International Hamas launches surprise attack on Israel; Israel has declared a state of war. Vol. II

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Of course it is. They're 2000 miles away and Gaza has been under a literal blockade for 20 years. What support can they realistically supply even if they wanted to? Iran has had tons of munitions seized trying to supply the rebels in Yemen and they don't have to cross the Suez for that.

It's the thoughts and prayers of the Jihadi world.

Okay? Who is doing the international wire transfers between Iran and Palestinian militants.

I mean, they literally haul bags of cash from Qatar to Gaza. I would imagine the Iranian government has some creative ways to get money to Hamas. They aren't building those rockets they launch nonstop, and probably aren't getting them as Christmas gifts from Santa, right?
I guess but it's getting a little tiring that every move the US makes people start screaming WW3 out of nowhere. Ever since Ukraine it seems to be the new talking point. I watch Breaking Points and it's all they talk about "this could lead to WW3". No one was talking like this when the US was rampaging through the middle east. Destroying country after country but now every move we make you hear someone screeching about WW3. It just comes across as fear mongering. No one ever comes up with any viable explanation for why it could and they just give the exact same answer you gave now. Just a non-answer that is basically saying "Anything's possible".

Peter Zeihan did a video explaining how this isn't going to lead to WW3. You know what he also did in that video. He went through all the countries near Isreal and then all the great powers and explained why each one wont get involved. None of the people on the other end are doing that. They just say "This could lead to WW3" with no explanation of how they reached that conclusion.
Yeah, it's like when US Republicans were expecting a Big Red Wave in the 2022 mid-term elections. The only reason they were expecting that was a bunch of right wing talking heads telling them so with no evidence to back it whatsoever. They were just all saying it like it was an established fact.
I mean, they literally haul bags of cash from Qatar to Gaza. I would imagine the Iranian government has some creative ways to get money to Hamas. They aren't building those rockets they launch nonstop, and probably aren't getting them as Christmas gifts from Santa, right?

I mean that's like a atom of water in the ocean compared to the kind of support Gaza would need to actually fight a war. It took 20 years or more to build up an arsenal of that size and they blew their wad almost instantly.
Wow for real? That’s super shady. Why isn’t this bigger news?

Because this admin has been doing since it took office

But in the case of US media and tech sites… they complied
I mean that's like a atom of water in the ocean compared to the kind of support Gaza would need to actually fight a war. It took 20 years or more to build up an arsenal of that size and they blew their wad almost instantly.

I'm not saying they're only backed by Tehran. But there's always been reports of $ coming to all of those groups from Iran.

And the Mullahs don't care about (or more accurately realize what you're saying is true--they can't finance an actual war) bankrolling a real war. They help finance Hamas to be a nuisance. To constantly peck at the Israeli Tiger and try to weaken and distract it. Useful pawns.
Bro, you're posting tiktoks and trying to fan fiction some jewish conspiracy out of them.

You are literally retarded.

Me: "I wonder if the Israeli government is utilizing social media influencers as part of a propaganda campaign the same way we've seen other governments use them"

You: "Palestinians aren't even human anyway, so stop believing Jewish conspiracy theories."

You are the retard in this conversation.
Me: "I wonder if the Israeli government is utilizing social media influencers as part of a propaganda campaign the same way we've seen other governments use them"

You: "Palestinians aren't even human anyway, so stop believing Jewish conspiracy theories."

You are the retard in this conversation.

I mean did you see what Hamas and their supporters did and how they treat their own people?
Maybe it's the anti Israeli posters that are posting A LOT and skewing my perspective. Eg: Marino was posting when I went to bed...just woke up...he's still posting. Lol
Yeah that guy really does just spam the shit out of these threads. He constantly tries to misrepresent what people say, doesn’t actually respond to what they said and just asks a bunch of asinine questions back at them. It’s really annoying honestly and he single handily manages to derail these threads.

Another thing he likes to do is insult people and then cry about it when he gets name called back. He’s been caught out lying a few times in the Ukraine thread with the last one being particularly funny. That’s why you see him make mention of posters from that thread, because he’s become a complete joke in it and got dunked on regularly. I mostly try to avoid arguing with him now because it’s low hanging fruit, but every once in a while I can’t help it.

