Social Put friend on plane, died 12 hours later

Was weed not enough of a high or you just wanted to see what others drugs did ?

I only ask because i never did drugs or really drank alcohol. I do have family that got addicted to some drugs too. They all started with weed .

But then I hear weed not a gateway drug. What do you think ? Or do you think it's just because people have addictive personalities.

Damn , 10 yrs is young man.

Weed was a gateway drug for me simply because getting it, put me in the environment where harder drugs were easily available. In that sense it's a gateway drug imo. Not so much as oh I wonder what that's like then. It was more like oh yeah sure I'll try it.

Went a similar path to ts. Weed booze a tonne of acid all before 16. That continued into harder as I became older.

Edit similar as ts with mdma. There's certain highs ( extreme happiness and love )you chase for a long time but can never replicate
Weed was a gateway drug for me simply because getting it, put me in the environment where harder drugs were easily available. In that sense it's a gateway drug imo. Not so much as oh I wonder what that's like then. It was more like oh yeah sure I'll try it.

Went a similar path to ts. Weed booze a tonne of acid all before 16. That continued into harder as I became older.

Edit similar as ts with mdma. There's certain highs ( extreme happiness and love )you chase for a long time but can never replicate

I only ask because I have a 17 yr old son who has tried weed hear and there. He's on the wrestling team and is pretty good. I try to give him advice as a father to try to stay focus and clean for sports but you know how son's don't always care what dad's say .

The crazy thing is that alot if kids his age vape now. I don't know to much about vaping but I heard you can have nicotine in them and other substance. I'm kind of worry about that too.
I only ask because I have a 17 yr old son who has tried weed hear and there. He's on the wrestling team and is pretty good. I try to give him advice as a father to try to stay focus and clean for sports but you know how son's don't always care what dad's say .

The crazy thing is that alot if kids his age vape now. I don't know to much about vaping but I heard you can have nicotine in them and other substance. I'm kind of worry about that too.

Just stay open with him. Don't judge, or try control him ,as it always goes wrong .

But depending where you are if weeds legal I'd assume it's far easier to get a hold off and wouldn't involve visiting seedy houses to get on. Which should reduce the chances of being tempted by harder.
Just stay open with him. Don't judge, or try control him ,as it always goes wrong .

But depending where you are if weeds legal I'd assume it's far easier to get a hold off and wouldn't involve visiting seedy houses to get on. Which should reduce the chances of being tempted by harder.

Ya, I'm trying to ease off . I blew up on him last year for smoking weed . We have a rocky relationship due to it. He knows I've never did it and would never accept him doing it regardless if was legal. (Due to what it did to family members around me)

I know when he's 18 he will do what he wants. I'm just scared he'll get hooked on weed and then something worse.

I own my own mma gym and I'm a Blackbelt in bjj. He doesn't train with me because we got into to much since he was young . Mostly my fault because I was very hard on him during training. I eventually sent him to another coach I trust to continue his training.

Years past and his teens have been hard on both of us. He thinks he's a disappointment to me even though he's not. I'm just disappointed in some of the choices he makes.

His mom said he thinks that I'm not proud of him as a son. Sorry for venting but I always try to learn why kids end up on drug. I'm trying to do what I can to make sure that doesn't happen to my son.
Honestly, it sounds like he was going back "home" to die and he knew it. Whether you got him to the airport or not he would have found a way home eventually.

What you did was just be a friend to him and give him some final good times just hanging out and being a friend. You didn't judge him or tell him what to do or act like his parent. He probably spent the last few years of his life with every single person trying to "fix" him and that's just annoying.

He was probably thankful to just be somewhat "normal" towards the end.

That's what I was thinking too.
Ya, I'm trying to ease off . I blew up on him last year for smoking weed . We have a rocky relationship due to it. He knows I've never did it and would never accept him doing it regardless if was legal. (Due to what it did to family members around me)

I know when he's 18 he will do what he wants. I'm just scared he'll get hooked on weed and then something worse.

I own my own mma gym and I'm a Blackbelt in bjj. He doesn't train with me because we got into to much since he was young . Mostly my fault because I was very hard on him during training. I eventually sent him to another coach I trust to continue his training.

