chart like this, and i understand there are issues of methodology that i could look more deeply into - but i'm a simple guy.

my conclusion is simply, "being black in America is a drag, even if you go to college".

i get that its more complicated than true.

But if it was because of white people being racist, why would Asians be destroying white people? If white people were so racist, surely they wouldn't allow another race to make significantly more money, right?
The way many western majority white countries tries to battle racial discrimination has a way of backfiring and making people more inclined to dislike immigrants/foreigners etc. When you heap special rules, laws and benefits for one group that another group cant get it creates a bad mood all around.

Alot of people in this forum and in this thread seem to think that all white people are descendants of slave owners and have vast fortunes built on the backs of blacks or natives, while the truth is almost none of the whites do. What money white people have comes from hard work in many generations alot of the time and if other people want to get there you have to work hard for many generations wich todays kids/young adults dont want to do as they want instant gratification.

If you give unfair advantages to minorities and/or discriminate against whites you will make more people racist/discriminatory as its the whites with the least amount of resources that gets shit on and usually the less resources you have the less education you have and uneducated people tend to be more racist than well educated people. Benefits should be the same no matter the race you are and be based on the social and economic situation you are in when you apply for it. While some things like giving new immigrants/refugees more help if they had to flee and have nothing is a good thing, simply giving people more if they are immigrants/minorities vs what you could get if you were white is stupid and works against inclusion.

In short, people should be grouped by social circumstances and wealth, not race when you consider who should get benefits. Grouping people by race creates racists as it makes it clear there is a difference amongst the races.
I think even social circumstances is an extreme measure to take. If I want to hire someone, why can't I simply base it off how well they perform the job? Isn't that what America is all about? Why do I care where that person might have come from? If I want my toilet fixed I just want the best guy to do it, I don't care about the person's history.
Post this like are weird considering incels are usually in their early 20's and most kids that age vote Democrat. Think you're misusing the term bro.
Obviously something hit a little too close to home
I think even social circumstances is an extreme measure to take. If I want to hire someone, why can't I simply base it off how well they perform the job? Isn't that what America is all about? Why do I care where that person might have come from? If I want my toilet fixed I just want the best guy to do it, I don't care about the person's history.
I didnt mean in hiring practices, i meant for benefits and school acceptance. My bad for not clarifying it enough.

I do agree that you hire the best person for the job, hiring less qualified people just because of race will only hurt businesses in the long run so its counter productive to society imo
hi again Scheme 'ol buddy,

But if it was because of white people being racist, why would Asians be destroying white people? If white people were so racist, surely they wouldn't allow another race to make significantly more money, right?

i think white people are predisposed to be racist on behalf of asian americans. they project attributes onto asian americans that they withhold from garden variety white people.

its not fair.

kind of like the way Tony Soprano trusted a "jew", Hesh Rabkin, more than his own people.

hi Mcountry,


i'm agreeing with the TS (i think?). we need to have less of the racisms here in America - both the good and the bad kind, so things are more fair.

its early in the Biden administration, and most of the relevant news has to do with McConnell, Schumer, Pelosi and Biden hashing out their relief package. not much else is going on that interests me, you know?

so i'm enjoying this excellent thread.


Conservatives on these boards have been bitching about this for the past 4 years. You know? Stopping the narrative and hysteria of racial injustice or systemic racism? The blatant shitting on white people?

I can't recall but I wouldn't be surprised if you and I have argued conversations related to this exact subject with you defending the idea of the bastardized version of affirmative action we have now. Or to downplay stories like blacks wanting to segregate spaces in colleges based on race. Redefining the definition of racism to exclude black people. Or hiring people based on their race and not their skillset?

Or how about how every police encounter between a white cop and a black suspect that happens to get violent is CLEARLY due to the motivations of the white cop being racist?

I mean over the course of 4 years I'm fairly certain of the many arguments I've had with left leaning "libtards" over just how dangerous these ideologies are and the hysteria they would lead too...that you and I have had it more than a few times. And now that Biden's in office we need to calm down? come together? MAYBE this shit was a bad idea?

