joe rogan messes up

I mean, that's your opinion and all that. But why is your AV a GIF of my parents beating me with battery cables?

Serious question: why tf is he even still doing this? He has $100mill+ from podcasting, he does standup, and has a supplement company. Why is he wasting his time with UFC commentary when you can tell he checked out along time ago. His commentary is stale and doesn't pack the same level of knowledge and enthusiasm from a decade ago. Is he doing this to get out of the house away from wife and kids? I really wanna know....

When he first started and the UFC had no money he literally did it for free. Just plane tickets for him and some fight tickets for his friends.

He loves it. He loves MMA. Always has, gotta respect that.
Pre-maternal Nunes is the new Motivated BJ Penn.


Or paternal? Since Nina's the mom. Fuck, I'm as confused as Rogan over here.

I know i made a joke but lets not be cunts it's still Amanda's baby!
It would be so easy to get carded. I'll leave it at that.
Ha! Let's all point and laugh at this loser of a man.
Serious question: why tf is he even still doing this? He has $100mill+ from podcasting, he does standup, and has a supplement company. Why is he wasting his time with UFC commentary when you can tell he checked out along time ago. His commentary is stale and doesn't pack the same level of knowledge and enthusiasm from a decade ago. Is he doing this to get out of the house away from wife and kids? I really wanna know....
Greed is a disease. Whyd he have to sign the contract with whatever the fuck the name of that company is that started to get rid of certain podcasts?
As long as it keeps him from doing comedy, I'll take it.



He likes it.

Turns out people like doing things for the enjoyment and not just for the money




Put simply, he just enjoys it. He doesn’t seem as knowledgeable about all the fighters as he once was, but that’s partially because there’s far more now and he doesn’t commentate every event. He clearly is still a big fight fan and noticeably gets excited discussing certain fighters and match ups.

lol at these takes

“he doesn’t just do things for the money”


You dummies forgot ur brain pills today.

Serious question: why tf is he even still doing this? He has $100mill+ from podcasting, he does standup, and has a supplement company. Why is he wasting his time with UFC commentary when you can tell he checked out along time ago. His commentary is stale and doesn't pack the same level of knowledge and enthusiasm from a decade ago. Is he doing this to get out of the house away from wife and kids? I really wanna know....

Poor people often imagine rich people just sitting in their mansion and not working
Rich people become rich because they're actively pursuing either something that makes them money, and/or enjoy

Sitting on a yacht, a mansion, the beach for months gets real old when the rest of the world is out there gettin it; creating memories, feeling useful, gaining experience, being progressive, etc

Why wouldn't you wanna meet and introduce the elite of elite fighters of the world?
Why wouldn't you wanna sit ringside with former UFC champs and olympians, cageside, watching a sport that you love?

The $$$ he makes from it is just pocket change to stay at 5 star hotels and invite his friends to fights