Social Biden Ushers in the Ministry of Truth era

Cherry Brigand

Red Belt
Sep 9, 2009
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Conservatives on social media slammed the Biden administration after it was announced that a "Disinformation Governance Board" is being established to combat "disinformation" in the 2022 midterms.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas testified Wednesday that a Disinformation Governance Board had recently been created, days after Tesla CEO Elon Musk purchased Twitter, to combat online disinformation and will be led by Undersecretary for Policy Rob Silvers and principal deputy general counsel Jennifer Gaskill.

The goal is to bring the resources of (DHS) together to address this threat," Mayorkas said, adding that the department is focused on the spread of disinformation in minority communities.

And here we are. Surely. SURELY both sides of the aisle can agree that a government-controlled body tasked with defining AND POLICING what is true, is a bad idea.
You would think people would applaud this after all the energy they spend complaining about fake news and biased news sources. I can understand people's concern about this but I'm even more curious what they think should be done about fake news and biased reporting instead?
You would think people would applaud this after all the energy they spend complaining about fake news and biased news sources. I can understand people's concern about this but I'm even more curious what they think should be done about fake news and biased reporting instead?

Why would you think the people who do not trust the government's messaging and feel they have been purposely manipulative would be applauding the government running a "Disinformation Governance Board", coincidentally timed directly after Elon buys Twitter?

As for your second part, that is a difficult question, but I know we aren't China. The absolute one thing I would not trust is the government dictating what is or isn't misinformation.
Considering all the Covid "conspiracy theories" that actually came true, this is hilarious to me.


Also, ths made me lol extra hard.


I'm sure it's all being done with only the purest intentions, and it's a complete and total coincidence that it happened mere days after Musk bought Twitter.
You would think people would applaud this after all the energy they spend complaining about fake news and biased news sources. I can understand people's concern about this but I'm even more curious what they think should be done about fake news and biased reporting instead?
Absolutely nothing should be done but most especially nothing should be allowed to be done by any official government agency that sets themselves up as arbiters of truth.
You would think people would applaud this after all the energy they spend complaining about fake news and biased news sources. I can understand people's concern about this but I'm even more curious what they think should be done about fake news and biased reporting instead?
People should be able to research and parse their own information and then make their own decisions.
Nina Jankowicz the person in charge of the ministry of truth said Hunter's laptop was Russia disinformation than said it was a Trump plant. She also said Trump supporters would intimidate people at the polls.
i can see why she will lead this new institution
she has experience with disinformation

also, why was she playing morticia addams at some point?
You would think people would applaud this after all the energy they spend complaining about fake news and biased news sources. I can understand people's concern about this but I'm even more curious what they think should be done about fake news and biased reporting instead?
Reinstate the FCC fairness doctrine would be a nice start.

Reagan was a fucking moron for getting rid of it.
Trump de facto did this with his "fake news" schtick at anyone who disagreed with him. Not trying to do whataboutism, but hopefully this concern will be directed at whoever is in charge.

In regards to the OP, there's no doubt that this is an incredibly bad look for the Biden administration. Misinformation being spread like wildfire is a major societal problem, however there's absolutely zero trust in the Biden admin to administer any task regulating that. Even IF they are doing this in good faith, it's never going to succeed. They are too biased and will only further divide voters.

Considering all the Covid "conspiracy theories" that actually came true, this is hilarious to me.


Also, ths made me lol extra hard.


I'm sure it's all being done with only the purest intentions, and it's a complete and total coincidence that it happened mere days after Musk bought Twitter.
That meme or whatever is what misinformation is. Outside of a few, the points are misleading or inaccurate. It's unfortunate how little you guys can filter this stuff and apply your scepticism to facebook infographs, considering how sceptical you are of more legitimate sources.
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