Media Bryce Mitchell thanks Josh Emmett for not hitting him with follow up shots

If you're not aware, people generally dislike religious nutbars, and in particular, religious nutbar who espouse moronic conspiracy theories and do ridiculous shit like carrying a bible into the UFC cage.

Every single time I've heard Bryce get interviewed, he came off as proudly uneducated and confidently incorrect.

Not really a surprise so many find him unlikable.
So wishing death on everyone that you find unlikable is a reasonable standard? Maybe for insecure psychopaths whose egos can't bear the thought of anyone disagreeing with them.
Bryce has some questionable opinions and beliefs but has been super classy and shown great sportsmanship about this loss

It's unfortunate that people have such a hard time with other people's beliefs.

I don't need to agree with someone to appreciate them as a person.

Bryce seems like a kind, 100% authentic, hard-working, brave, motivated young man.

Dude stepped in the cage with a KILLER to save a fight, delivered us the only KO on the main card.
to this day I don't know why this is not a rule more enforced...
If a fighter continues hitting a prone opponent, he should be punished for it!
There's PLENTY of proof that a point deduction can help fighters remember things (if, of course, enforced).
This is the reason I've never really liked Ngannou. He's the most powerful and most able to inflict damage with one shot of all the fighters, and every knockout I've ever seen him get, you can see him trying for all he's worth to get in some more quick shots on his limp opponent before the referee can physically get in there and block him from doing it.
So wishing death on everyone that you find unlikable is a reasonable standard? Maybe for insecure psychopaths whose egos can't bear the thought of anyone disagreeing with them.

No, but you're making that up so its an absurd straw man argument.

People making fun of Bryce for being a loudmouth religious/conspiracy nutbar isn't the same as 'wishing death' on him, let alone everyone. What a completely stupid post, why would you even type that?
He should also be thanking the ref who was straight on it and didn’t allow any follow up punches, even if they were coming
You sound like you could use some more God in your life. Maybe then you wouldn't be such a rude weirdo.

the guy whos having sex outside marriage with his "catholic" girlfriend is lecturing me about god...
This was violent as it gets, hope Emmet keeps winning after this, surprised now he lost two fights in a row, great fighter
Believing the earth is flat is apparently so heinous that half of sherdog is still relishing in his convulsions. The same people that are 1st to tell you what a POS person somebody(Colby, Jon, Dana etc) else is. I'm convinced most of them would have celebrated his death.
I think Reddit started the flat earth rage. Not sure why, only a small minority of idiots believe that. They feel some intellectual superiority over whoever believes that because they are just as retarded so it makes them feel intelligent. It’s a dumb thing to hate someone over.
No, but you're making that up so its an absurd straw man argument.

People making fun of Bryce for being a loudmouth religious/conspiracy nutbar isn't the same as 'wishing death' on him, let alone everyone. What a completely stupid post, why would you even type that?
Nah people were actually happy he almost died just because he believes in god and a dumb conspiracy. Just shows the type of people the left are yet are always screaming what good people they are
If you're not aware, people generally dislike religious nutbars, and in particular, religious nutbar who espouse moronic conspiracy theories and do ridiculous shit like carrying a bible into the UFC cage.

Every single time I've heard Bryce get interviewed, he came off as proudly uneducated and confidently incorrect.

Not really a surprise so many find him unlikable.
But why do people like you care? Yeah some religious people are dirtbags and judgmental hypocritical pricks. Definitely not the majority though. It’s no different than with people who don’t believe in God. Some are cool and others are dicks. Why be a piece of shit cheering a dude convulsing from a possible life changing brain injury if you don’t have to. Just saying
There's nothing to follow up with that KO because Bryce was in rigor mortis. There's only a few guys getting KO into that state: Etim, Chuck, Frankie and now Mitchell.