Law Discrimination Against White People Mega Thread

Why don't you believe that but instead believe that white people are racist but they actually aren't towards Asians because they think they are demigods or something? Cmon man!

hi Scheme my compadre,

because i've lived it.

seeing is believing, Scheme.

*high fives*

Your sarcasm is on point the last few days. Hespect.

heya surrealworlds,

i'm trying to be earnest in addressing an issue that seems to weigh heavily on the minds of a half dozen posters or so in the War Room.

i want to better understand the burden they've been cursed with.

they didn't choose to be born white, is how i see it, you know?

i wanna hear them out.

Obviously something hit a little too close to home
It’s more of a statement about you IMHO, if you all you have to add to a thread is baseless ad hominems, and seemingly lack the ability to discuss the topic like an adult.
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LOL. I always love these stupid Twitter talking points. Telling white people they are the root of all evil is "equality". LOL! If this is the only way Democrats think that minorities can find equality then you're fucked already.

Yeah, because that's exactly what I said there....shit like what you just posted is the right's version of critical race theory. Both are a colossal joke, and exactly why our world is so fucked up today.
I want it to keep going now. Burn it all down in this new libtard america. Libtards started all of this nonsense and now they can get to watch as it rips the country in half racially.

hi Mcountry,

*hands Mcountry a napkin to wipe his monitor from the flecks of spittle*

you gathered a great deal of momentum there, and i can see you are upset at the racism you've had to battle against (not just you, but probably people you love).

i feel for you, Mcountry. i'm not white, so i haven't walked a mile in your shoes, but i can tell this struggle has left a lasting mark on you.


generally speaking, though, i still think i'd much rather be white than black in America (all things being equal).

great talking to you!

IGIT is the best liberal or troll here. They don’t personally attack people and also puts their name at the bottom of their posts that is dedication that deserves respect.
IGIT is the best liberal or troll here. They don’t personally attack people and also puts their name at the bottom of their posts that is dedication that deserves respect.
Its either that or autism :D

Dont worry igit i love you 2
IGIT is the best liberal or troll here. They don’t personally attack people and also puts their name at the bottom of their posts that is dedication that deserves respect.

He's annoying, horribly passive aggressive and his attempt at humor is terrible. Him and Jack V can compete as to who is the most unfunny and humorless.
This is a thread where all the racists can come together and talk
About how everyone else were the real
Racists all these years.

This is so perfect. It typifies how leftists think. If you point out that whites are often discriminated against, you are a racist. It doesn't even matter if it's true. You are simply racist for pointing out that it clearly happens. But if you stick to pointing out that it happens to non-whites, you are clearly not racist.

It's the exact same thing with white cops killing/shooting black men. It's always racism, no matter what happened. It's literally impossible for a white cop to shoot a black man for any other reason than blatant racism.
hello there updowniri,

something to consider;



I have said it before, but I love your style. Politely smashing people
He's annoying, horribly passive aggressive and his attempt at humor is terrible. Him and Jack V can compete as to who is the most unfunny and humorless.

Nah, I laugh at his posts often. Maybe not the substance so much as the formal address, which is his schtick and it works.
Obviously. The OP was about discrimination based on race, yet the first reply was dismissing legitimate grievances as whining. Seems pretty racist to me.

And before you go full potato like usual, exclusion based on nothing but race is a legitimate grievance.

No it is NOT. That's where you are wrong. Because whites have historically been the beneficiaries of racist laws and attitudes, they have absolutely no right whatsoever, to complain about reverse racism. They have been keeping brown people down for centuries with white privilege that most don't even acknowledge they have! It's time for them (whites) to get a taste of their own medicine.
hi Mcountry,

*hands Mcountry a napkin to wipe his monitor from the flecks of spittle*

you gathered a great deal of momentum there, and i can see you are upset at the racism you've had to battle against (not just you, but probably people you love).

i feel for you, Mcountry. i'm not white, so i haven't walked a mile in your shoes, but i can tell this struggle has left a lasting mark on you.


generally speaking, though, i still think i'd much rather be white than black in America (all things being equal).

great talking to you!


Well there you have it! Systemic racism is proven due to IGIT preferring to be white then black in America. Personal preference is apparently proof of facts now.


Btw, how very racist of you. I honestly wouldn't care what race I was. I'd still succeed.
No it is NOT. That's where you are wrong. Because whites have historically been the beneficiaries of racist laws and attitudes, they have absolutely no right whatsoever, to complain about reverse racism. They have been keeping brown people down for centuries with white privilege that most don't even acknowledge they have! It's time for them (whites) to get a taste of their own medicine.
Damn sherbro tell me how you really feel. Your post is so stupid in so many ways im not sure if you are trolling, serious or using reverse position arguments to make radical lefties look bad.

