Opinion It is not bigoted to want a homogenized American culture.


Your homogenized culture is going to be 300 million conspiracy theorists.

Oh and lol at Japan is flourishing.

They're flourishing so hard no one wants to make babies.
To be fair, it IS the model for the country. ie) The melting pot model. It's just not reality based. You can want it all you want, but it will NEVER happen. People from state to state aren't homogenous, let alone an entire country. It's a ridiculous idea if you think about it.

The prospect of a muticultural whole is seemingly workable.... but it's a lot of ongoing effort.
strive for equal opportunity and respect of your fellow man. follow rule of law, the constitution, and elect competent lawmakers. hold people accountable for their actions. be kind. - sincerely, satan


As long as people are committed to the liberal values on which the republic was founded they can go and be however they can.

The issue is when you have people committed to destroying foundational values, like the American Taliban and their efforts to turn America into a Christian fascistic state reminiscent of European Nation-States of the first half of the XX century.
The US was supposed to be a melting pot.

That means blending together which was a "leftist " idea and had to be pushed.

Now the left wants separate but some more privileged then others.

The melting pot was about set a values and ideas to move forward for all races and backgrounds.

That is no longer the case and without it we are being pushed to separate which will destroy the US.

So no despite the left screaming racist at any and everything the melting pot is not a racist idea.
Not a "leftist" idea, not racist, just stupid.
I haven't seen it in this thread, or in real life, otherwise I don't post enough in the War Room to even know. Thankfully.

Either way, my point still stands.
Incidentally, if your point is that it works out very well for them--with "them" being Japanese people born in Japan--but perhaps not so much for everyone else who lives there, then I agree.

I was mainly commenting on the "no one shits on the Japanese" part, obviously. In the main your comment is quite reasonable, but reflects a rather rose-colored-glasses view of the nation, IMHO.

But please don't get me wrong. I love Japan. It's been several years now since I've been back thanks mainly to COVID and I miss it a lot. Also, my brother(in-law) from another mother lost his fiancée to cancer a little while back. I haven't seen him in person since then and it's worrisome as hell not knowing how he's doing.

Having said that, I'm also realistic about the place. Socially speaking, since I'm tall and white and speak a bit of Japanese already, I'd likely get along OK for the most part, but there are places I would never go without a Japanese person coming along to vouch for me--and buy my beer.

Funny off topic story, right quick, if I may.

One time, my wife and I went to a bar in Kabukicho to meet my brother in law, where his band had a gig that day. To get there, you had to navigate one way streets, then park blocks away. Then the bar was on the 5th floor of this building and it was pretty much a hole in the wall, maybe 2000 sq ft total.

My wife went off to find by brother in law and I went to the bar and ordered a draft beer. I received a glass that was about half full. I smiled and paid then went to the end of the bar area to wait for the missus and so on. That glass obviously didn't last long so a little later when my wife came back I asked her to get me a beer and she came back with a completely full glass lol

There's more to the story like the Yakuza guy having a bit of a laugh testing my tolerance for being gently fucked with but the beer thing cracked me up, TBH. Fortunately, I had enough sense already to not stir any shit up but if some random gaijin wandered in there alone and didn't know what's what--unlikely in the extreme but still--I'm betting they'd have been a lot less friendly. Now, on other occasions, different bars etc., I've been treated great, so again I don't claim everyone is racist in Japan, just that it's a lot more common than most people appreciate who haven't spent a lot of time out of the touristy spots--not referring to you, incidentally.

Anyway, tl;dr there are aspects of Japan that are truly wonderful and some aspects that are objectionable to many. Like any other country. :)
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Not a "leftist" idea, not racist, just stupid.

Yes it was a left 60s idea that people should be treated by the way they conducted their life's not by their race or where they came from. That people should come together and make a better life.

Now it's about separation.
The republicans are called bigots for wanting this, but I kind of agree with them on this matter despite having liberal views on other issues.

We can be a country of many races, but if those races don't unify towards a strong foundational culture and ethic, it will lead to Balkanization. This is how every large empire ultimately falls; they over expand and have too many conflicting cultures and ideas within it and eventually population and resources will begin dividing the people into various ethnic groups most often based on language and culture.

For this reason, there is nothing wrong with demanding every citizen of this country assimilate into a generic American culture.

There is no set culture on what America is, it is something different to most people. No one could even agree on what generic American culture is.

I always thought homogenized meant everything stirred up together rather than taking individual parts out first. Which is what America is, a mix of almost everything.
Incidentally, if your point is that it works out very well for them--with "them" being Japanese people born in Japan--but perhaps not so much for everyone else who lives there, then I agree.

I was mainly commenting on the "no one shits on the Japanese" part, obviously. In the main your comment is quite reasonable, but reflects a rather rose-colored-glasses view of the nation, IMHO.

But please don't get me wrong. I love Japan. It's been several years now since I've been back thanks mainly to COVID and I miss it a lot. Also, my brother(in-law) from another mother lost his fiancée to cancer a little while back. I haven't seen him in person since then and it's worrisome as hell not knowing how he's doing.

Having said that, I'm also realistic about the place. Socially speaking, since I'm tall and white and speak a bit of Japanese already, I'd likely get along OK for the most part, but there are places I would never go without a Japanese person coming along to vouch for me--and buy my beer.

