Social Lauren Boebert theater pocket pool and transexual discussion

oooooohhh wow.... Just found the guy that hasn't talked face to face with any honest medical personnel about this debacle.
Maybe you can try to articulate what you think the medical nightmare will be.
Again that’s not what I’ve seen through my own kids. Especially the T.

Yes but how many people have you really listened to on this that are experts with data because I did a deep dive starting about a month ago and it's pretty clear what is going on.

I don't know you very well, but if you sincerely want to know what's going on, I'll link you a couple people to check out and these are not right wingers they are left-wing people but they have been labeled as bigots but when you listen to them they do not say a single thing that is bigoted... they are so far from it.

But they are bringing the facts around this issue and the facts don't look good for the transgender community on a few different levels. It does appear to be a social contagion affecting mostly young girls. The stats for young boys are nowhere near and there are not nearly the same number of mature women transitioning now that the culture is changed, it's just these young girls.

And I've done my very best to steal man the other side's position on this and listen to them talking and they just don't make sense when you listen to all the data.

I'm far left man. I'm a Bernie supporter and I'm telling you right now this issue is not what you think it is.

I don't want to debate it so if that's what you're doing and I am not saying that's what you're doing at all. Just let me know, but if you're interested I will link you some very important podcasts to listen to with real experts to know what they're talking about.
Yes but how many people have you really listened to on this that are experts with data because I did a deep dive starting about a month ago and it's pretty clear what is going on.

I don't know you very well, but if you sincerely want to know what's going on, I'll link you a couple people to check out and these are not right wingers they are left-wing people but they have been labeled as bigots but when you listen to them they do not say a single thing that is bigoted... they are so far from it.

But they are bringing the facts around this issue and the facts don't look good for the transgender community on a few different levels. It does appear to be a social contagion affecting mostly young girls. The stats for young boys are nowhere near and there are not nearly the same number of mature women transitioning now that the culture is changed, it's just these young girls.

And I've done my very best to steal man the other side's position on this and listen to them talking and they just don't make sense when you listen to all the data.

I'm far left man. I'm a Bernie supporter and I'm telling you right now this issue is not what you think it is.

I don't want to debate it so if that's what you're doing and I am not saying that's what you're doing at all. Just let me know, but if you're interested I will link you some very important podcasts to listen to with real experts to know what they're talking about.

Link away, I'll listen to any reasonable opinion.
Public handy (on the first date)….oh, That guy no doubt plowed the recently divorced Rep Boebert. 100%

I think that's a given. That wasn't first date behavior and I've been out with some real ho'bags in my time.
Boobert with hot secretary vibe going on.
I like it.
Would love a threesome with her and AOC.
I'd be the meat in the middle.
*non political observation
Link away, I'll listen to any reasonable opinion.

wonderful. here are three that have had a profound impact on me. stock is a phd philosopher and a lesbian who was violently chased out of her tenured position for sharing the ideas she shares in the first link. in fact you can hear what sounds like the roar of a sports event outside and that's what i thought it was while listening but it was actually people outside protesting her talk at the oxford union.

joyce has a phd in mathematics and she uses that kind of reasoning to explicate why the transgender movement is a faith based movement and a linguistic movement primarily. each one of these women comes at the issue from a VERY different place and i have found each of them to be profound thinkers the more ive considered what they say.

the last link i just stumbled across and its a debate between stock and a stranswoman with a phd in literature. ive scoured the net to find such debates and they are very few and far between and while the activists lie about why that is it turn out that the trans-activists WONT debate on principle. the reasons behind their refusal are quite interesting frankly. ultimately its because they have no case based on reason.

but it should be noted that both of these woman are totally in favor of trans laws that protect trasn people from being excluded in the workplace and socially from ridicule or harm. neither person is against those basic kinds of courtesies fyi.

finally there are many more of these from both women and ive listened to all of them and every single one gets into details missed in the ones ive linked and each of them have value of their own. i figure if you are impressed with their logic and reasoning then you will take the time to listen to more of them.

you guys dont know me but if i catch even a small hint of right wing bigotry or hatred off of a speaker i discount them and seek out better human beings and sources. neither of these women hate trans people on any level and both are left or center left.


wonderful. here are three that have had a profound impact on me. stock is a phd philosopher and a lesbian who was violently chased out of her tenured position for sharing the ideas she shares in the first link. in fact you can hear what sounds like the roar of a sports event outside and that's what i thought it was while listening but it was actually people outside protesting her talk at the oxford union.

