Law George Santos to be charged

All that matters is his vote.

“I don’t care if Herschel Walker paid to abort endangered baby eagles. I want control of the Senate.”

Dana Loesch

Like Fetterman and Fienstien? They're just bodies to vote the "correct" way at this point. Why would the DNC move to remove them?

Like Fetterman and Fienstien? They're just bodies to vote the "correct" way at this point. Why would the DNC move to remove them?

Feinstein should be removed, Fetterman can at least speak, and seen him talk a little bit lately.
Feinstein has always been terrible, but being brain dead might actually make her better.
Feinstein has been asked by her own party to step down, for some reason she wont. Feinstein is starting to remind me of Cpt Pike.

But sure lets compare health problems with not voting out a con-man errr women or whatever the hell he is but for sure he/She is a con man.
Is that the hill you want to die on? It used to be people like Santos own party would vote him out, but now days, they realize partisan politics makes it so nobody needs to be accountable.
Feinstein should be removed, Fetterman can at least speak, and seen him talk a little bit lately.
Feinstein has always been terrible, but being brain dead might actually make her better.
Feinstein has been asked by her own party to step down, for some reason she wont. Feinstein is starting to remind me of Cpt Pike.

But sure lets compare health problems with not voting out a con-man errr women or whatever the hell he is but for sure he/She is a con man.
Is that the hill you want to die on? It used to be people like Santos own party would vote him out, but now days, they realize partisan politics makes it so nobody needs to be accountable.

Scerpi is chronically WHATABOUT, I don't think he actually understands right and wrong.
Don’t really care about the lying but if committed crimes so be it. As long as it’s applied the same as it’s been for the other recently
WTF do you mean you don't care about the lying? Don't you think it contributed to him being elected--and therefore under false pretenses, and therefore in an undemocratic fashion? Or are you one of those "in the legislature the worst Republican is better than the best Democrat" types?
Is that the hill you want to die on? It used to be people like Santos own party would vote him out, but now days, they realize partisan politics makes it so nobody needs to be accountable.
I feel like I just said that in my post above only in a different way. It seems a truism at this point.
WTF do you mean you don't care about the lying? Don't you think it contributed to him being elected--and therefore under false pretenses, and therefore in an undemocratic fashion? Or are you one of those "in the legislature the worst Republican is better than the best Democrat" types?
How can he care about lying yet still support Trump? Obviously lying is now OK since Trump is the best...
WTF do you mean you don't care about the lying? Don't you think it contributed to him being elected--and therefore under false pretenses, and therefore in an undemocratic fashion? Or are you one of those "in the legislature the worst Republican is better than the best Democrat" types?
Don’t tell ‘me about his lying if you voted for Biden. It’s horseshit. You don’t like his lying? Vote him out. I can dislike him but we have elections for this kind of thing.
Don’t tell ‘me about his lying if you voted for Biden. It’s horseshit. You don’t like his lying? Vote him out. I can dislike him but we have elections for this kind of thing.
How can he care about lying yet still support Trump? Obviously lying is now OK since Trump is the best...