27,000 year old pyramid?

Egyptians built tombs for their kings 22,000 years before they existed, oh and they built them in Indonesia
So your saying the Ancient Egyptians had a time machine and built a ship to go to Jakarta and build more . <mma4>
Wouldn't be surprise me if it's legit. Seems plausible it would've civilization multiple cracks at bat, before it took root resulting in what we have today. And it's not like pyramids are esoteric structures, that only one culture has ever thought to build.
this waa featured in netflix ancient apocalypse. graham describes it like a childs play where this ruins were deliberately done.
Any archeological buffs on here? 25000BCE would be before any known civilization by a Longshot. Don't know what to think as it's buried and you can't really see it.

This is one of links on it I found On it

I find all of these very interesting. They "find" many places that were once highly populated but were abandoned at some point in the distant past and seem to have been forgotten. In my lifetime I've seen some small towns that were once very busy that have been abandoned as the farms around them got larger with fewer people living in the area. Some towns died when the railroad service ended because the towns were owned by the railroads.The change from horse and buggy and railroads to cars meant people traveled farther to shop so the local stores died off.

There's an island in a river near me that several families used to farm on that had a bridge going to it that kept getting taken out by ice. The State finally bought all of them out instead of replacing the bridge in the 1920s. There are hunters who take boats to the Island to hunt deer. My grandfather took me over there one winter in the 1960s when a logging company built a dirt causeway to get there. The buildings were still there but in very poor condition. I don't suppose there is much left of them now.

Think of places like Angkor Wat, Machu Picchu, the network of Mayan cities and many others abandoned and reclaimed by the forests. There were probably locals that knew they were there but the stories get forgotten in a generation or two.
There is active volcanoes that area, it’s plausible that multiple civilisations have been wiped out by earthquakes/tsunamis over the years.
If the 2004 tsunami happened 200 years earlier there might not be too much knowledge of it happening throughout the world. If it happened today(after the invention of the smartphone), there would be an insane amount of footage.
What's crazy is all these ancient civilizations continents an oceans apart built the same shit. Granted there are differences but still Pyramids .

Saying this was deliberately buried 9k years ago. No clue but thought it was interesting when stumbled on this