Funny off topic story, right quick, if I may.

One time, my wife and I went to a bar in Kabukicho where his band had a gig that day. To get there, you had to navigate one way streets, then park blocks away. Then the bar was on the 5th floor of this building and it was pretty much a hole in the wall, maybe 2000 sq ft total.

My wife went off to find by brother in law and I went to the bar and ordered a draft beer. I received a glass that was about half full. I smiled and paid then went to the end of the bar area to wait for the missus and so on. That glass obviously didn't last long so a little later when my wife came back I asked her to get me a beer and she came back with a completely full glass lol

There's more to the story like the Yakuza guy having a bit of a laugh testing my tolerance for being gently fucked with but the beer thing cracked me up, TBH. Fortunately, I had enough sense already to not stir any shit up but if some random gaijin wandered in there alone and didn't know what's what--unlikely in the extreme but still--I'm betting they'd have been a lot less friendly. Now, on other occasions, different bars etc., I've been treated great, so again I don't claim everyone is racist in Japan, just that it's a lot more common than most people appreciate who haven't spent a lot of time out of the touristy spots--not referring to you, incidentally.

Anyway, tl;dr there are aspects of Japan that are truly wonderful and some aspects that are objectionable to many. Like any other country. :)
The funny thing is, kabukicho of all places was the only area in Tokyo that I noticed the majority of "Japanese only" signs on business fronts.

I agree with you though that as much as I love Japan, I would only go to visit. The idea of living there doesn't appeal to me all that much because I'd always be gaijin to them, like any other foreigner and never truly be accepted. It's a great place and I'm sure that 95 percent of the people there would be respectful, but yeah, I'd only be a second class citizen to them.

And yes, it works out well if you are Japanese and I personally don't care for such conformity. I mean, there's something unsettling about sticking out like a sore thumb in Tokyo station all because you're wearing a bright blue puffer coat while everyone else is wearing muted colors.

I read somewhere that 97 percent of the population there is Japanese because it's so hard for any foreigner to get citizenship outside of marrying a Japanese person. But if their birth rate stays in the shitter they may have to change that soon.
The population has been declining for over a decade now and the median age is almost 50.

Unprecedented flourishing imho.
Some of it is IMO the canary in the coal mine. Japan became highly urbanized and developed very quickly. The rest of the developed world has also seen plunging fertility.
Some of it is IMO the canary in the coal mine. Japan became highly urbanized and developed very quickly. The rest of the developed world has also seen plunging fertility.

I agree to an extent, however a "flourishing" country wouldn't have statistics as extreme as Japan's right now. It's difficult to find many metrics that point to Japan flourishing, especially relative to a country like the US.
I agree to an extent, however a "flourishing" country wouldn't have statistics as extreme as Japan's right now. It's difficult to find many metrics that point to Japan flourishing, especially relative to a country like the US.
Yeah as the population declines so will the GDP. Its inevitable.
The funny thing is, kabukicho of all places was the only area in Tokyo that I noticed the majority of "Japanese only" signs on business fronts.

I agree with you though that as much as I love Japan, I would only go to visit. The idea of living there doesn't appeal to me all that much because I'd always be gaijin to them, like any other foreigner and never truly be accepted. It's a great place and I'm sure that 95 percent of the people there would be respectful, but yeah, I'd only be a second class citizen to them.

And yes, it works out well if you are Japanese and I personally don't care for such conformity. I mean, there's something unsettling about sticking out like a sore thumb in Tokyo station all because you're wearing a bright blue puffer coat while everyone else is wearing muted colors.

I read somewhere that 97 percent of the population there is Japanese because it's so hard for any foreigner to get citizenship outside of marrying a Japanese person. But if their birth rate stays in the shitter they may have to change that soon.
Apropos of that, my wife and I made a rule when travelling there. If we ever got separated in Tokyo Station--or anywhere else for that matter--I'm required to stay put and stand in the open and it will be easy for her to find me. One time, she got off the train and the doors closed before I could get off--or vice versa, can't remember--so I just got off at the next stop and stood on the platform, no problem at all.

But man, I wouldn't want to be Korean or a black person trying to live there unless I had a super thick skin. I have always presumed Sexyama's outgoing personality and focus on looks was a defense mechanism. They can't hate you if they love you, kind of thing.
The republicans are called bigots for wanting this, but I kind of agree with them on this matter despite having liberal views on other issues.

We can be a country of many races, but if those races don't unify towards a strong foundational culture and ethic, it will lead to Balkanization. This is how every large empire ultimately falls; they over expand and have too many conflicting cultures and ideas within it and eventually population and resources will begin dividing the people into various ethnic groups most often based on language and culture.

For this reason, there is nothing wrong with demanding every citizen of this country assimilate into a generic American culture.

Diversity and integration doesn't work. That much is obvious, despite the insistence of the snowflakes. Instead of so many cultures trying to hijack the cultures of certain other countries (America and the UK mainly), why don't they concentrate on sorting out their own back yards.....
Quite sick of being told were racist, homophobic, transphobic, whateveraphobic etc etc. It's alway those of us in the countries that everyone wants to come to that get called these names and forced to comply.