Economy Why do people want to live in America if they hate America?

Well, it's not "the left." Any decent person would want what's best for the country. Again, if you hate us so much, why stay? Hungary or Russia or something would probably be happy to have an America-hating authoritarian.

I've done more for my country then you will ever do. You know you are talking bull shit just because someone doesn't agree with your shit. If this is your best argument then it's sad. I have never threatened to leave like the many of the dumb ads liberals. I'll stay no matter what even if just be be a thorn in the side of the liberal that do hate this country.
The stupid stuff the left wants. Like dufund the police. all white people are racist, dumb ass gun control and a long list of shit. Not to mention the shit they pulled when Trump was president.

Fight fire with fire. Let the cities go to shit and anywhere that supports some of thus dumb shit.

How is just letting the cities make their own choices and reap the benefits and consequences fighting fire with fire? Sounds a lot more like sitting on your ass and seeing what comes out in the wash to me. What are you actually doing? I am asking with genuine curiosity, not judgment.

I do things. Not a lot of things. But I do some things.
This country provides some of the greatest opportunities out of every country on this planet.

The US only ranks 27th in social mobility.
Rich people move to the US to pay less tax. That's because America's non-rich are a pushover and will consistently vote for pro-rich policies.
In countries like France, UK, Canada, Italy and Japan, the rich are made to pay their share.
Look at the backlash over Biden's tax plan and the $400,000 threshold. DC has a higher median household income than any state, but $400,000 is still 4.3 times higher than the median household income in DC... and Trump voters were going ape shit! How many of them are even remotely close to that threshold?
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How is just letting the cities make their own choices and reaping the benefits and consequences fighting fire with fire? Sounds a lot more like sitting on your ass and seeing what comes out in the wash to me. What are you actually doing?

I'm voting especially on the local level and supporting things I believe will support and protect the things that matter to me.

Let the cities get what they voted for. Like high crime and all the other shit that goes with what they support. I've moved to an even more rural area to stay away from that shit and be where the things I believe in have support.
I've done more for my country then you will ever do. You know you are talking bull shit just because someone doesn't agree with your shit. If this is your best argument then it's sad. I have never threatened to leave like the many of the dumb ads liberals. I'll stay no matter what even if just be be a thorn in the side of the liberal that do hate this country.

No, you're openly calling for harm to be done to America because you're mad that Americans voted differently from you. I think that's pretty despicable.
Maybe they want to improve the place where they grew up and live instead of leaving, just a thought.
The vast majority of the haters have zero ideas on how to make it better. They just burn a flag and call it a day.
No, you're openly calling for harm to be done to America because you're mad that Americans voted differently from you. I think that's pretty despicable.

Almost half of the country feels the way I do. So you can stop your crying because half the country doesn't agree with your idea how things should be run.
I'm voting especially on the local level and supporting things I believe will support and protect the things that matter to me.

Let the cities get what they voted for. Like high crime and all the other shit that goes with what they support. I've moved to an even more rural area to stay away from that shit and be where the things I believe in have support.

Hmmm.....Some good choices there. Took me a little while to get into local politics. More impactful to almost everyone than national politics, unless you are super rich. Some crazy shit. Some really bizarre people in local politics. People get elected to 6 figure jobs running the mosquito board running on an anti-abortion platform. Don't know what the fuck that has to do with mosquitos, but whatever.

Recently put in a well. Water is kinda brackish and sulphurous in this area, but at least I have an independent water source.

They should've kept women as second class citizens and all those brown people where they belong.

It's a much better strategy to assume we are all perfect, bury our heads in the sand, and continue the status quo.

Seriously. You sound like one of those dorks who went around calling everyone traitors because they didn't agree with the Iraq War. Funny how now almost every Conservative on this forum now talks about what a shit show that was, when we all know at the time they were screaming for blood and calling for the firing squad to eliminate anyone who didn't.
how did you get from point a to point b here?
Also most voters, people who live in cities, people with the wrong ethnicity, wrong religion, are attracted to the wrong people, young people, our entertainment industry (movies, music, TV, internet), our media, and our university. Other than that, Republicans love America.
aaaohh... spreak for yourself.
Why would someone want to live in a place they hate?

Hate? That's pretty strong. There's issue with America like other countries. Just because you as America call out certain things doesn't make you less American.