Well fuck that.

I want it to keep going now. Burn it all down in this new libtard america. Libtards started all of this nonsense and now they can get to watch as it rips the country in half racially.

And all under Biden's watch.
hi again Scheme 'ol buddy,

i think white people are predisposed to be racist on behalf of asian americans. they project attributes onto asian americans that they withhold from garden variety white people.

its not fair.

kind of like the way Tony Soprano trusted a "jew", Hesh Rabkin, more than his own people.

This is just doing mental gymnastics at this point. It's clear there's a strong correlation between admission scores, academic performance and job wages. Why don't you believe that but instead believe that white people are racist but they actually aren't towards Asians because they think they are demigods or something? Cmon man!
It is well known that that discrimination based on race is illegal in the United States in both the private and public sector. When discrimination is done to blacks or Hispanics, the law is applied swiftly and the parties responsible for discriminating are heavily fined, forced to right their wrong, or shut down.

Sometimes proof of discrimination against Blacks or Hispanics is simply unequal outcome, in and of itself. For example, the Baltimore police department factored in scores on an written test into their hiring criteria. Because, black people got lower scores then whites on average, less black people were hired per capita then whites. The department of justice prosecuted Baltimore, and it was found that because black people did less well on this written test, the test was discriminatory and had to be removed. The city removed this written test and payed two million dollars in settlements to the black applicants who failed to pass the test. Then they hired the black applicants who failed to pass the test.

However, there is also much discrimination against white people in the country. Many times this discrimination is not merely unequal outcomes based on an objective measure, but full on discrimination against whites. Most of the time this discrimination goes unpunished. This is a mega thread to compile instances of this. Feel free to post you own.

Uber Eats lets you order from black owned business for free. White owned businesses must still pay uber eats a fee to use their service. Uber Eats claimed they have received over 8,500 demands for arbitration relating to racial discrimination for doing this. All of these suits will be thrown out by the courts.

Oregan sets up a covid relief fund to help business during the corona virus. Part of this fund is set to go to black owned businesses and black owned businesses only. There is no other part of the fund that is set to go to white owned businesses only. There is the normal relief money, which can be obtained by any race, then there is the extra relief money, which can only be obtained by black people. People of other races applied for this money anyways, however, true to their word, no non black people received any of the black only money despite their applications. Oregan had dished out much of its sixty two million dollar black only fund before they decided to halt the fund due to lawsuits. All these suits will be thrown out by the courts and the remainder of the money will be spent on black only businesses.

All major colleges in the united states, public and private, have affirmative action policies. There are two facts about affirmative action policies that are important to note. Most schools that use affirmative action to boost their diversity use a method of accepting blacks and Hispanics, whom, if they were white and had the same upbringing, legacy, GPA, SAT or ACT score, extracurricular, or any other non race related merit or qualification, would not be accepted. You may have heard that affirmative action is only concerned with reaching out to people of underrepresented backgrounds, and looking in unconventional places, for people who have the same qualifications and merit as whites but would be looked over ordinarily. This is untrue. In the application of most large or prestigious universities black and Hispanic students, whom, if they were white and had the same upbringing, legacy, GPA, SAT or ACT score, extracurricular, or any other non race related merit or qualification, would not be accepted, are accepted. Trump's justice department had sued Harvard and Yale for partaking in this racial discrimination which is illegal under federal law. The suit against Harvard was dropped and the suit against against Yale has since been retracted by Biden's justice department. Biden's justice department has started investigating Space X for discrimination against non US citizens however.

those SAT scores cannot be right. I did them in junior year hung over and not giving a fuck and got a 1090.
Your sarcasm is on point the last few days. Hespect.
hiya Scheme,

i understand that white people who are unprivileged spend their days yearning to be black and unprivileged.

i get it.

it seems like the black who are unprivileged get all the breaks, and i 'spose its natural that poverty stricken whites would be envious.


its times like this that its helpful to remember what the good Lord said about covetousness.

i find the 10th commandment sees me through these times of struggle.
