International Hamas launches surprise attack on Israel; Israel has declared a state of war. Vol. VII

I like how those are the things in my post you chose the refute and not the other. You've spent literally weeks tagging me and now I do it once and your feelings are hurt because I point out you're an anti-Semite loser?

Go fuck yourself.

lmao. Hurting much ? Still never insulted you online. I answered everything you throw at me desperately, you're the one that doesn't answer half the questions, so behave would you.

You're just mad that I've outed your genocidal tendencies and call for the displacement of the whole 2.2M gmGaza strip population even before Ben Gvir and Smotrich.

Wait maybe they called you beforehand and you're the one that gave them the idea ? Makes sense, you're such a forunner in that.
lmao. Hurting much ? Still never insulted you online. I answered everything you throw at me desperately, you're the one that doesn't answer half the questions, so behave would you.

You're just mad that I've outed your genocidal tendencies and call for the displacement of the whole 2.2M gmGaza strip population even before Ben Gvir and Smotrich.

Wait maybe they called you beforehand and you're the one that gave them the idea ? Makes sense, you're such a forunner in that.

lmao. I accept your concession that you're proudly anti-Semitic.

You've been mischaracterizing my posts from the get go because you're just a dishonest person with a serious bias, which is why I generally just ignore you and your questions.

So much for not responding to me anymore. Loser.
Weird how the "most oppressed" people on earth, (more emotional propaganda btw),
Nah, it's just factually and statistically true.
also receive the most foreign aid per capita on earth while the world literally begs them for decades to accept statehood and reject violent resistance.
You are completely ignorant of the history between Palestine and Israel. It is Israel that has rejected and stood in the way of an end to the conflict at every step. It is Israel that propped up and supported Hamas over the secular Palestinian leadership. Even Hamas removed the destruction of Israel from their charter.
It's also probably not true. There's people all over Africa and Asia suffering much worse conditions of course, receiving far less international attention and foreign aid. Do you really think Palestinians have worse off than say.. I don't know, North Korean peasants?
North Koreans as a whole, are objectively better off than Palestinians are. That's not even remotely in dispute.
It would be another thing too if it wasn't so transparent. So much of what is posted from these IsraelExposed type reddits can be easily debunked in seconds. It's some of the most low effort propaganda I've seen.

You gonna go on about the children and muh 2000LBs bombs now too like the rest of the programmed bots?
No idea wtf you're talking about.

Trying to claim the moral high ground when the body counts objectively point to who the bad guy is, is just disgusting.

"Israel is in the right!" I proclaim, standing on the bodies of ten thousand children while I displace 90% of an entire population.

The world is bearing witness to the disgusting evil of Israel and that is why international and domestic opinion of Israel has absolutely plummeted.

The evil is so overwhelming, and so unambiguous, and yet here you still are supporting ethnic cleansing and a fascist theocracy.
lmao. I accept your concession that you're proudly anti-Semitic.

You've been mischaracterizing my posts from the get go because you're just a dishonest person with a serious bias, which is why I generally just ignore you and your questions.

So much for not responding to me anymore. Loser.
There are a few pro-palestine posters on here that atleast remain honest.

Koya has been admitted to lying in quite a few of his posts so far.
Even said it didn't matter that much because lying and exaggerating made his statements more believable and details or context are irrelevant.
Ends justifying means i guess
Nah, it's just factually and statistically true.

You are completely ignorant of the history between Palestine and Israel. It is Israel that has rejected and stood in the way of an end to the conflict at every step. It is Israel that propped up and supported Hamas over the secular Palestinian leadership. Even Hamas removed the destruction of Israel from their charter.

North Koreans as a whole, are objectively better off than Palestinians are. That's not even remotely in dispute.

No idea wtf you're talking about.

Trying to claim the moral high ground when the body counts objectively point to who the bad guy is, is just disgusting.

"Israel is in the right!" I proclaim, standing on the bodies of ten thousand children while I displace 90% of an entire population.

The world is bearing witness to the disgusting evil of Israel and that is why international and domestic opinion of Israel has absolutely plummeted.