joyce has a phd in mathematics and she uses that kind of reasoning to explicate why the transgender movement is a faith based movement and a linguistic movement primarily. each one of these women comes at the issue from a VERY different place and i have found each of them to be profound thinkers the more ive considered what they say.

the last link i just stumbled across and its a debate between stock and a stranswoman with a phd in literature. ive scoured the net to find such debates and they are very few and far between and while the activists lie about why that is it turn out that the trans-activists WONT debate on principle. the reasons behind their refusal are quite interesting frankly. ultimately its because they have no case based on reason.

but it should be noted that both of these woman are totally in favor of trans laws that protect trasn people from being excluded in the workplace and socially from ridicule or harm. neither person is against those basic kinds of courtesies fyi.

finally there are many more of these from both women and ive listened to all of them and every single one gets into details missed in the ones ive linked and each of them have value of their own. i figure if you are impressed with their logic and reasoning then you will take the time to listen to more of them.

you guys dont know me but if i catch even a small hint of right wing bigotry or hatred off of a speaker i discount them and seek out better human beings and sources. neither of these women hate trans people on any level and both are left or center left.


I don't know who these women are but why are you saying that they're experts? They seem very bright but a mathematician and philosopher and someone with a phd in literature doesn't make them experts in trans stuff.
I don't know who these women are but why are you saying that they're experts? They seem very bright but a mathematician and philosopher and someone with a phd in literature doesn't make them experts in trans stuff.


I watched the first video and I was waiting until I had properly digested it and perhaps watched it again before commenting.

Kathleen Stock isn't an expert but she's an intelligent, highly educated lesbian feminist who is orders of magnitude more informed on this subject than prominent gender critical activists like Matt Walsh.

If your point was that she isn't a sociologist and therefore not expert in human interactions, then I agree, however I appreciate her excellent expression of gender critical positions. It's incredibly easy to dismiss Walsh because he's an ignorant bigot and a monster, but the bar is much higher with someone like Stock.

I agree with some of her positions. Trans women in sport is a difficult issue, and I don't support it yet. Trans women in women's restrooms is obviously problematic and while I think the danger of (what is basically) desegregation is over-stated I don't think society is anywhere near ready for it.

At the same time Stock is repeating gender critical lies like how blockers result in lowered future success of orgasm, and I think she's smart enough to know this is what she's doing.

People like Stock will have increased credibility due to her status as a lesbian and a feminist and her education but these cohorts have obvious conflicts with the trans community, and it's important to consider them. That said, if there's going to be a discussion about trans rights, it isn't going to be with the Matt Walshes and Jordan Petersons of the world, it's going to need to be with the Kathleen Stocks.
I don't know who these women are but why are you saying that they're experts? They seem very bright but a mathematician and philosopher and someone with a phd in literature doesn't make them experts in trans stuff.

I disagree because they have taken the time to absorb all of the data deeply. Kathleen stock has a PhD in philosophy and she believes you can argue that this is philosophical issue so she tackles it from that angle as an expert in philosophy. I think any attempt to discuss this issue without addressing the deep underlying philosophical positions held by both camps is unwarranted and irresponsible. But you have to listen to her arguments and of course you can disagree with her positions, but I'm betting you won't once you hear her.

It's the same issue as when you watch atheists and religious people debate and atheists like Dawkins make very spurious and impossible to defend philosophical statements without even realizing they are doing so. It is easy to undermine many of those arguments because they are based on philosophical fallacies. It turns out there is a ton of crossover between fields and it's nearly impossible to not have philosophical underpinnings of which you are unaware untill they are pointed out.

This is why the philosophy of science has become such an important issue on this front and has received so much attention lately by many modern thinkers pointing out mostly unconscious biases on the part of many scientists. These biases make reasoned thinking difficult to spot and also break possible chains of logic that violate these biases.

It is very foolish to think that philosophy is not directly relevant to the trams debate frankly but you would have to watch the videos in order to see the positions and why they matter.

The other woman whose name escapes me now has done a massive amount of research and from a very different angle and is pointing out that much of the trans ideology is faith based and doesn't add up if you just follow the logic. She seems particularly adept at pointing out many the logical fallacies within the trans gender movement.

