Media Shael Sonnen having a meltdown over Masvidal calling him a bitch

Damn Chael, first the hotel incident, then threatening to choke Ariel, now this.

Trying so hard to stay relevant and have more clickbaits...

That's how he talked his way into some of them big fights, like Jon Jones
Some of those were pretty good. I can’t stand Chael, but Masvidal is just such a douchebag that I can look past my disdain for him on this one…..

Chael should stick with acting in movies....
I like Shael always have since but he's the only one triggered here. Tweeting a guy 30 times is max triggered behavior.

Not if it's funnier than hell, every one of them.

Slow-witted people should not pick twitter fights with the other kind.

If anyone cared about Masvidal anymore, this would be the biggest slap since feeding a carrot to a bus.

BTW - Covington beat a trained motivated Masvidal straight up in the ring, then Masvidal sucker punched Cov on the street and copped a plea to avoid a prison sentence.
