Social Value of Female Friends


Blue Belt
Apr 25, 2023
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Some guys think men and women can't be friends, but that's nonsense. Female friends offer the obvious value of introducing you to her girl friends or being great wingmen, especially if your friends are attractive. Since there is no better way to seem attractive to women than being seen with an attractive woman.

But now I am seeing the incredible value of the role they play in emotional connection. As men, we don't allow ourselves to be as vulnerable around each other. Even if we want to, it's just not how most guys communicate.

For example, after my last break up from a serious relationship, my guy friends were there to shoot the shit, drink beer, go out with me to hit on chicks, etc. But conversations about how I was feeling were reduced to, "that sucks bro, but there's more chicks out there."

But with one of my best friends who's a woman, I talked more openly about how heart broken and sad I was, and she listened without judgement, without worrying about whether or not I'll lose my man card. Both types of friends were there for me in different ways.

Both dynamics are valuable and why we need different kinds of people to play different roles. I would even say that female friendships are even more important when you're in a relationship, because women lose attraction for their men when they are too vulnerable, but you don't have to worry about your female friend not seeing you as attractive since you're already friend zoned anyway. The only problem is that your partner would not like that you're being more emotionally vulnerable with another woman.
women lose attraction for their men when they are too vulnerable

If a woman loses attraction to you for being vulnerable then that's a good thing because it presents an opportunity for you to find a better woman.

If a woman told me some silly shit like that I would toss their shit out on the lawn and tell them to kick rocks.

Your partner be it male/female should be your confidant, the person you should be able to communicate with the most openly and honestly.

If you can't handle each other's shit, then maybe the relationship isn't for you.

That's fine, move on.

The only problem is that your partner would not like that you're being more emotionally vulnerable with another woman.

If the woman you are with is a mature adult and doesn't have some asinine assumptions that because a man is vulnerable sometimes and expresses his emotions and doesn't stuff that shit down like he is eating a shit sandwich then they wouldn't feel the need to be more emotionally vulnerable with another woman.

That's a communication thing.

If a woman wants to be in a relationship with a guy who only shows his emotions when it pertains to her and not the rest of what's going on in his life and would rather them push those emotions down and bottle them up until they explode like a piñata on Cinco De Mayo then that's her choice but can't complain when things go unhinged.

Oh, your man went on a 3-day cocaine binge and broke the entire set of China dating back to the Qing Dynasty that your mother gave you as a wedding gift because it reminded him of the fragility that you see in his masculinity because he wanted to talk to you about his issues to purge his fucking soul because he thought you would understand and not be judgemental?


I don't want to have to travel to South America for an Ayahuasca trip just to reconnect with my inner-self because the person I love and who is supposed to love me would think less of me because I feel safe enough with them to express my anger, shame, anxiety, and etc.
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If a woman loses attraction to you for being vulnerable then that's a good thing because it presents an opportunity for you to find a better woman.

If a woman told me some silly shit like that I would toss their shit out on the lawn and tell them to kick rocks.

Your partner be it male/female should be your confidant, the person you should be able to communicate with the most openly and honestly.

If you can't handle each other's shit, then maybe the relationship isn't for you.

That's fine, move on.

That's the narrative that's been shoved down our throats in regards to the modern concept of relationships. Your partner is your best friend, confidant, etc. But I've come to realize this is unrealistic and not how humans are built to be. Except for the rare special cases, we are not meant to be everything to one person. We are supposed to have close friends, parents, mentors, sexual partner(s), etc. who are play different roles in our life.

Women aren't built to accept their life long partners as being weak and vulnerable, even though we all have our moments. This isn't explicitly said out loud, and many women will say they want a guy who can be vulnerable, but they will subconsciously lose respect for you when you, as the man, show too much vulnerability or emotion. That's not a judgement on women. It's just the way it is. It's the same as most men don't want to be with a woman who's slept with the entire town, even if they have done the same. Maybe you got lucky and found the woman who accepts you as you are, warts and all.

I don't want to have to travel to South America for an Ayahuasca trip just to reconnect with my inner-self because the person I love and who is supposed to love me would think less of me because I feel safe enough with them to express my anger, shame, anxiety, and etc.

Nothing wrong with working on yourself, by yourself, be it via ayahuasca trip or therapy. Therapists play an important role in modern society, it's just that they are fucking expensive. Having a close friend who can let you talk about shit is cheaper and maybe better because you know that your friend actually cares.

you pussy, you got friend zoned so hard you had to post on sherdog about it

Being friendzoned is totally fine especially when she introduces you to her other friends.
Im glad i don't live in this generation. I slept with over 30 women before i met my wife of 25 years. No regrets, no feeling of missed opertunitys. Im not rich, but i own my home, have a kid, and he will have a house when we are gone.
We are supposed to have close friends, parents, mentors, sexual partner(s), etc. who are play different roles in our life.

That wasn't even in question.

That's just common sense.

Women aren't built to accept their life long partners as being weak and vulnerable, even though we all have our moments. This isn't explicitly said out loud, and many women will say they want a guy who can be vulnerable, but they will subconsciously lose respect for you when you, as the man, show too much vulnerability or emotion.

You've read "The Game" once too many times and took it to heart.

I bet you invested 2 hours into learning a magic trick just to try and impress women at a bar, didn't you?

And it probably wasn't that good of a card trick either, but it's easy to impress half-inebriated women (inebriated people in general) in a dimly lit nightclub... It's OK, I get it.

Mystery's real name is Erik von Markovik, he is 51 years old and still dressing like a Steam-punk Criss Angel circa 2005.

He dresses more like Criss Angel than even Criss Angel does.

If that's confusing to you, good because it should be.

That's the point.

Don't listen to Pickup Artists.

Postscript: Holla at'cha boy if you want to learn a moderately decent card trick that will take you 10 - 15 minutes of practice and it will impress everybody, including sober women.
the real value of female friendship



I have two female friends, one in Singapore, the other in New York State. I'm in the UK.

That is the only way.

(And I know both would get into a romantic relationship with me if we were local and not seeing anyone)

In a male, female friendship one person always wants more. That doesn't have to be a problem but it can easily be one.
nah, she's thinking about the different types of fillings that would be a good combination for a sandwich to please her man.....she's a proper woman.

Sorry I didn't see your post but this is definitely the correct answer....
I have multiple good female friends. Some dudes are just so desperate, insecure and thirsty, they’re unable to because they can’t even communicate with women without being creepy.

They take to the internet to blame every factor except their own inability to communicate with women. Instead of spending time gaining confidence, communication skills and reading social cues, they lash out. That’s basically what incels are.