Years past and his teens have been hard on both of us. He thinks he's a disappointment to me even though he's not. I'm just disappointed in some of the choices he makes.

His mom said he thinks that I'm not proud of him as a son. Sorry for venting but I always try to learn why kids gonna certain path.

No worries mate. But don't fret to much . I had about 7 mates who went pretty hard on it all. Most of us still smoke weed . 24 years later those same 7 will drive 260km + to visit me . And we have great fun.

But from those 7 3 have jobs in the 6 figures, 3 are married with kids all work etc. Etc. One had a few issues with mental health but he's absolutely fine now.

I completely understand your hesitancy with it with your family's history but don't assume he will follow a negative path due to that.
The guy was running away long before leaving Boise...

And are you Chris Weidman or was your friend Chris Weidman?
You were supposed to put him in the plane not on the plane.

George Carlin jokes aside, sounds like a tough time. Not your fault. Good luck.
I grew up doing MA.

The first 3 Forms/Kata I learned are dedicated to people I lost.

Allows me to work through my pain while giving love to their memory.

Out of all things he would want you to learn from what happen.

Boise airport before he left

RIP Cole K.
*** Any responses appreciated. It’s sherdog. Be honest. but this just happened and I’m just trying to think of every angle.

My friend Cole had off-and-on substance abuse issues, he once ODd in my living room when we’d been getting high with friends, he used IV, and I didn’t. Cole was 24. We got him help, he was fine. Months later he was cleaned up, working a good job. Cole was homeless in Boise, ID. His parents were good people but kicked him out.

4 months after getting a job and saving money for a place, he gets fired for showing up to work after drinking. They fired him and told his probation officer. He was on 1 year probation. That was Friday.

Sunday afternoon he calls me and says he’s in my living room and needs a ride to the greyhound, this is unusual, he never goes into my house without calling first. I show up, he tells me his woes, we go to his moms a mile away, he gets his things, we come back to my place. he sleeps on my couch for 4-5 hours, I’m thinking he’ll sleep it off. The whole time I rationalize the situation and tell him that even if he violates his probation he’s gonna do maybe a week in jail. He’s depressed and determined to leave. Tells me he has to leave. We watch the bob Dylan documentary No Direction Home and drink box wine, he says he’s never coming back to Boise.

***Cole had been smoking weed, doing shrooms, and get hitting the vein from Friday after he got fired to Saturday night before he showed up to my place on Sunday.

At this point he seems set on going and I tell him “sometimes more is lost by inaction than the wrong action”, I think it’s Confucian and might console him.
He says “yeah Confucius’ dead dog?”

He buys a ticket to New York on my phone, I drive him to the airport, he asks me to play “It’s alright Ma I’m only bleeding”.

He gets on a plane, 15 hours later he dies in Bushwick at his old spot, they find him in my blue Columbia in a cafe bathroom. His mom called me at 6pm today asking if I knew anything about the lead-up to his departure.

Is this my fault?

Sorry for your loss.
Onwards and upwards..... Anyway you have that role in the upcoming clerks 3 to look forward to.
I think you should get into touch with suicide hotline people and tell them the story. At the very least they can think about what you might have done wrong, or help figure it out. At the very least it's a valuable information. I think a lot of the people who dwell in psychology classrooms and at the end of those hotlines have IRL experience with this stuff, but one could always use more, and people are afraid to share as much explicit information about this so we all understand better how to react to people who are staring down this demon.
I will add to the original post, he had been smoking weed, doing shrooms, and shooting up that weekend before he called me and I only knew about the shrooms and weed.

It's not your fault but at the same time it's not a good idea to do alcohol/drugs around someone with substance abuse issues.
Sounds like it was going to happen no matter what you did. You gave him some friendship and someone to spend some time with in his last 24 hours. But, people like him tend to hit rock bottom before rebounding and often hit it more than once before coming back. They often don’t survive rock bottom sadly. Known a few this has happened to including a few of my veteran brothers.
Not your fault, but you didn’t help. Another addict gone.
Other people's addictions are never your fault. In fact, the only way you're ever going to help and addict is when they are 100 percent ready to get help. Otherwise, you're talking to a wall if you try.

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