Television THE RINGS OF POWER (Only 37% of Viewers Finished the Series, post #1917)

If you have watched the entire season one of RINGS OF POWER, how do you feel about it?

  • Total voters
Rotten Tomatoes reactions:
“It’s just miserable. There’s visual spectacle – but only achieved through copious amounts of high-quality CGI. The rest of what makes cinematography is, well – that’s the problem, it’s just not there. The dialogue is atrocious. The acting unbelievably amateurish (where did the casting budget go? Did it exist at all?). The pacing is a slog. The storytelling disjointed and pointless. It’s like someone took four separate stories that couldn’t stand on their own feet and hoped that mashing them together would make them feasible somehow. It doesn’t. They’re still just random pictures stringed into random sequences, with little to none actual plot.”

“How can people be giving this a good review?! This was so bland, it reminded me of a cheesy 80’s fantasy flick. Obviously the visuals were nice, but that doesn’t make up for the terrible plot and acting. And what happened to elves being ageless? Just decide to throw canon out the window?”

“This is not Tolkiens world and it’s not even based on our real world it’s solely a Hollywood activists diatribe. Crash and burn.”

“Most of the cast is very bad, like very bad, it’s overall badly written dialogue (such a shame when the source content is so good…) the slow rythme is not a problem for me, good visuals but far too many CGI, visuals are good but you can feel it’s not real and it ruin everything… Overall a very bad surprise…”

“Even as a generic fantasy series without the Lord of the Rings title, it’s not so good. Music is very Star Wars but in a bad way. Too much against the books like Elrond calling Galadriel his “friend”? They are kin – second cousins twice removed and Galadriel will eventually become his mother in law. So strange.”

“Not sure if it was intended to be funny but my husband and I found ourselves laughing at the inept dialogue so many times. The naked chef wearing only an apron was totally hilarious too. Considering this is the most expensive TV show of all time it’s difficult to tell beyond the flashy projected backdrops.”

“Yes, visuals are music are often stunning, but everything else is an epic fail. Galadrial worst character- nothing more to say. If your main character is broken, your show is broken. You can’t even distinguish the elves anymore, except from ears. They look, speak and behave like normal man. Elrond bad acting – is he a kid now? Hobbits just weird and not in a the old good way. Middle earth just does not feel as a whole anymore. No awe or sense of mystery, e.g. around the elves.”

“What an awful and disrespectful disaster. Bad acting, horrible script and even the design work is outright amateurish. Do yourself a favor and watch the real LotR instead.”

what a disaster
acting is some of the worst i've seen in a big production
or any production
He’s 100% right
In a split of “like” “meh” and “don’t like”, the last category is greater than the first.
The majority of respondents do not dislike the show. Facts.
Uh, bad writing is a pretty big deal. The writing in this show is fucking horrific. That opening scene with Finrod and Galadriel was just terrible middle school level attempted philosophy that makes zero sense just taints the pace of the rest of the show.
Making Galadriel a Mary-Sue of epic proportions, as well as a know-it-all domineering annoying cunt was bad. Do people like characters like this? Who does? That was horrible.
Elrond being constantly dismissed as some dumb little bitch was bad

Pace of the show is off. The harfoots were cute. The constant shots of Galadriel with the dagger was annoying.

I'm a massive Tokien fan and I hated this. It was bad. The dialogue is wooden sophistry, the setpieces are dry and cheap when not riddled with CGI. Not a good show.

I feel like the dozen or so peole IRL i've talked to didn't like it at all and then I see tens of thousands of people, the vast majority of the consumption commentary, saying it's bad.

"Bad writing" is subjective. I wouldn't like the show if I thought the writing was abysmal.
And I saw that you think The Witcher is a GOOD show? That's an example of good, and this is an example of "horrific"? lol what?

I've seen people mention the opening scene with Finrod and Galadriel. We are aware that Finrod is an adult, and Galadriel is a child in that scene, correct? That might have sometime to do with him talking to her like a child. People keep focusing on the rock and the ship, when the point of that story was about the light and making choices---which came into play in the 2nd episode.

