Old, single, ain't lookin' to mingle

1. I would hurt myself trying to get on that ride

2. At my age I would doubt she would even notice I was in the room.

money always drives pussy crazy.
*pro tip
best revenge is living well

Jerry Seinfeld : People like the idea of revenge. Have you ever heard the expression, "The best revenge is living well"? I've said this. In other words, it means, supposedly, the best way to get back at someone is just by being happy and successful in your own life. Sounds nice. Doesn't really work on that Charles Bronson kind of level. You know what I mean? Those movies where his whole family just gets wiped out by some street scum. You know, maybe you could go up to him, "Charlie, forget the .357. What you need is a custom-made suit and a convertible. A couple of Mai Tais by the pool. New carpeting, French doors, a divan. That'll show those punks."
Well, the machinery for divorce number 2 is beginning to churn. Relationships have not been kind to your old buddy Muscles. All due to my terrible selection process.

I can tell you this, if you think it's time to get out, get out. Nobody changes that much and your prolonging the inevitable. Hanging around, you might be robbing yourself of meeting the right person.

I would add, don't rescue the princess. She doesn't want rescuing and is happy to drown you with her.

So here I go. Embarking on a new journey. A path of solitary life. It feels okay.

Good luck to you my man, that's all I can say really.
time to book flights to South East Asia and live like the king!
Don’t forget to stop stop n turkey for some fresh hair. Even if your hairline is holding, adding some extra couldn’t hurt.

Then when you get home, get a TRT script and a gym membership.
Gym membership is solid advice for younger dudes. I am past the point of lifting. My shoulders hurt way too much to move weights.

The garden keeps me in shape these days. Moving stones and planting shrubs will make a mountain of you. I'd look much better than I do if it weren't for the two beers a day.
Tbh I've just been sorta wandering around lost since my divorce. Over ten years now. I planned to move on, but a lot of shit I didn't plan on happened instead. Oh well a lot of people live unhappy lives, I'm just another one.

Best of luck to you sherbro, and I hope the divorce isn't brutal for you.
Nah FUCK that. They just get crazier and MORE demanding. It's insane.
yea, but they lack the energy and willpower to make your life miserable like young women can, plus they know they're expendable.