You have the same rights of a blind nut hugger muricans do to make the country better .
So let's look at the world rankings for happiness:
9. New Zealand
11. Australia
14. Canada
15. Ireland
17. UK
19. USA

Or what about life expectancy at birth:
7. Australia
15. Canada
16. New Zealand
18. Ireland
25. UK
40. USA

Or perhaps social mobility:
14. Canada
16. Australia
18. Ireland
21. UK
22. New Zealand
27. USA

Life Expectancy? That's main a product of how many gluttons there are in America with terrible diets.
The other two are opinionated subjective nonsense. Those categories will never truthfully be answered.
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Almost half of the country feels the way I do. So you can stop your crying because half the country doesn't agree with your idea how things should be run.

No, bud, half the country is not as hateful as you. Most people don't even think about politics that often, much less wish harm on us just because they don't like an election outcome.
The US only ranks 27th in social mobility.
Rich people move to the US to pay less tax. That's because the America's non-rich are a pushover and will consistently vote for pro-rich policies.
In countries like France, UK, Canada, Italy and Japan, the rich are made to pay their share.
Look at the backlash over Biden's tax plan and the $400,000 threshold. DC has a higher median household income than any state, but $400,000 is still 4.3 times higher than the median household income in DC... and Trump voters were going ape shit! How many of them are even remotely close to that threshold?
My guess is 10% maybe generates $400k household income. Corporations don’t pay shit for taxes, that’s who we should really be focusing on. Corporations want to have the same protections as a citizen. Alright, time to be taxed like one. I hate the idea of a household who worked their asses off and probably have a ton of student loan debt being taxed more because they bring home $400k combined.
Life Expectancy? That's main a product of how many gluttons there are in America with terrible diets.
The other two are opinionated subjective nonsense. Those categories will never truthfully be answered.

American obesity is largely of product of poor food standards. Much of the food sold in the US would either be illegal or relabled in Europe.
Not to mention healthcare that a huge chunk of the population can't actually afford.
Nancy P knew best.

October 3, 2002

"As the ranking Democrat on the House Select Committee on Intelligence, I have seen no evidence or intelligence that suggests that Iraq indeed poses an imminent threat to our nation. If the Administration has that information, they have not shared it with the Congress. If we invade Iraq, we will show our military power. If we can eliminate the threat posed by weapons of mass destruction without invading, we will show our strength."

October 10, 2002

"In addition to the cost in human lives, the cost to our economy and the cost to the war on terrorism, an attack on Iraq has a cost to our budget. This cost can be unlimited. There is no political solution on the ground in Iraq, let us not be fooled by that. So when we go in, the occupation - which is now being called "liberation" - could be interminable.

We respect the judgment of our military leaders. It is a civilian decision to go to war, but our military leaders present us with options on the use of force. These options are supposed to be a last resort. These costs to the war on terrorism, the cost of life, the cost to our economy, the cost in dollars to our budget, these costs must be answered for.

If we go in, we can certainly show our power to Saddam Hussein. If we resolve this issue diplomatically, we can show our strength as a great country. Let us show our greatness. Vote NO on this resolution."

@essie @Rebelfett

LOL love it when u pelosi things up.

I hear she was also tough on China .....
Not a big fan of Pelosi, but I can confirm that at the time, almost 90% of this country wanted to carpet bomb the entire Middle East.

Good for her for speaking out, because she would've been in the minority, that's for sure.
LOL love it when u pelosi things up.

I hear she was also tough on China .....

She was tough on China a quarter century before Trump made it a popular thing full of hackeyened ideas and half measures that don't work to do a whole lot. You know, even if Pelosi wasn't absolutely correct about the two most consequential and significant foreign policy issues of (most of) our lives, she was also a quarter century ahead of the Democratic party at a national level on gay rights as well so I'd probs still love her. And yeah helltoupee, she led the Congressional opposition. The Iraq invasion was supported by a lot Dems including the likes of Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton at the time.
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American obesity is largely of product of poor food standards. Much of the food sold in the US would either be illegal or relabled in Europe.
Not to mention healthcare that a huge chunk of the population can't actually afford.
And?? It all goes back to personal responsibility and personal choices.

Choose to live an unhealthy life knowing you can't actually afford healthcare than that's on them.

Yes I already know about the food regs in Europe. I was stationed in Heidelberg, Germany for 2 and a half years. And last I heard, all the preservatives and crap in US food is being phased out as we speak.
And?? It all goes back to personal responsibility and personal choices.

Choose to live an unhealthy life knowing you can't actually afford healthcare than that's on them.

Yes I already know about the food regs in Europe. I was stationed in Heidelberg, Germany for 2 and a half years. And last I heard, all the preservatives and crap in US food is being phased out as we speak.

Why not just have rich people who won't even notice their missing dollars pay for it?