Galadriel is a Mary Sue because she killed one troll? Because the male heroes of other movies and tv shows NEVER singlehandedly kill monsters, right? lol She's the commander of her platoon and you're complaining about her being domineering?
How did you watch the conversation between Elrond and Galadriel and come away thinking that he looked weak, or didn't make any valid points? Just because she thinks she's right, doesn't mean that she is. And even if she thinks she's right, being right isn't what all that matters---which is what Elrond was correctly telling her.
Elrond has come across as wise and capable. So far, I think I like him the best.

I feel like the show is visually great, so i don't agree with your take on that part at all.
And I also think you guys are having an impossible time separating the books from a live action show that is meant for a wide audience...not for a book club.

I feel like the dozen or so peole IRL i've talked to didn't like it at all and then I see tens of thousands of people, the vast majority of the consumption commentary, saying it's bad
Cool, dude. And there are billions of people on this planet. People said the same thing about other projects, and the money doesn't lie. There were people out there that like things that you don't like, even if you can't see them.
even people that liked the show hate that amazon deleted the imbd negative reviews

solid case of Streisand effect
this show is so fucked.
The majority of respondents do not dislike the show. Facts.
“Dislike” is not the same as “do not like”. “Like” is represented into to two categories that makes up 30% of the vote

he said most sherdoggers do not like the show, as represented by the two top categories.

easy to see if you can take a step back and pause being “spiritually superior”
-the writing is bad

-the plot is meh

-theres a lack of chemistry, because they shoehorned actors in based on skin color or gender

-the lore isn't being followed

-screenplay is okay

-it's boring

How are these not legitimate criticisms to you? Even if you disagree, they are essentially criticisms

Before they got rid of loads of reviews, these were the criticisms
"The plot is meh and the writing is bad" is not specific. This literally tells me nothing.
As I said, this is not me "throwing a fit" that you didnt' like something, you're just not telling me anything.
If you watched the show, you should be able to tell me about specific scenes, characters, actions, and lines that you didn't like, or thought were problematic.
I said the ideology was evil. I never said anything about an evil agenda. Like all leftists, you can’t argue what was said, so you argue what wasn’t said.

Now shill harder for a billion dollar company and tell me again how someone voting “meh” loves the show.
“Dislike” is not the same as “do not like”. “Like” is represented into to two categories that makes up 30% of the vote
"Like" is not the same as "do not dislike".
"Dislike" is represented by the two categories that make up 44% of the vote.

The majority of respondents do not dislike the show. Facts.
"The plot is meh and the writing is bad" is not specific. This literally tells me nothing.
As I said, this is not me "throwing a fit" that you didnt' like something, you're just not telling me anything.
If you watched the show, you should be able to tell me about specific scenes, characters, actions, and lines that you didn't like, or thought were problematic.
What do you want people to tell you? How they would have written the show better, line by line?

I think your expectation of comprehensive breakdowns here is asking too much. A lot of people don't like this, so they're stating they don't. Not everyone wants to write 5 paragraphs on it.
Finally got around to watching it with the Gf last night. Overall, we both thought it was enjoyable and deserving of adding to our watch list.

Personally, we didn’t find the acting bad but some of the lines were a bit so so. I thought the Harfoots were charming the Dwarves were hilarious. Durin definitely reminded me of Gimli with his snarky remarks.

A few of my favorite scenes were the entrance to Khazad-dûm. I absolutely loved the entrance music and the contest between Durin and Elrond was good fun.

But my overall favorite scene was between Elrond and Celebrimbor when looking at Fëanor's hammer. During their talk of the Silmarils, Celebrimbor said to Elrond:

“True creation requires sacrifice. They say that Morgoth found the Silmarils so beautiful that after he'd stolen them, for weeks, he could do nothing but stare into their depths. It was only after one of his tears fell upon the jewels and he was faced with the evil of his own reflection, that the reverie was finally broken. From that moment, he... He looked upon their light no more. Fëanor's work nearly turned the heart of the Great Foe himself.”

This wasn’t written by Tolkien but I personally thought it was an excellent bit of story telling.

I hated the quick switching between characters in what seemed like every 5 minutes. It threw me off a bit. But, I’d say it’s off to a good start.
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Finally got around to watching it with the Gf last night. Overall, we both thought it was enjoyable and deserving of adding to our watch list.

Personally, we didn’t find the acting bad but some of the lines were a bit so so. I thought the Harfoots were charming the Dwarves were hilarious. Durin definitely reminded me of Gimli with his snarky remarks.

