"Colby is the clear number 2"

did I hurt your feelings with my earlier comment? My bad bro.

Common experience with you though on like 5 different topics. You always think like this, pick your lane and then ignore like 70% of the shit that doesn't align with that side.

I corrected myself in my response to him, change razor thin decisions to fight and the point I made stands.
I pretty thoroughly refute bad logic and point out why it's bad. My experiences with you have been "Ugggh, if only Dana could spank me harder."

At least the few that I remember, but I don't go memorizing users around here all that much, and you're not exactly the one who sticks out.
If I were running the show, Belel would get the title shot based on how many he's won, the quality of competition, and the fact that they've given him shit fights that no one else wanted and he's said yes every time. He's just earned a shot IMO.

Then I'd book Shavkat vs Colby for #1 contender to face the winner of Belal and Leon.

you could do that, have a repeat of their last fight where leon was absolutely blasting belal in less than a round….. or you could book a fight against colby, who is more exciting and guaranteed more views. Either way, of leon wins or loses youre better off than with belal.

Everyone knows that dana is just biding time to see if khamzat is gonna get his shit together and come take the division or whether it will be shakvat. Dana is not gonna risk handing the division over to a boring, one and done fighter like belal. Theres no money in that shit. No time to build up star power
You are the one who hangs on his victories, by your own admission. That makes you sad, and enjoying anger makes you sadder. And you wanna talk about presumptions when you bring up politics? Comon, my son.

Yeah, Colby earned a 5 years ago, and rarely defended it, and there's other people who've earned their 5's more recently and aren't recycled.

You see, Shill just loves to pick a side and ride with that side until the end, irregardless of logic and evidence.

Yeah, and we applied those to his previous shots. Do you not realize how stupid this thinking is? By that logic, they should have just run Usman vs Colby over and over again until Leon's CAREER WINS finally surpassed Colby's.

I swear, this Colby announcement has been the biggest calling out party to morons everywhere. Where the fuck did any conversation about streaks go? That was like, all anyone ever talked about whenever we discussed title shots for the past 10-20 years.
Holding a spot at the top is how consideration for deserving title contestants get their opportunity so i don't know what exactly you're on about.
You can also ignore that he's only faced top competition the entire time he was working his way into your head rent free.
As for politics, you'd have to be an absent minded moron to not acknowledge that the entire reason you clearly want to see him lose is 100% related to the hat on his head and clear (and obviously successful) attempts to create a heel character meant to agitate you and Trump haters for attention.
Anyway... go on with your day man. I don't care if you don't like Colby, if you don't like Trump or don't like what i'm saying. As previously mentioned both you and i are free to express it and thank god for that.
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Belal has 3 straight wins over current top 10 fighters. He's the number 1 contender just stop with the bullshit.
Colby has beaten masvidal and Woodley in that space of time. They are good wins but just be real, the guy has already had two title shots.
He needs another win against a top 10, preferably a top 5

It's actually 4 straight wins over top 10 fighters: Maia (#9), Wonderboy (#5), Luque (#5), and Brady (#8).

You could do the same with people belal has beaten tho. Nothing really stands out, other than him beating who he was supposed to (brady)

With all due respect, everything you said is clearly untrue. Belal has 4 straight wins over top 10 fighters, with 2 of those being over top 5 fighters. Luque was on a 4-fight win streak and was considered by many to be next for the title (he was even the backup for Usman-Colby at 268). And Brady was 15-0. Meanwhile, the last time Colby beat someone coming off a win was RDA in 2018...5 years ago!

Also, Belal wasn't supposed to beat Brady. Brady was the betting favorite in that fight, and the vast majority of people expected Brady to run through Belal. The general consensus was that the UFC was simultaneously trying to push Brady while knocking the "boring" Belal out of the title picture.
  • Zx as
I pretty thoroughly refute bad logic and point out why it's bad. My experiences with you have been "Ugggh, if only Dana could spank me harder."

At least the few that I remember, but I don't go memorizing users around here all that much, and you're not exactly the one who sticks out.
No clue what you're on about. Maybe thinking of someone else.

it is what it is. It's a human thing, most people do it. That's why it's so difficult to actually discuss these things rationally because everyone is so invested in their own primitive emotionality and petty nonsense / politics.

People care too much about disliking someone like Colby for some stupid WWE character they're playing that they ignore common sense.

He's had two razor thin fights against peak Usman that showcased clearly that he's on par with him in every area. Coin flip fights. But that doesn't hold any value to some people because there isn't a W next to their record.
Apparently having two fights against the WW king where you're completely on par, skill for skill, close as can be, account for nothing whatsoever because there isn't a W next to their record on Wikipedia.
You wanna know what the word is for a person whose best accomplishment is losing? The answer may surprise you!
Apparently having two fights against the WW king where you're completely on par, skill for skill, close as can be, account for nothing whatsoever because there isn't a W next to their record on Wikipedia.
Wonderboy drew the WW king and then should have won the second fight. That's a much better standing than Colby's was, and hey I like the guy, but who gives a shit, he still had to go beat people. Imagine that.