Can you please enlighten me?
Btw, how very racist of you. I honestly wouldn't care what race I was. I'd still succeed.

hi Mcountry,

i admire your "can do" spirit.

for me, i'd just want the best statistical chance for a positive outcome.

i'd take my chances with enduring white racism and be white, if the choice was white or black.

math is math, and this is America.


hi Mcountry,

i admire your "can do" spirit.

for me, i'd just want the best statistical chance for a positive outcome.

i'd take my chances with enduring white racism and be white, if the choice was white or black.

math is math, and this is America.



Why just white or black? Why narrow it down to those two? What about Nigerian or Filipino? Or how about Mexican or Spanish?

But for the best statistical chance for a positive outcome? You'd likely want to be Asian then. Or perhaps Jewish.

math is math and all things will never be equal as everyone is going to have inherent advantages and disadvantages and that will include all physical traits based on the individual much more so then the group.

It's like you think you are clever with a slam dunk here, but then your entire premise is asinine.
hi updowniri,

aye, i hear ya.

What an embarrassing response.

I post a thread detailing how the government ignores public and private discrimination against whites, but comes down hard on private and public discrimination against other races. I provide examples of major companies openly discriminating against whites and getting away with it. I provide examples of iffy at best discrimination against blacks being shut down by the government.

You counter this by putting up statistics of black people performing less well then white people in a variety of areas.

This is irrelevant. On paper there is no law that mandates that every race must have equal representation per capita in every activity or occupation. There is however a law that bans discrimination against a race in the hiring process. Citing black people not having equal representation per capita in various activities or occupations. Is not a valid justification for allowing discrimination against white people.

You counter this by insinuating that, in fact, all of the lower levels of performance among black people must be due discrimination.
Therefore, black people not having equal representation per capita in various activities or occupations is equal to discrimination against black people.
Therefore, black people not having equal representation per capita in various activities or occupations is the equivalent to the modern day discrimination against white people.
Therefore, white people stop complaining, black people have the same problem to.

Me and other people in this thread easily retort this argument by providing various possible and probable explanations for blacks lower performance other then discrimination. Even when controlling for something like a college degree. We then point out that white people not getting money from a black people only government business relief fund can only be explained by racism.

Finally we hit you with the hammer. We site various other instances of whites under performing in certain areas. Mockingly, we ask if this is also the result of discrimination.

Your response? You completely break. In order to save your pathetic argument you concede that, yes, in fact, something like white people being underrepresented in the NBA, must be the result of discrimination against whites.

Of course actually believing that would cause you to betray your liberal stance, and also out you as delusional. So you make sure to add various comic book like descriptions of your thinking process and an obvious and overwhelming sarcastic tone. To let everyone know that you really don't think that something like white people being underrepresented in the NBA, must be the result of discrimination against whites.

Now you can have it both ways. In order to conjure up phantom cases of unpunished discrimination against blacks, you feign sympathy for all instances of races being underrepresented in an activity or occupation. As they must be being discriminated against according to you. But also let everyone know, through your tone, that while you do believe that poor black performance is caused by discrimination against blacks, poor white performance being caused by discrimination against whites is laughable. When called out on your ridiculous "debate strategy" you feign sincerity.

At any rate I cut right through that and just told you I don't care about performance or discrimination. I let you know that my main gripe is that the government bans discrimination against blacks while allowing it against whites. This bothers me more then unequal performance among blacks and whites. And this also bothers me more then discrimination against blacks and whites. The fact that you are allowed to discriminate against whites but not allowed to discriminate against blacks is, quite literally, the discrimination of discrimination, and it is my main problem.

What do you do? You crop out the "I don't care" sentence from my very logical retort. And make a mocking accusation that I must be a bad person for not caring about black peoples problems. The end all be all of liberal debating. "You don't care about black people." "Your a racist."

But honestly now that I get to the end of typing all of this, I think I should take back what I said at the beginning. That was not really an embarrassing response. You did in fact debate me and the other right wingers here. You responded to points in our posts and replied with your own. Your arguments got progressively worse the more we exposed them, but that is too be expected. Honestly, now that I look at it, you went in the the debate bravely, tried your best, and lost. No shame in that.

You debated much more honorably then the dozens of other left wingers in this thread spamming one sentence mockeries of anti white discrimination to every right wing post. But, seeing as what happened to you when you tried to engage, who can really blame them for playing that strategy?