The evil is so overwhelming, and so unambiguous, and yet here you still are supporting ethnic cleansing and a fascist theocracy.

Okay, someone else to never take seriously again. Holy fuck

There was another poster in here who he was buddying up @meauneau with who I think was thread banned (?) for some
over the top shit, so I guess it’s all relative.

And @Koya is a Muslim (Arab?), who is practicing. So his background makes his antisemitism hit a little bit differently for me.

I don't see where you saw me be antisemite. I genuinely don't have anything against Jews or the Jewish religion in my heart, not towards any other human for the record (in general, of course I'm not fond of specific individuals like George Bush or Bachar Al Assad or... Netanyahu). Legit if I saw someone desecrating a synagogue I would physically stop him. Real talk no bullshit.

I have a problem with Israeli government utter disdain for Palestinian lives, continuous and atrocious IDF crimes, military occupation of Palestine, settlers colonization and rewriting the history of Zionism as a pink fairy tale without blemish while it's clearly not.

But you being Israeli (?) I understand that any strong opposition to the IDF inhumane methods is seen as antisemitism.
There are a few pro-palestine posters on here that atleast remain honest.

Koya has been admitted to lying in quite a few of his posts so far.
Even said it didn't matter that much because lying and exaggerating made his statements more believable and details or context are irrelevant.
Ends justifying means i guess

Can you quote that ? First I never said "i'm lying and it doesn't matter because it makes it more believable " lmao who can believe that. There was two 2 things were I was mildly incorrect on détails and nothing else, and I'll tell them now and show how you're dishonestly trying to misrepresent me.

The first I called the 2000lb/900KG bomb dropped on Jabalia camp "mother of all bombs" as an honest mistake, I thought it was called that. @Samjj said it isn't the case and I made amends. About.The.Name. The information that the 2000lb had been dropped and killed more than 100 people was true and it was actually two bombs. And yes I said that the name of the bomb was irrelevant, the fact that it killed more than 100 civilians was.

The second was about an unarmed teenager lying down executed in cold blood by IDF in the West Bank, I said he was 15 because that's what was written in the caption and after verification it turns out he was 18 or 19. Also I'm the one who verified the info and corrected it mind you. And yes I said after correcting it myself - again - that it was still the murder of a teenager and that was the important piece of information.

You're desperately clinging to that to misrepresent me while systematically you're posting laughing emojis on news articles about besieged hospitals. Says a lot about you man.

Anyway seems like I'm a thorn in the little club sides here because you're brigading against me for a reason. Good that means my posts have an impact.
lmao. I accept your concession that you're proudly anti-Semitic.

You've been mischaracterizing my posts from the get go because you're just a dishonest person with a serious bias, which is why I generally just ignore you and your questions.

So much for not responding to me anymore. Loser.

Oh the antisemite card. Gets old fast. The only concession here is you admitting that you don't answer questions, you only want to be the one that askes them. That's because when you answer you openly call for genocide like you did many times already. Can't help yourself.

"sucha dishonest person with a serious bias" are you talking to yourself ? The lack of self awareness is sad. Almost.

West Bank strike: Israel accused of targeting civilians in deadly attack

Clockwise from top left: Rami, Hazza, Ahmad and Alaa Darweesh

Some of the Darweesh brothers were on their way to work; Hazza (top right) had a hospital appointment
By Lucy Williamson
BBC News, Al-Shuhada, West Bank

Israel is accused of having targeted a group of Palestinian civilians with no links to armed groups and who posed no threat to Israeli forces, according to witnesses in the occupied West Bank.
Seven men - four of them brothers - were killed in an Israeli air strike early on 7 January, as they sat around a fire next to the road through al-Shuhada village, 10km (six miles) from the city of Jenin.
The BBC has spoken to relatives of the men killed, witnesses in the area at the time, and a paramedic at the scene. All provided strong evidence that the men were not members of armed militant groups, and that no clashes with Israeli forces were taking place in the location at the time.
Khalid al-Ahmad, the first paramedic to arrive that morning, is convinced the men were doing nothing wrong.
"One of them was wearing slippers and pyjamas," he told the BBC. "Don't you think that someone who wants to resist [the Israeli occupation] would at least wear proper shoes?"
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has linked the strike to a military operation hours earlier in Jenin refugee camp, in which a female soldier was killed.

