Social Little Kids Only Eat Cheese Pizzas?

Kids prefer plain food. They aren't jaded from overeating and just like what they like. Also, every kid has the experience of being tricked by an adult into eating spicy sausage or spice pepperoni, or a supreme pizza with a weird ingredient even adults don't want, like olives. Plus, kids all know this is one area they can exercise control. They know adults want to order supreme pizzas, but don't want to see the kids pull 14 dollars of toppings off, so they stand their ground on it.
Kids don’t like exotic toppings, but going for straight plain-cheese tells me they are instinctually rejecting the contaminants that ultra-processed meats contain.

We are one of the first and few generations to have grown up eating synthetic nitride-rich foods, the quality of foods our great-grandparents were eating were much purer, but even they started being exposed to this new age of chemicals and synthetics.

That’s just my initial reaction/perception, it seems positive to me that kids are instinctually eating less tainted components.
When I was a boxing coach for an MMA team, we had a 135'er that only ate two things; cheese pizza and chicken nuggets. He thought he was the shit and ended up going 2-8. Eat other toppings or learn how to stop a fucking takedown.
Kids prefer plain food. They aren't jaded from overeating and just like what they like. Also, every kid has the experience of being tricked by an adult into eating spicy sausage or spice pepperoni, or a supreme pizza with a weird ingredient even adults don't want, like olives. Plus, kids all know this is one area they can exercise control. They know adults want to order supreme pizzas, but don't want to see the kids pull 14 dollars of toppings off, so they stand their ground on it.
Olives are delicious gtfo.
So I was at this weak bounce park place for my niece's 6th birthday party. They get pizzas through Papa John's. 5 total - 2 cheese, 2 pepperoni, 1 meat lovers. There were 10 or so kids around that age. Literally all chose the cheese pizza. All 3 boys. Just something I noticed.

So what's going on here? Small sample size? Girls prefer not to eat meat (at least at that age [<cena1})? World going crazy with vegetarianism? Everyone going soft? Meat allergies? Kids being "picky" or having immature palates?

All I know is that I have the option of eating something with more flavor, I choose it, even as a kid. Take me to Flavor Town!

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PS I'm being kinda serious here. I don't have kids.
It's likely more of a case of kids being picky eaters.
Not for me. Pepperoni has, and will, be my go-to. My only variance is shrimp, sliced Italian sausage, and spinach.
Kids prefer plain food. They aren't jaded from overeating and just like what they like. Also, every kid has the experience of being tricked by an adult into eating spicy sausage or spice pepperoni, or a supreme pizza with a weird ingredient even adults don't want, like olives. Plus, kids all know this is one area they can exercise control. They know adults want to order supreme pizzas, but don't want to see the kids pull 14 dollars of toppings off, so they stand their ground on it.
I'm lucky. I cannot remember a time when I didn't like all sorts of food. But I understand that I'm like the exception that proves the rule. My father once likened the motion of the fork to my mouth to a steam shovel lol. I think he was just jealous though because he was pretty round by then and I never seemed to gain weight no matter how much I ate.

There was a period of about two or 3 months--one summer when I was 10 or 11--when my best friend would always go inside to have supper at 5pm sharp but since my parents both worked supper was usually at 6 or later, so I would go to my father's aunt's place next door to my friend's--I was way too hungry to wait until 6, and she would feed me at 5pm, then I would go home and have supper :D

It was fuckin' hilarious to me. I got away with that shit for far longer than I expected. I finally confessed like a good Catholic and then I had to stop LOL.
It would probably be considered child abuse these days, but when I was a kid if you didn't eat what was prepared or brought home you were definitely going to suffer miss a meal cramps.
Yup, my parents said eat or don't eat but if you don't, don't expect anything before the next meal. Whether that's awful or not it was effective in my case, for sure.
So I was at this weak bounce park place for my niece's 6th birthday party. They get pizzas through Papa John's. 5 total - 2 cheese, 2 pepperoni, 1 meat lovers. There were 10 or so kids around that age. Literally all chose the cheese pizza. All 3 boys. Just something I noticed.

So what's going on here? Small sample size? Girls prefer not to eat meat (at least at that age [<cena1})? World going crazy with vegetarianism? Everyone going soft? Meat allergies? Kids being "picky" or having immature palates?

All I know is that I have the option of eating something with more flavor, I choose it, even as a kid. Take me to Flavor Town!

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PS I'm being kinda serious here. I don't have kids.
What a creepy fuckin post.

Why would you feel the need to comment about a little girl's appetite for dick?? It's not too late to delete this bud
I'm lucky. I cannot remember a time when I didn't like all sorts of food. But I understand that I'm like the exception that proves the rule. My father once likened the motion of the fork to my mouth to a steam shovel lol. I think he was just jealous though because he was pretty round by then and I never seemed to gain weight no matter how much I ate.

There was a period of about two or 3 months--one summer when I was 10 or 11--when my best friend would always go inside to have supper at 5pm sharp but since my parents both worked supper was usually at 6 or later, so I would go to my father's aunt's place next door to my friend's--I was way too hungry to wait until 6, and she would feed me at 5pm, then I would go home and have supper :D

It was fuckin' hilarious to me. I got away with that shit for far longer than I expected. I finally confessed like a good Catholic and then I had to stop LOL.

Glorious luck lol
Glorious luck lol
To this day I have a very fortunate metabolism--not so fortunate when I get really sick, mind you--getting a bit of a paunch but respectable for my age I think, but back then holy fuck I could hoover that shit up like it was going out of style at supper and want a bowl of cereal at bed time because I hated going to bed hungry :)
shity weak prntnts out ther damn gtet those kids domse fvitmints or something iduno
My kid hated pizza, hotdogs, PB&J sandwiches, and any lunchmeat on bread. But put any seafood in front of him and he devoured it. Crawfish, crab legs, octopus, squid....ect...ect
So I was at this weak bounce park place for my niece's 6th birthday party. They get pizzas through Papa John's. 5 total - 2 cheese, 2 pepperoni, 1 meat lovers. There were 10 or so kids around that age. Literally all chose the cheese pizza. All 3 boys. Just something I noticed.

So what's going on here? Small sample size? Girls prefer not to eat meat (at least at that age [<cena1})? World going crazy with vegetarianism? Everyone going soft? Meat allergies? Kids being "picky" or having immature palates?

All I know is that I have the option of eating something with more flavor, I choose it, even as a kid. Take me to Flavor Town!

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PS I'm being kinda serious here. I don't have kids.
I never chose cheese and still dont.
Most boys want Pepperoni. Its the girls, that want cheese.

All pizzas should have pepperoni by the way and then whatever after.
Always red sauce too.

None of this bbq chicken and white sauce bullshit that people get.