Horror movies with bad ass protagonists?

Kevin Mcallister.

They should do a Home Alone / Purge crossover where the sticky bandits get out of jail after years of plotting and try to kill Kevin. Kevin's some computer programmer nerd but since he's a genius he invents elaborate trap defenses as to be expected.

Home Alone meets Saw.

Instead of humorous traps involving micro machines and paint cans, Kevin's dismembering and impaling them with saw blades and nail guns.
Reggie from Phantasm series , most badass ice cream man ever!

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Who is this? What's the film?
It's giving me strong comic book vibes

The actress is Lauren LaVera, the screenshot is from Terrifier 2. Without spoiling too much about the movie, "comic book" is the general idea behind the outfit, though.
Was thinking the same thing.

Haven't seen the movie any good?
Had potential, but you hardly see the creature. It's a great looking monster too.

Fell flat. Cool idea about ice caps melting tho.
I'm not talking about Ripley in Aliens. She was kind of a bad ass, but she was more "average" person.

Chuck fucking Norris did a horror movie in the 80s where he was the protagonist. Something more along those lines. Maybe Predator with Arnold.

Hold up.

She started out average, sure, but along the way she faces down her demons (literally), saves half a platoon of space marines, goes alone into the alien nest to rescue a child and guns the fuck out of everything in it before soloing the alien queen.

She's everything a horror movie hero should aspire to.
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