Economy Why do people want to live in America if they hate America?

Because we can? Because the country was setup to disagree and have discussions and protests to make changes? So if you "hate" it you can vocalize it to try and make it better in how you feel it should be.

Usually those who say that people hate America are often those who are simple with their broad brush and can't understand why people don't think the way they do about the country. Kind of like the love it or leave it crowd. Don't support current American policy? YOU HATE AMERICA GET OUT.

I suppose you can turn it around and ask why Americans hate Americans?
Seriously. You sound like one of those dorks who went around calling everyone traitors because they didn't agree with the Iraq War. Funny how now almost every Conservative on this forum now talks about what a shit show that was, when we all know at the time they were screaming for blood and calling for the firing squad to eliminate anyone who didn't.

Nancy P knew best.

October 3, 2002

"As the ranking Democrat on the House Select Committee on Intelligence, I have seen no evidence or intelligence that suggests that Iraq indeed poses an imminent threat to our nation. If the Administration has that information, they have not shared it with the Congress. If we invade Iraq, we will show our military power. If we can eliminate the threat posed by weapons of mass destruction without invading, we will show our strength."

October 10, 2002

"In addition to the cost in human lives, the cost to our economy and the cost to the war on terrorism, an attack on Iraq has a cost to our budget. This cost can be unlimited. There is no political solution on the ground in Iraq, let us not be fooled by that. So when we go in, the occupation - which is now being called "liberation" - could be interminable.

We respect the judgment of our military leaders. It is a civilian decision to go to war, but our military leaders present us with options on the use of force. These options are supposed to be a last resort. These costs to the war on terrorism, the cost of life, the cost to our economy, the cost in dollars to our budget, these costs must be answered for.

If we go in, we can certainly show our power to Saddam Hussein. If we resolve this issue diplomatically, we can show our strength as a great country. Let us show our greatness. Vote NO on this resolution."

@essie @Rebelfett
Those observations are true regardless of the OP.
Could be true on the right or the left, but excuse me for the confusion when I'm seeing "make america great again" hats on all the people your referring too.

They should've kept women as second class citizens and all those brown people where they belong.

It's a much better strategy to assume we are all perfect, bury our heads in the sand, and continue the status quo.

Seriously. You sound like one of those dorks who went around calling everyone traitors because they didn't agree with the Iraq War. Funny how now almost every Conservative on this forum now talks about what a shit show that was, when we all know at the time they were screaming for blood and calling for the firing squad to eliminate anyone who didn't.

Are we talking about the insurrectionists? I don't know if they hate America, so much as they hate our laws and our version of the democratic process. They want to live here, they just want it to be a fascist ethnostate or a nationalist oligarchy, or any of a dozen other things because their ideology ins't as uniform as we tend to make it out to be.

Some are just confused and its hard to tell what they think. I live in a blue state and i've seen a truck driving around with both an American Flag decal and a traitor flag decal. IDK what that person believes in.
The people on here that complain 24/7, and act like victims, are just miserable people. They'd be unhappy no matter where they lived.
People do need to travel more.
But, not for that bullshit.
We don't lower our standards because the 3rd world exists. We don't live there. That's not our reality.
Hard to tell when all these bullshit polls suggest we are near 3rd world standards on certain “issues”. On a serious note, I don’t think he was referring to us being comparable with 3rd world standards. It was more a jab at the people who don’t realize how lucky they really are. This country provides some of the greatest opportunities out of every country on this planet. Sure, we have issues with education and healthcare that smaller nations have figured out. However, that came at great selflessness and sacrifice as well. It’s always interesting when people compare us to countries that require military service, or countries that have healthcare and almost free education but are taxed at 70%+.
They probably don't hate everything about America, that would be stupid. Maybe it's like a saying we have about France, nice country, just let down by the French.
I'm talking perspective...

People have resorted to finding racism in places where there isn't any. And to understand why immigrants find the US the greatest country in the world to live and why they try to come here.

Our "Poor" live better than a huge part of the planet.

We don’t need to lower our standards, you’re right.

But a lot of people really have no idea just how good we have it here in the US.

Not to say that it’s perfect by any means. But we’ve got it pretty damn good overall.

I don't disagree with all of that. But people have also resorted to ignoring and downplaying problems that do exist because "Murica is #1, and it could be worse elsewhere". These problems will stand out more because of the image/expectations we have of America.
We have higher standards, so people are going to naturally expect more, especially on things like basic civil rights and issues that have to do with fairness and poverty.
There's a middle ground there.
Why would someone want to live in a place they hate?

Come on Bro.

You can love your country while still hating parts of it. You take advantage of the parts you love and work within the system to change the parts you hate. Isn't that what both liberals and conservative do?

I honestly believe this is a real difference between most Conservatives and Liberals. Many liberals might think Trump nut huggers are deluded and bat shit crazy. We might even assert that some conservative policy suggestions and laws (like voter restrictions for example) are Anti-American. But you would not see many making the assertion that you actually hate America. We don't think you hate America when you want to chip away at social programs.

Why is it then that liberals hate America when pushing for Universal Healthcare or some other social program?
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Hard to tell when all these bullshit polls suggest we are near 3rd world standards on certain “issues”. On a serious note, I don’t think he was referring to us being comparable with 3rd world standards. It was more a jab at the people who don’t realize how lucky they really are. This country provides some of the greatest opportunities out of every country on this planet. Sure, we have issues with education and healthcare that smaller nations have figured out. However, that came at great selflessness and sacrifice as well. It’s always interesting when people compare us to countries that require military service, or countries that have healthcare and almost free education but are taxed at 70%+.

I think part of that is that the US is so big that it is hard to honestly say "The US is _______". Standards of living can change dramatically depending on where you're living. Things can be really good for a lot of people, and it can be really bad for a lot other people.

It's all relative, and as someone that has spent time working in "the 3rd world", I don't see the utility in making comparisons. We're living in different realities practically, and judging our standards of happiness and success to other if them having a 52' flat screen TV or the newest iPhone is what they should all be striving for, as if it's really made us better is a narrow way of looking at things, imo.
There's a lot of great countries in the world that provide a lot of great opportunities. People can find happiness and a sense of freedom in a variety of ways.

And vice versa, a lot of things that Americans think are so bad in foreign countries really aren't. The 70% tax rate in Sweden is a marginal tax rate. And the Swedes have a higher standard of living than the US does. They don't have a perfect system, but they are far from being some backwards shithole.
If you wake up tomorrow and decide you hate your couch, you gonna move?
They will tell you its because they want to make america better or you of course can't choose where your born.

Yeah, those Make America Great Again douchebags really irk me, too. If you don't believe and can't proudly state the country is already great just GTFO.
People who criticize America because they want it to be better country for all people do not hate America

A parent being hard on their kid for constantly turning in bad grades we would call a good parent because they want their child to do well and not struggle later in life. So calling out a country for the way the horrible way it has treated their citizens is very much 'American.'

That's why I'm a fan of Chris Rock because he's a guy who says he loves America but won't hesitate to call the country out for it's mistreatment of black people for centuries.

I do understand what TS is saying though. You get those types like my brother in law who says "America hates black people" so you have to ask, "why would you continue to live in a country that hates you?" Sort of like a person saying they hate their job but won't go out and find other employment
Yeah, those Make America Great Again douchebags really irk me, too. If you don't believe and can't proudly state the country is already great just GTFO.
Idk if your being facetious or not but i agree that ether political extreme could benefit from being more accepting of what we have and how far we've come

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