Hollywood Writers Go On Strike (Update On Post #156)

Is there a reason people are under the delusion that the likes of ChatGPT are even close to ready for prime time? Do people not realize what those are trained off of?

I'm already replacing my employees with AI tools.
Hollywood writers going on strike! How will humanity cope?!?!!?

Where will we go for mindless comic book movies, moral sanctimony, hypocritical climate change lectures and forced diversity?

this could truly be the moment when western civilisation collapses.
I don't understand how a Hollywood strike can't be defeated easily. There are so many people that want to be in show buisness. Why doesn't big Hollywood just replace the writers that went on strike with scabs? Or just bust out some old scripts that were already written but got passed over?
Woke leftists ?
Some. Some just suck. Rings of Power didn't just suck because they decided Elves should be black. That was just a smoke screen used by the show runners to say why the show was being lambasted by "right wingers". The show sucked bcause it was written poorly and was boring. She Hulk wasn't just bad because of woke speeches like telling Bruce banner he doesn't know real anger because he was never cat called as a woman. It sucked because of the writing. They made none of the characters likeable, made a mockery of Daredevil and Abomination. Boring. The Star wars shows were boring as well.
Union spokesman, Adam Conover (from Adam Ruins everything) had an interesting point.

His concern is that the more that writing turns into a gig economy, the more likely Hollywood writers will be trust fund babies in the first place.

If you have to be wealthy to get your foot in the door, then it will just be a career for the elites.

Once that happens, those in power will never be challenged. The "bad guys" will be those outside of the sphere of influence (i.e. 'deplorables'). Scripts will be showcasing plots where the elites are righteous and know what's best for the ignorant deplorables.
Some. Some just suck. Rings of Power didn't just suck because they decided Elves should be black. That was just a smoke screen used by the show runners to say why the show was being lambasted by "right wingers". The show sucked bcause it was written poorly and was boring. She Hulk wasn't just bad because of woke speeches like telling Bruce banner he doesn't know real anger because he was never cat called as a woman. It sucked because of the writing. They made none of the characters likeable, made a mockery of Daredevil and Abomination. Boring. The Star wars shows were boring as well.
I absolutely believe that much of the "controversy" regarding those shows was completely astroturfed, but the finale of She Hulk may have predicted the future of Hollywood.

Replace K.E.V.I.N with ChatGPT and you have a true life concern the writers' guild is facing
This really seeks like awful timing with AI coming on the scene. All it will take is one successful AI written movie and that will just become the standard.

Like the Blar Witch Project of AI written movies.
No, that was more a general comment to a lot of the folks in this thread.
Ha! It was clearly a question.

And, of course it was posted to "a lot of folks in this thread." It is available to the entirety of the Sherdog community.
I don't understand how a Hollywood strike can't be defeated easily. There are so many people that want to be in show buisness. Why doesn't big Hollywood just replace the writers that went on strike with scabs? Or just bust out some old scripts that were already written but got passed over?
Scripts constantly get rewritten on set and day to day, that's one of the larger expenses for studios when it comes to writers. Scabs get generally blacklisted in this kind of thing. Scabs also would also get screwed out on residuals since they don't get WGA minimums and structured payments (good luck negotiating residuals as a solo writer with a multibillion dollar studio).
This really seeks like awful timing with AI coming on the scene. All it will take is one successful AI written movie and that will just become the standard.

Like the Blar Witch Project of AI written movies.
Why do you think they're striking now, when one of the main disagreements was studios wanting to use the writers of works to train LLMs without paying writers?
Hope they all get fired and end up working at Walmart where they belong
My cousin is a member of he writer's guild, has several projects in the works and is against the strike but must honor it due to his position.

Also, as a condition of him retaining medical coverage for him, his wife and two little girls, he has to make a certain amount of income each year.

He's not happy right now.
Gee what a loss. How ever will I be able to watch another Netflix show, get invested, and see the writers shit all over it by putting in some type of political messaging 3 seasons in.