Both of these women are deep thinkers, highly intelligent and point out seriouse problems with trans gender activism, with the medical approach to diagnosing and treating it etc. The second woman is particularly good at pointing out the problems with diagnosis and treatments in particular.

I don't know a single right wing commentator who is making a public living off of speaking about transgender ideologies. And I have never listened to a single right-wing thinker because I don't respect anybody if I can catch even a little bit of bigotry or hatred in them. But these two women are of a completely different kind and are easy to respect intellectually and in the way that they use logic and reason and they are both absolutely worth listening to and I think it would be who view to listen to the both of them and not just these videos. But a few more because these were just examples they don't cover all of the material.

It is also worth noting that I have done my very best to find people who debunk them just to see the other side and I have found some of that and they are filled with lies and straw manning and almost never address their actual positions and I think that is very very telling..... It seems to be a hallmark of the trans movement to accuse people of bigotry rather than to discuss ideas in fact.

The best I found was a woman scholar whose name is slipping my mind right now. But I listened to 2 hours of her talk in front of a scholarly panel and essentially her argument came down to the fact that she believes reality is formed by language and that if we are to shift the language around men and women and get rid of those distinctions, it will somehow change physical reality and make those distinctions dissipate over time.

Ultimately, I do not believe that she believes there is a physical world that isn't constructed by language and mind. And this woman seems to be a prominent thinker and source of transgender ideology today.

I watched the first video and I was waiting until I had properly digested it and perhaps watched it again before commenting.

Kathleen Stock isn't an expert but she's an intelligent, highly educated lesbian feminist who is orders of magnitude more informed on this subject than prominent gender critical activists like Matt Walsh.

If your point was that she isn't a sociologist and therefore not expert in human interactions, then I agree, however I appreciate her excellent expression of gender critical positions. It's incredibly easy to dismiss Walsh because he's an ignorant bigot and a monster, but the bar is much higher with someone like Stock.

I agree with some of her positions. Trans women in sport is a difficult issue, and I don't support it yet. Trans women in women's restrooms is obviously problematic and while I think the danger of (what is basically) desegregation is over-stated I don't think society is anywhere near ready for it.

At the same time Stock is repeating gender critical lies like how blockers result in lowered future success of orgasm, and I think she's smart enough to know this is what she's doing.

People like Stock will have increased credibility due to her status as a lesbian and a feminist and her education but these cohorts have obvious conflicts with the trans community, and it's important to consider them. That said, if there's going to be a discussion about trans rights, it isn't going to be with the Matt Walshes and Jordan Petersons of the world, it's going to need to be with the Kathleen Stocks.

I wonder if you could time stamp the place where she incorrectly states that medication can create a permanent loss of orgasm. I have listened to everything she has on youtube now and never heard her make that statement. It is always made about people that fully transition so she probably just misspoke or you miss heard her.

But I am very glad to hear your open-mindedness on this issue with this woman. And please man listen to that other lady too because she's better in some respects.. I don't listen to pundits on issues I really want to understand and I don't take them seriously, but neither of these women are that.... they are very respectable intellectuals who make very reasoned arguments.

So far I have heard no arguments from the other side that arise to a true challenge to these two women's positions and I have looked deeply.

On the bathroom issue, your position reveals a bias that I would like you to defend. You present the issue as something society isn't quite ready for implying that you are ready for it, you know it has moral superiority, and that others are just not evolved enough to accept it yet.

I think that is a philosophically indefensible statement, but I would love to hear your reasoning behind it. I don't think there's anything unadvanced or unevolved about women not wanting huge men in bathrooms with them where they are vulnerable, where they are defenseless physically but also where they have miscarriages, fart, and where they go to escape dangerous men often and where they go just as a private place where only women are.

So far I've never heard a reasoned argument as to why women should give that up so that men can go into their restrooms.
I disagree because they have taken the time to absorb all of the data deeply. Kathleen stock has a PhD in philosophy and she believes you can argue that this is philosophical issue so she tackles it from that angle as an expert in philosophy. I think any attempt to discuss this issue without addressing the deep underlying philosophical positions held by both camps is unwarranted and irresponsible. But you have to listen to her arguments and of course you can disagree with her positions, but I'm betting you won't once you hear her.

