I don't know how much longer I can take this


2x Ice cream belt
Feb 24, 2010
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I've had so much pain in the last year or so. Lost my significant other that I thought was my life partner. Got abused by another women for a month or so before I left her. Met another women who is absolutely amazing and I thought she might be who I was supposed to be with and I overheard her talking with her friend saying how she doesn't know how her ex bf will feel when she starts dating his friend (not me).

I've never cried so much in the past year and idk how much more I can take. I feel so pathetic even talking about this because this is something I've never experienced before. I don't even know where to go from here. I've been getting drunk and high everyday for the past few weeks cause that's the only thing that will help the pain.
A vacation would be a nice reset bro.

but yeah don’t go to Ciudad Juarez. :)

I recommend Hawaii
Appreciate you bro. Yeah what I've been going through definitely has a factor in me wanting to have a great trip next year/
I was pretty bad when I lived in Portland. The chicks there were beyond entitled with their Uber liberal bs and that was back in the early 2000's. I can't imagine what its like now.
Oh it's insane. There are homeless everywhere. My ex gf was a feminist though so I learned how to deal with those type and do well. I grew up in a small town in Boring, OR so it was definitely a big change for me at first.
I think I might be a sex addict so it'd hard tbh
Get therapy, work out, meditate, take some shrooms, and stay away from dating.

Start traveling. People come and go. Learn to appreciate them but also let them go.

I've had a similar story to yours so I get it. I've cleansed myself. I don't care about dating and sex anymore so it's a nice bonus if it happens but I don't look for it at all. There are so much bigger things in life.

Don't spiral into drinking and other addictive behaviors. If you don't work on yourself, you'll find yourself in the same patterns.
Too much of your self worth tied up in relationships. Are you afraid to be alone?
No. I've been alone most of my life. My sister is 4 years older and never wanted to play with me much as a kid. So I always played by myself until I got to a school where I made a bunch of friends. I'm not afraid of being alone but I enjoy life more with a partner.