Economy Why do people want to live in America if they hate America?

Who hates America and lives here? It's possible to love something and dislike certain aspects of it. I love my wife, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't change anything about her.

Rather than go elsewhere, they want the entire country and society to change to accomodate their own personal worldview. Spoiled brat syndrome, which is basically an entire generation.

Pretty much this. Freedom often breeds ignorance of how the real world works and how fortunate Americans are to have the freedoms they have. When these freedoms become baseline, the more entitled and intellectually weak section of the population will demand more privileges and less accountability. They'll demonize anybody who disagrees with them or has different beliefs, as they believe they are above rational political discussion and agreeing to disagree.

Well Republicans are turning against Representative Democracy in general so of course they are stating to hate America

Case in point.
Who hates America and lives here? It's possible to love something and dislike certain aspects of it. I love my wife, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't change anything about her.
So go tell her all the things you want to change about her
You can hate the direction a group of people want to take the country but not hate the country. You can see the harm being done and fight to stop this because you love your country.
You can hate the direction a group of people want to take the country but not hate the country. You can see the harm being done and fight to stop this because you love your country.

You were just arguing in another thread for Republicans to deliberately try to hurt the country as some kind of revenge. That indicates pretty extreme hatred for America.
why support the government? does the us government actually look out for its own population?

Don't be naive, of course it does! Military, police, fire department, social support structures, roads/infrastructure.. Is everything perfect? no but to hate the government is just fucking stupid. To think that the government is out to get you is paranoid delusion and mass victim mentality.
You were just arguing in another thread for Republicans to deliberately try to hurt the country as some kind of revenge. That indicates pretty extreme hatred for America.

No it's a way to give the education that the left needs. Sometimes you have to burn off the field so a new stronger crop can be grown. You fight fire with fire in some cases. In hopes that it can be saved.
No it's a way to give the education that the left needs. Sometimes you have to burn off the field so a new stronger crop can be grown. You fight fire with fire in some cases. In hopes that it can be saved.

That's the same comment. You want to hurt the country because you don't like how it voted. If you hate America that much, why live here?
I'm talking perspective...

People have resorted to finding racism in places where there isn't any. And to understand why immigrants find the US the greatest country in the world to live and why they try to come here.

Our "Poor" live better than a huge part of the planet.

Sure, but America's poor don't live better than the poor in America's mother nation, the UK, or its sisters nations: Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland - and the poor in those countries aren't exactly living the high-life.
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That's why I'm a fan of Chris Rock because he's a guy who says he loves America but won't hesitate to call the country out for it's mistreatment of black people for centuries.

I’m a big fan too. I think he’s a genius and I prefer him to Chappelle (who I also enjoy).

He says a lot of things that a non-black person would get fired, mobbed, doxed, have their house burned down, and maybe even killed for.
His exact words coming out of the mouth of a white person would elicit gasps accusing the person of racism, disgusting behavior, and other extreme offenses.

Where does that put a non-black person listening to him and laughing uncontrollably at his words?
We’re not EVER allowed to talk like that, but it’s ok we laugh at it?

Weird society.
I love America just don’t like trumptards! This country is amazing and wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.
Sure, but America's poor don't live better than the poor in America's mother nation, the UK, or its sisters nations like Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland - and the poor in those countries aren't exactly living the high-life.
Those all have higher povety rates than the US and Canada, which have close to the same.
Nancy P knew best.

October 3, 2002

"As the ranking Democrat on the House Select Committee on Intelligence, I have seen no evidence or intelligence that suggests that Iraq indeed poses an imminent threat to our nation. If the Administration has that information, they have not shared it with the Congress. If we invade Iraq, we will show our military power. If we can eliminate the threat posed by weapons of mass destruction without invading, we will show our strength."

October 10, 2002

"In addition to the cost in human lives, the cost to our economy and the cost to the war on terrorism, an attack on Iraq has a cost to our budget. This cost can be unlimited. There is no political solution on the ground in Iraq, let us not be fooled by that. So when we go in, the occupation - which is now being called "liberation" - could be interminable.

We respect the judgment of our military leaders. It is a civilian decision to go to war, but our military leaders present us with options on the use of force. These options are supposed to be a last resort. These costs to the war on terrorism, the cost of life, the cost to our economy, the cost in dollars to our budget, these costs must be answered for.

If we go in, we can certainly show our power to Saddam Hussein. If we resolve this issue diplomatically, we can show our strength as a great country. Let us show our greatness. Vote NO on this resolution."

@essie @Rebelfett
I love America just don’t like trumptards! This country is amazing and wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.
Cool, what do you like about it? The only thing you mentioned was hating half the people.
That's the same comment. You want to hurt the country because you don't like how it voted. If you hate America that much, why live here?

Weird question to ask considering how little regard there is for democracy these days.

A lot of people don't care even a little bit about what the majority wants and only care about their own vision. They don't care about democracy except for the times it swings their way.

It was my understanding that the foundational principle of conservatism was resistance to change, but somewhere along the line "by any means necessary" seems to have been added to the mission statement.
Don't be naive, of course it does! Military, police, fire department, social support structures, roads/infrastructure.. Is everything perfect? no but to hate the government is just fucking stupid. To think that the government is out to get you is paranoid delusion and mass victim mentality.