A few of my favorite scenes were the entrance to
LOL. Talks about favorite scenes followed by a huge blank space. Tells you all you need to know about this very honest and accurate review.
What do you want people to tell you? How they would have written the show better, line by line?

I think your expectation of comprehensive breakdowns here is asking too much. A lot of people don't like this, so they're stating they don't. Not everyone wants to write 5 paragraphs on it.
But you'll write 5 paragraphs on me criticizing people that make bad arguments?
And these same people that apparently don't like to write 5 paragraphs on the show (in the thread about the show) have no problem writing essays about SJWS and the plight of the white straight man. OK.

If someone asked me my opinion on a movie or show, and I told them "it was bad". I would then explain why I thought it was bad. I would tell them what character sucked and why. I would tell them what part of the story didn't make sense. I would tell them a horrible line that was said.
Like, why else would you be on a message board in a thread about a show if you're not going to actually discuss the show beyond "this is bad" ? lol how am I the weird one on this?
If you don't want to do that, that's fine. But if you're going to jump in the convo and act like I'm asking for something ridiculous here, come on, dude.
"Bad writing" is subjective. I wouldn't like the show if I thought the writing was abysmal.
And I saw that you think The Witcher is a GOOD show? That's an example of good, and this is an example of "horrific"? lol what?

I've seen people mention the opening scene with Finrod and Galadriel. We are aware that Finrod is an adult, and Galadriel is a child in that scene, correct? That might have sometime to do with him talking to her like a child. People keep focusing on the rock and the ship, when the point of that story was about the light and making choices---which came into play in the 2nd episode.

Galadriel is a Mary Sue because she killed one troll? Because the male heroes of other movies and tv shows NEVER singlehandedly kill monsters, right? lol She's the commander of her platoon and you're complaining about her being domineering?
How did you watch the conversation between Elrond and Galadriel and come away thinking that he looked weak, or didn't make any valid points? Just because she thinks she's right, doesn't mean that she is. And even if she thinks she's right, being right isn't what all that matters---which is what Elrond was correctly telling her.
Elrond has come across as wise and capable. So far, I think I like him the best.

I feel like the show is visually great, so i don't agree with your take on that part at all.
And I also think you guys are having an impossible time separating the books from a live action show that is meant for a wide audience...not for a book club.

Cool, dude. And there are billions of people on this planet. People said the same thing about other projects, and the money doesn't lie. There were people out there that like things that you don't like, even if you can't see them.
"Subjective" =/= "Can't be bad"
The ship and stone thing was fucking retarded, makes zero sense and was complete soulless sosphistry that LOTR is not known for. It is not within the lexicon of dialogue or philosophy for the show. Characters in Tolkiens work, from the realistic, to the fanatical to the supernatural speak very plainly with a sympathetic tint that makes even the grandest points relatable, real and impactful.

Saying "A stone cannot resist the depths of darkness" or whatever the fuck that was for the most impactful scene to start a franchise was and is terrible writing. Whether you like it or not is subjective.

Yes. Galadriel being the best climber, best origami maker, best swordfighter, acrobat, master of the mystic, super-natural swimmer, smarter than everyone and generally a fucking annoying unlkable domineering cunt is Mary-Sue-ism. Legolas was probably the most over-powered character both in the novels and movies, but because he was a thousands year old hunter from Mirkwood and his specialty, from the jump, was designated as an elite warrior killer. Aragorn was of this ilk but many times would defer to Legolas, Gandalf and even Boromir for input, ideas and information. Legolas himself was even incapable of killing a troll on his own.

So you think that makes sense in the canon of the show? Galadriel, who is never mentioned as a warrior princess in the source material, is a more proficient warrior than probably the best humanoid killing machine walking Middle Earth in Legolas? So Galadriel is the most competent warrior in middle earth. It's settled. Just like Rey is the best Jedi ever.

You stating that you don't think something stupid even matters to the story is just your own obfuscation and we don't have to pretend it makes sense or is the general opinion of most. It seems like you have a lot invested in this show, and aren't even a huge Tolkien fan bc you have zero fucking clue what you're talking about, which is why everything you're saying is going to be chalked up to culture-war "Dunking on the chuds" bullshit.