Social 3k migrants bussed in to NYC every week

RFK stating that most of the people coming through the border while he was there for 3 days we're not from South America, but from the Middle East really rocked my world frankly.

If that is true and normative, it means that the cartels are making money off shipping people to the United States through the Mexican-American border.

And according to RFK they are not sending their best people...
RFK stating that most of the people coming through the border while he was there for 3 days we're not from South America, but from the Middle East really rocked my world frankly.

If that is true and normative, it means that the cartels are making money off shipping people to the United States through the Mexican-American border.

And according to RFK they are not sending their best people...
There's a lot of Africans as well. But let's not start trusting in that nutbag.
Why is the Federal gov't allowing this?
that's what I'm wondering and worrying about, why are they allowing and aiding this? Maybe they are trying to create conditions for a riot or civil unrest, for who knows what reason.
They don’t give a shit about this country. That’s why.
it just seems more than that, like it's planned. I don't know. I'm also worried for my immigrant (legal) pals who might get targeted by mistake.
it just seems more than that, like it's planned. I don't know. I'm also worried for my immigrant (legal) pals who might get targeted by mistake.
It’s not their fault the government doesn’t care about borders. It’s the politicians fault.
You can't be too mad. Those are the future voters that will keep you in power. That is what you wanted them here for, so shut the fuck up and deal with it.
Borders are borders that are meant to border nations. *INSERT CACKLES*

I believe borders are important. In particular, between Mexico and the United States is a border. A border between Mexico and the US exists right now at this time, in this present time, with many asylum seekers crossing over. So when you think about it, this time, I must warn asylum seekers, do not come, do not come.

I believe borders are important. In particular, between Mexico and the United States is a border. A border between Mexico and the US exists right now at this time, in this present time, with many asylum seekers crossing over. So when you think about it, this time, I must warn asylum seekers, do not come, do not come.

Why is the Federal gov't allowing this?
Hmmm…maybe because the next step is to grant voting rights to all the freeloading trash crawling across the border?

Minority voters have historically been far more likely to vote for Democrats than Republicans. It’s actually very simple. For leftists, any negatives to illegal immigrants flooding the country are easily outweighed by the positives (more votes for Democrats in future elections).
Watching NYC turn into a third world dump while simultaneously losing billions of dollars for spending in other critical areas is just SO delicious! If there ever existed a group of people who deserved it, it’s NYC residents. I love it!!