Social Meme Thread v.84: Retaking Constantinople

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Middle school me is so excited for the fall big budget fantasy show lineup. Adult me is so afraid of being let down. I’d love a LOTR or GOT theme for next meme thread.



I'll give the LotR: RoP a chance. GoT already burned thst bridge, and the trailer for HotD looks like they are doubling down with the crap they pulled previously
I've been seeing an incredibly dumb take on twitter recently. There are many people claiming cancelling student loan debt doesn't put the burden on tax payers because the debt is cancelled. <Varys01> These are college grads spreading this.
I like the cold, not a fan of the taxes and over regulation.
Then stay up North, nobody forcing you. Less taxes and regulations, we can conceal/carry and no border to cross if you want to go south. 4-5 MONTHS OF MORE RIDING TIME. That alone is worth the move IMO.

Stay the f out of Texas. We're full

Same here with Florida. We're closed
I swear the 2 places I would go to are Florida and Texas, I'm leaning more towards Texas though. Don't worry, I'll be voting with you guys.
Give me the cold over the heat any day:cool:
You say that now. But I'm talking beyond the wall winter. Ice forming on my beard as soon as I walk out of the house winter. Ice fishing in -40 winter.

I talked to one guy who work in the arctic circle, he told me on really cold days if you took a piss it would freeze into a cone shape on the ground.
I've been seeing an incredibly dumb take on twitter recently. There are many people claiming cancelling student loan debt doesn't put the burden on tax payers because the debt is cancelled. <Varys01> These are college grads spreading this.
The only way for them to understand is to cancel mortgages and send them their revised student loan debt.
They should combine them all and make one mega show "The House of the Throne Dragon Lord Ring of Power" or something like that.

The team behind GoT should have never be trusted with showrunning ever again. To build up the biggest show in TV history over 7 years, just to destroy in in the final season is a sin worthy of death. But maybe I'm overreacting
The team behind GoT should have never be trusted with showrunning ever again. To build up the biggest show in TV history over 7 years, just to destroy in in the final season is a sin worthy of death. But maybe I'm overreacting
Nah, pretty reasonable if you ask me. Many of us got strung along and for the most part it was enjoyable, but the ending was very unsatisfying.
The team behind GoT should have never be trusted with showrunning ever again. To build up the biggest show in TV history over 7 years, just to destroy in in the final season is a sin worthy of death. But maybe I'm overreacting

The original showrunners don't have squat to do with the House of the Dragon. The two new showrunners, one of them is completely new to the Game of Thrones universe, the other was the director of the Hardhome, Battle of the Bastards, and Winds of Winter episodes and notably constantly fought with the GoT showrunners Benioff and Weiss on set.

So a new guy, and someone critical of the mistakes Game of Thrones was making in later seasons.
The original showrunners don't have squat to do with the House of the Dragon. The two new showrunners, one of them is completely new to the Game of Thrones universe, the other was the director of the Hardhome, Battle of the Bastards, and Winds of Winter episodes and notably constantly fought with the GoT showrunners Benioff and Weiss on set.

So a new guy, and someone critical of the mistakes Game of Thrones was making in later seasons.

I'll let it run it's course, and then if it has good word of mouth I'll give it a try. Whereas I am legit excited for Ring of Power.
Just now? What happened, did you slide your mouse in an unacceptable manner while posting?
What can I say man. I've adjusted to life on the inside and I realize there's nothing back in the world for me. It's safer for everyone concerned if I remain behind bars.

My recidivism is my own fault. I hope this scares you straight.

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