Economy So DC is concerned about migrants all the sudden.

Here is a YouTube vlogger that got the window of his car smashed. It's apparently a big problem in San Francisco.

Its called bipping
If you drive a high end car or leave anything showing(purse, backpack, shoebox, grocery bag, laptop, camera, 37 cents) youre gonna get your shit bipped quick as fuck
We got a growing homeless village across the street from me, these arent immigrants seeking a fair chance at a better life though, theyre mostly American citizens that can no longer afford the insane cost of living here in California
I call bs on that shit! They can find more work or hold two jobs like some of us have.
This cracks me up! Oh no they're not staying in AZ and TX!

What a surprise. The people in favour of these things are not the people who have to live with these things....

The second it appears in their neighbourhood they change their tune.

The epitome of virtue signalling and luxury ideas
Last time I was down there I was in Sacramento on sunrise BVLD. Now I lived in CA for 40 years and had never seen homeless on sunrise bvld before. They had tents right next to a busy road. Shit is crazy.

What the topic is about is DC being all for border crossings and then complaining about them being in their city.

I'm so old I remember going to the Sunrise Mall and it was 100% safe.

Lol at the DC mayor not having the self awareness to know that most of the countrys and many of the worlds problems are caused by people in his city. Including the coups that destabilized latin america and led to the much of the migration crisis.

I don't view migration as a problem but for those that do this literally the most perfect place in the world for these migrants.