It's the same issue as when you watch atheists and religious people debate and atheists like Dawkins make very spurious and impossible to defend philosophical statements without even realizing they are doing so. It is easy to undermine many of those arguments because they are based on philosophical fallacies. It turns out there is a ton of crossover between fields and it's nearly impossible to not have philosophical underpinnings of which you are unaware untill they are pointed out.

This is why the philosophy of science has become such an important issue on this front and has received so much attention lately by many modern thinkers pointing out mostly unconscious biases on the part of many scientists. These biases make reasoned thinking difficult to spot and also break possible chains of logic that violate these biases.

It is very foolish to think that philosophy is not directly relevant to the trams debate frankly but you would have to watch the videos in order to see the positions and why they matter.

The other woman whose name escapes me now has done a massive amount of research and from a very different angle and is pointing out that much of the trans ideology is faith based and doesn't add up if you just follow the logic. She seems particularly adept at pointing out many the logical fallacies within the trans gender movement.

Both of these women are deep thinkers, highly intelligent and point out seriouse problems with trans gender activism, with the medical approach to diagnosing and treating it etc. The second woman is particularly good at pointing out the problems with diagnosis and treatments in particular.

I don't know a single right wing commentator who is making a public living off of speaking about transgender ideologies. And I have never listened to a single right-wing thinker because I don't respect anybody if I can catch even a little bit of bigotry or hatred in them. But these two women are of a completely different kind and are easy to respect intellectually and in the way that they use logic and reason and they are both absolutely worth listening to and I think it would be who view to listen to the both of them and not just these videos. But a few more because these were just examples they don't cover all of the material.

It is also worth noting that I have done my very best to find people who debunk them just to see the other side and I have found some of that and they are filled with lies and straw manning and almost never address their actual positions and I think that is very very telling..... It seems to be a hallmark of the trans movement to accuse people of bigotry rather than to discuss ideas in fact.

The best I found was a woman scholar whose name is slipping my mind right now. But I listened to 2 hours of her talk in front of a scholarly panel and essentially her argument came down to the fact that she believes reality is formed by language and that if we are to shift the language around men and women and get rid of those distinctions, it will somehow change physical reality and make those distinctions dissipate over time.

Ultimately, I do not believe that she believes there is a physical world that isn't constructed by language and mind. And this woman seems to be a prominent thinker and source of transgender ideology today.
None of that makes them experts. No disrespect to their opinions or their perspectives. And I'm not arguing the validity or invalidity of their conclusions.

But if you're going to claim experts on a medical issue with a mental health component then I'd expect mental health and medical professionals.

I'm a lawyer with a degree in economics. I'm well-reasoned and do a lot of research into issues. I'm not an expert in any of them, except my branch of real estate and corporate law. Everything else? I'm just another person with an opinion.
None of that makes them experts. No disrespect to their opinions or their perspectives. And I'm not arguing the validity or invalidity of their conclusions.

But if you're going to claim experts on a medical issue with a mental health component then I'd expect mental health and medical professionals.

I'm a lawyer with a degree in economics. I'm well-reasoned and do a lot of research into issues. I'm not an expert in any of them, except my branch of real estate and corporate law. Everything else? I'm just another person with an opinion.

I just explained why. I think they are experts who have opinions that matter and you didn't address any of those positions..

You have also not watched the videos but are arguing against them which I'm sure you see how much that sounds like right-wingers on this site...

If you don't believe philosophy is important in issues that have philosophical underpinnings riddled throughout them, then I don't know what to tell you. Maybe you don't see the value in philosophy.
I just explained why. I think they are experts who have opinions that matter and you didn't address any of those positions..

You have also not watched the videos but are arguing against them which I'm sure you see how much that sounds like right-wingers on this site...

If you don't believe philosophy is important in issues that have philosophical underpinnings riddled throughout them, then I don't know what to tell you. Maybe you don't see the value in philosophy.
They're not experts. You haven't explained how they are experts in the field being discussed. You explained how they reached their opinions, not how they became experts in the field itself.

I haven't argued against their opinions. I haven't commented on their opinions or their conclusions at all. I said they are not experts. They are smart people who have opinions.

I love philosophy but an expert in philosophy is not an expert in anything except philosophy. The logic you're presenting is that if a philosopher philosophizes about plumbing, they are now an expert plumber. If a philosopher philosophizes about cancer, they're now an expert in treating cancer. You see the problem there? Philosophizing about something is not the same as being an expert in it.

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