He turned around and embarrassed Masvidal when Mas was #4 at the time (better than Colby's efforts today), and he still needed to fight #7 Till. It doesn't matter how good everyone thinks you are, you gotta put it on paper. I don't think you've begun to even imagine the shit this would set for things, but I don't imagine you imagine a lot.

You got something to say? Take another shot at it, maybe you'll figure it out

It's actually 4 straight wins over top 10 fighters: Maia (#9), Wonderboy (#5), Luque (#5), and Brady (#8).
That is a good point, but he was making a point about the current contenders, probably to say how relevant those wins still are now.[/quote]
1. Edwards
2. Usman
3. Colby

It's not rocket science, folks.
Wonderboy drew the WW king and then should have won the second fight. That's a much better standing than Colby's was, and hey I like the guy, but who gives a shit, he still had to go beat people. Imagine that.

He turned around and embarrassed Masvidal when Mas was #4 at the time (better than Colby's efforts today), and he still needed to fight #7 Till. It doesn't matter how good everyone thinks you are, you gotta put it on paper. I don't think you've begun to even imagine the shit this would set for things, but I don't imagine you imagine a lot.

You got something to say? Take another shot at it, maybe you'll figure it out
I think you need to stop spending so much energy on useless semantics and focus on the actual fighters and skillsets demonstrated during the fights.

You can make an argument that Belal deserves a shot. Just like Leon did. But to discount Colby's accomplishments, skillet and position in the division is just ignorance.
You wanna know what the word is for a person whose best accomplishment is losing? The answer may surprise you!
MMA math tier reasoning doesn't afford you a seat at the table involving any level of meaningful discussion.
  • Zx as
No clue what you're on about. Maybe thinking of someone else.

it is what it is. It's a human thing, most people do it. That's why it's so difficult to actually discuss these things rationally because everyone is so invested in their own primitive emotionality and petty nonsense / politics.

People care too much about disliking someone like Colby for some stupid WWE character they're playing that they ignore common sense.

He's had two razor thin fights against peak Usman that showcased clearly that he's on par with him in every area. Coin flip fights. But that doesn't hold any value to some people because there isn't a W next to their record.
Nah, literally the only reason I recognize your name is cuz you have to say "Shill" to say it, and I chuckled about how accurate that was for most of your takes.

Exactly, that shouldn't hold booking value. I've sat here in every thread and talked up how good I think Colby is. I've defended the fact he shouldn't have gotten leapfrogged by Usman when he was obviously the clearest contender. I still hold that him calling Masvidal a deadbeat dad wasn't "talking shit about his kids" like some people say. I don't hate the fact he created a character, I get the business move, but I'm not exactly convinced the character wasn't created out of some truth. And in the continued race to the title, he doesn't continue to move forward, but everyone seems to be arguing that he's allowed to stop just dead in the tracks and somehow not get passed up.

MMA math tier reasoning doesn't afford you a seat at the table involving any level of meaningful discussion.
It does when it comes to booking. Why are colby fans so dumb?

If some fighter stamps his place over a guy with a win, then you beat that fighter, you shouldn't expect to get called and go "How bout in your next fight, you fight the guy he beat?" Any fighter would be insulted by that. And it's not because you proved you can beat him or anything, that's MMA math, you'd just think you passed him because you fucking did. That's how booking a division works. That's called hierarchy. That's exactly what rankings are. They don't exist without that logic.
Belal - hasn't lost since 2019 (9 fights), he has ranked wins in that run. He has unfinished business with the champ.
Shavkat - Undefeated prospect with 17 fights and 17 stoppages almost perfectly split between strikes and subs. His last 2 fights were ranked guys.
So you're in the "title shot off of Sean Brady" camp. Got it. Just disagree. He doesn't deserve a title shot off of Sean Brady. We can bash the rankings all we want but wasn't Colbys win against masvidal the highest ranked win out of the recent wins between Gilbert, belal and Colby? I don't see how you would give someone a TS off a lower ranked win
crying into my malt-o-meal because no one will agree with me that Colby losing fights is actually as good as (or better?) than winning them
How about giving it to a guy who is fighting top guys on a regular basis and winning, Belal.
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All 4 of those recent wins are good, but are any of those even top 5 wins? I like Belal, but those aren't TS worthy wins. 3 of those guys are past their primes (Wonderboy and Vicente are still good but past prime) , and Sean Brady is a relatively inexperienced fighter. Not trying to shit on him, but none of those wins scream TS to me
Sorry, meant to say one dead even fight and another razor thin decision.