I recall that the Biden administration had some kind of summit or whatever with TikTok influencers to try and promote their covid policies, and Putin utilized Russian influencers to try and manufacture consent for the war in Ukraine. Could there be similar coordination from the Israeli government for this campaign of dehumanization of the Palestinians? I wonder because it would fit perfectly into their agenda.

I mean that’s a pretty low character thing to do. But it pales pretty hard in comparison to Hamas posting images and videos of their war crimes and bragging about raping and killing people on Twitter
Yeah, it's like when US Republicans were expecting a Big Red Wave in the 2022 mid-term elections. The only reason they were expecting that was a bunch of right wing talking heads telling them so with no evidence to back it whatsoever. They were just all saying it like it was an established fact.

Well, that's not true. The only evidence they had, the polling, pointed to a wipe out, and it wasn't just right wing media saying it either. It was pretty much a consensus across the board based on polling.
The most accurate Cliffs of the history of the conflict.

I don't know about the most accurate, but mostly okay at least with the history portion. Lot of glossing over or straight up omittance of Israeli actions prior to the formation of the state by Zionist extremist groups and their atrocities/reprisals prior to and during the first war. Doesn't even mention the more contemporary issue with Jewish settlers.

It gets a bit partisan and speculative with the more contemporary stuff toward the end as well. Obviously Biden didn't abandon the Abraham accords, etc

Ben obviously has a bias and is speaking to a certain audience. I'm sure there is more accurate info out there that would lead most people to the same position Ben is getting at.

Hamas, Fatah, and the PLO previously aren't negotiating in good faith and their demands for peace are unreasonable from their position after losing wars they declared themselves repeatedly. The Israelis from the start have been willing to make concessions they never needed to from their position of military strength and international support.
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No, the numbers are right. It has nothing to do with Hamas. The IAF is conducting between 400 to 700 sorties a day. Airstrikes into Gaza. 2,000-pound bombs. They really don't give two-shits about civilian casualties. The have targeted schools, mosques, churches, hospitals, and UN designated safe areas. Most recently in the South of Gaza in the border with Egypt. Media is on the ground together with UN and Red Cross personnel. All three have also been killed by IAF strikes.

There's no fucking way these numbers are right. That's like 225 funerals per day. Where are these occuring?
I don't know about the most accurate, but mostly okay at least with the history portion. Lot of glossing over or straight up omittance of Israeli actions prior to the formation of the state by Zionist extremist groups and their atrocities/reprisals prior to and during the first war. Doesn't even mention the more contemporary issue with Jewish settlers.

It gets a bit partisan and speculative with the more contemporary stuff toward the end as well. Obviously Biden didn't abandon the Abraham accords, etc

Ben obviously has a bias and is speaking to a certain audience. I'm sure there is more accurate info out there that would lead most people to the same position Ben is getting at.

I just watched this and I 100% agree with you. I have no doubt Israel is the "good team" here, but he white washes over some very important things that Israel did like Deir Yassin and Sabra and Shatilla.
Fails to mention the Suez War, or that Rabin was killed by a right wing religious zealot. While there is no doubt that many Arabs left in 1948 of their own accord, many were forced out as well. He doesn't note that Ben Gurion was very conflicted when it came to the Arab population.

this is absolutely true. as a christian who knows a lot of them from many different stripes there is definitely a segment of Christians who will stand by israel no matter what they do in hopes that certain prophecies get fulfilled. most especially the raising of the muslim mosque al-aqsa and building a jewish temple there where animal sacrifice can be reinstated. this is actually a real priority for the hard line jewish believers who make up netanyahu's supporters. 3 red heffer's have reportedly already been prepared.

christians want/need this to happen as it is a precursor to Jesus Christ coming back according to prophecy. i cant relate to supporting the evil actions of israel just so that we can try to hurry the return of jesus christ though. seems hypocritical to me and in contradiction to the reasoning for wanting jesus to return.

netanyahu invoking a holy war between the people of light and the people of darkness.
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