Dumbest thing you've heard

If you sleep next to an air conditioning vent you can become retarded. That pearl of wisdom was courtesy of one of my junior high school nuns.
Nothing exploded and dirt comes alive
In the beginning there was nothing, and then nothing exploded for absolutely no reason at all, creating everything. Don’t know why you’re arguing such sound scientific principles.

You must be one of those nutters who believe in that cause and effect malarkey.
Who said it was their culture to steal ...that's some serious wow. If that's true that would completely justify being prejudice/racist against said group would it not?

Disclaimer. I am not being racist and I do not think that's true I'm just following that stupid statement to it's conclusion and pointing out just how dumb it is
This is actually not an uncommon thought amongst hyper liberals. AOC is a great example. Systematic Racism leads cultures to do what they have to do. We all know that is bullshit, just like people were looting because they were hungry. Meanwhile the stores looted sold sneakers and high end fashion. No one robbed the Walmart. When food stores did get looted, the veggies were untouched. The backhanded racism blacks get is incredible...I live in a middle class diverse town where black and whites are the same....Same houses, jobs, child rearing attitudes. I just shake my head at the stupidity. Take any color kid and raise him right in the middle class and they will be just like everyone else.
I don't think the tide thing is that stupid. If the beach is small at high tide, it is small all the time.

I think all of the right wing political / religious opinions of convenience are at the top. Lizard people rule the earth. Earth is flat. Earth is 6000 years old. Librarians are grooming kids for sex. Their AR-15 is what they will use if the country is invaded. Dungeons and Dragons causes real spells to happen. You can pray for rain and get it. Just all that stupid shit.

Schools and SOME Librarians ARE grooming kids, there is no doubt about it.
Drag queen hour in libraries in the States and Britain.
School libraries carrying absolutely filthy[ and i mean filthy] sexually explicit 'childrens' books.
Kids as young as 4 being told how to masturbate and do oral sex.

There are videos of mothers addressing school board in America complaining about this, for christ's sake!
The day one mother read excerpts from just one of these books. I'd like to repeat what she read aloud but it's honestly too disgusting and shocking.
Another mother told the Board that she had just found out that two weeks previously her 9 year old girl was forced by a 9 year old boy to perform oral sex!!! The school knew about this but decided not to tell the parents, obviously.
The UN has said babies are sexual beings! And that children should have sexual partners throughout their childhood!
Pedophilia is being presented as just another sexual orientation.

These things are TRUE, and i get sick to death of people who can't be bothered researching this type of thing. You won't find this in the mass media, stop watching the tv.
Kids are being told that it's ok to change their gender, they are in fact pressured to do so. There are clinics now that only do reasignment surgery every single day.
They have started to come for our children, but most of the population are fiddling while Rome burns!

Apologies for hijacking this thread, but it makes me so angry when dicks state something like this isn't happening when clearly it is!
Schools and SOME Librarians ARE grooming kids, there is no doubt about it.
Drag queen hour in libraries in the States and Britain.
School libraries carrying absolutely filthy[ and i mean filthy] sexually explicit 'childrens' books.
Kids as young as 4 being told how to masturbate and do oral sex.

There are videos of mothers addressing school board in America complaining about this, for christ's sake!
The day one mother read excerpts from just one of these books. I'd like to repeat what she read aloud but it's honestly too disgusting and shocking.
Another mother told the Board that she had just found out that two weeks previously her 9 year old girl was forced by a 9 year old boy to perform oral sex!!! The school knew about this but decided not to tell the parents, obviously.
The UN has said babies are sexual beings! And that children should have sexual partners throughout their childhood!
Pedophilia is being presented as just another sexual orientation.

These things are TRUE, and i get sick to death of people who can't be bothered researching this type of thing. You won't find this in the mass media, stop watching the tv.
Kids are being told that it's ok to change their gender, they are in fact pressured to do so. There are clinics now that only do reasignment surgery every single day.
They have started to come for our children, but most of the population are fiddling while Rome burns!

Apologies for hijacking this thread, but it makes me so angry when dicks state something like this isn't happening when clearly it is!

lol It's not. Ya'll sexualize your own kids by letting them on the internet unsupervised so they can look at porn whenever they want. Imagine being mad that a porn book no one ever checked out in 20 years is randomly on a shelf in some library, when you are paying ISPs to funnel unlimited rape porn to your kids' phones.
Me (jokingly): "hey do you know anyone who wants some baby goats? My goat just laid eggs and I'm trying to find a home for them"

Coworker: *asks rapid fire questions about the mother goat to test if I'm bullshitting*

Me: *fumbles on an answer*

Coworker: "you're such a liar haha...you have to have a goat for it to lay eggs"

I chuckled but then realized she wasn't joking and I had to politely let her know that goats don't actually lay eggs.

at riley gaines appearance at SF state.
screamed by ugly dudes:
"trans women are WOMEN!"
smh, no they're not.
if you have a dick and balls, you're a man cross dressing. very common.
That the sub that was used to try and see the wreckage of the titanic and is now lost at sea is run on a Xbox controller
The Buddha (Gautama) was a black African.

Rome never existed

A student "why can't we just print more money we own it?"

My cousin "Bro the cops told me i had to cut my lot more often. I pulled put my gun told him get the fuck off my property or id put two in his head and he left"
Maybe fertility doc in China telling the guy he's been putting it in the wrong hole the whole time.
I personally haven’t heard it but “I’m going on a sub to see the titanic. Only cost me a quarter mil”

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