Most people had it 2-2 going Into the 5th and Colby was winning the 5th until a shot made him succumb to the broken jaw.

Second fight, again, extremely close and competitive. Could've went either way in terms of scoring with Colby winning 2 rounds and the final being a tossup. Although Usman landed the more damaging shots.

I'm not a fan of Colby. You don't have to be a fan of someone to acknowledge their skillset and accomplishments.

The reality is that he had two razor thin fights with Usman and there's no logical way to dispute it.
I think most people would agree Colby is a very good fighter and would acknowledge that he has legitimate skills, although it's hard to say exactly where he stacks up in his division because of his inactivity and avoidance of contenders. The reality is he's been given two title shots and regardless of how close they were he lost and has not done anything to earn a third, in fact he hasn't had a meaningful win in nearly five years.
you could do that, have a repeat of their last fight where leon was absolutely blasting belal in less than a round….. or you could book a fight against colby, who is more exciting and guaranteed more views. Either way, of leon wins or loses youre better off than with belal.

Everyone knows that dana is just biding time to see if khamzat is gonna get his shit together and come take the division or whether it will be shakvat. Dana is not gonna risk handing the division over to a boring, one and done fighter like belal. Theres no money in that shit. No time to build up star power

A year ago Leon was the boring one and done fighter with nothing to his name but a streak.

If you are going to book Colby because he's interesting or he sells then you may as well book Masvidal or Nate Diaz. Either guy is probably a bigger draw. Certainly more entertaining, and equally worthy of a title shot from a persepctive of merit.
Nah, literally the only reason I recognize your name is cuz you have to say "Shill" to say it, and I chuckled about how accurate that was for most of your takes.

Exactly, that shouldn't hold booking value. I've sat here in every thread and talked up how good I think Colby is. I've defended the fact he shouldn't have gotten leapfrogged by Usman when he was obviously the clearest contender. I still hold that him calling Masvidal a deadbeat dad wasn't "talking shit about his kids" like some people say. I don't hate the fact he created a character, I get the business move, but I'm not exactly convinced the character wasn't created out of some truth. And in the continued race to the title, he doesn't continue to move forward, but everyone seems to be arguing that he's allowed to stop just dead in the tracks and somehow not get passed up.

It does when it comes to booking. Why are colby fans so dumb?

If some fighter stamps his place over a guy with a win, then you beat that fighter, you shouldn't expect to get called and go "How bout in your next fight, you fight the guy he beat?" Any fighter would be insulted by that. And it's not because you proved you can beat him or anything, that's MMA math, you'd just think you passed him because you fucking did. That's how booking a division works. That's called hierarchy. That's exactly what rankings are. They don't exist without that logic.
Matchmaking isn't done exclusively done based upon a linear hierarchy. That's the problem with how people think.

Acting like someone who's attained these heights in the division, clearly demonstrated they're at the top of the ladder, hasn't solidified and proved their position in the hierarchy is a little nonsensical.

Losing two dead even, close as can be fights against Peak Usman don't suddenly put him at the back of the line, simply because there's an L next to his record.

These things are all considered. And they should be.

You can argue Belal deserves his shot. Just as Leon did. People want to see new contenders. I get it. But you also need to acknowledge Colby's position and accomplishments in the division as well.

Then factor in marketing, business, Colby's age.

Whatever way the UFC went here, it makes sense.

No clue what you're on about with shilling and Dana white.
Jorge was so far over the hill by the time Colby beat him that he was in Iowa (maximum elevation: 1,670 ft.). Every fighter Colby has ever beaten was either over the hill or never got to the hill in the first place.

He still beat the guy Leon is trying to fight, lol

Colby is arguably #2, but he's still certainly top 5. If he faced and beat Belal (very winnable) would that amend his resume? I think a lot of people just hate Colby and are petrified he's going to get the belt from leon.
So you're in the "title shot off of Sean Brady" camp. Got it. Just disagree. He doesn't deserve a title shot off of Sean Brady. We can bash the rankings all we want but wasn't Colbys win against masvidal the highest ranked win out of the recent wins between Gilbert, belal and Colby? I don't see how you would give someone a TS off a lower ranked win

"Off Sean Brady" is MUCH better than "off the couch". I have exactly as many ranked UFC wins in the past year as Colby. I have almost as many in the past two years. He's just got one more than me.

Maybe you don't see how you'd give someone with a better record the shot because you missed Colby getting the beating of a lifetime twice in his last 4 fights, but Colby has been a 50/50 fighter since before the pandemic. The back 9 of his career has not been kind to him.
hilarious take. why not just say "I fucking hate Colby because his contrived character rustles my jimmies" and get on with your life. Colby is the clear #2.
He loses to Usman, Shavkat, Khamzat, and Burns. So at best you'd be fighting to say he is top 5.