Grave of the four Darweesh brothers

Image caption,
The men are buried not far from al-Shuhada village
The IDF directed us to a statement it released at the time, which said that "during the operation, an aircraft struck a terrorist squad that hurled explosives at the forces operating in the area".
Footage from both the IDF and a nearby CCTV camera does not show any clear evidence of confrontations with Palestinians in al-Shuhada at the time of the strike.
The four brothers - Alaa, Hazza, Ahmad, and Rami Darweesh - were aged between 22 and 29 years old. They were Palestinian emigrants who had returned from Jordan a few years earlier with their mother and five siblings.
They had Israeli permits, allowing them to cross into Israel for agricultural work each day. These permits are often difficult to obtain and are rapidly withdrawn from anyone Israel sees as a security threat - or as linked to someone who is.
The three men killed with them were members of their extended family.
Permits for two of the brothers, seen by the BBC, were issued in September 2023 and valid for several months. The borders with Israel have been closed to Palestinian workers since the Hamas attacks in October.

The paramedic, Khalid al-Ahmad, said that after 20 years working in Jenin, he was used to scanning trauma sites for weapons or explosives, as a basic safety routine.
"I would tell you if there were weapons there," he said. "Honestly, these were civilians. There was nothing relating to the resistance - no bullets, no weapons. And there was no Israeli presence at all."
Armed Palestinian groups - usually quick to claim any members killed by Israeli forces - have been silent about these seven men, with no statement describing any of them as "martyrs" for their cause.
At their funeral, their bodies were wrapped in the flags of Palestinian groups, including Hamas. The bodies of those killed by Israel are often wrapped in the flags of movements supported by friends or family members - even when the deceased are not supporters themselves.
Relatives and neighbours all told us the men had no connection with militant groups - as did the head of Jenin's main hospital, Wissam Bakr, where the bodies were brought that morning.
Ibtesam Asous

Image caption,
Ibtesam Asous had not expected all four of her sons to die
"They are not armed, they are not fighters," he said. "Normally, it's clear from the people if he's a fighter with one of the militant groups. These seven? No, no, it's sure, all of them are civilians."

It was at the hospital that the men's mother, Ibtesam Asous, saw her sons' bodies.
"They were all gone," she said. "I expected that one of them might have been martyred, but not all four of them. I was shocked when I saw that they had all been killed."
We asked the Israeli army to explain why this group of men was targeted.
A spokesperson replied that soldiers had begun pursuing the "terrorists who murdered an Israeli citizen" and that the air strike targeted "a terrorist squad that hurled explosives at the forces operating in the area, putting them in danger".
Hours before the air strike in al-Shuhada, a 19-year-old border policewoman, Shai Germai, was killed when her vehicle hit an explosive device during clashes with Palestinian fighters in Jenin Camp.
Afterwards, the army convoy withdrew from Jenin through al-Shuhada, where the Darweesh brothers had gathered with their three distant relatives, near an all-night coffee shop popular with agricultural workers and customers for the nearby dawn vegetable market.
Night-vision drone footage provided by the IDF shows small flashes followed by an explosion as vehicles pass along the road - a heat pattern that could be produced by a petrol bomb. The video does not have a date-stamp or time-stamp.
The army also provided similar footage of its air strike on the location - but the two pieces of video are cut and edited together, making it impossible to tell how much time passed between them.
We asked the IDF to clarify the timings of both events. It replied that it would not be providing any more comment or information.
The timing is important, because of the circumstances needed under international law to justify using lethal force.
The UN's human rights body described the situation in the West Bank at the end of last year as "alarming and urgent".
"Israeli forces have increasingly used military tactics and weapons in law enforcement operations," a statement from its spokesperson said in November. "Law enforcement is governed by international human rights law, which prohibits the intentional use of lethal force except when strictly necessary to protect life."
Ibtesam Asous, the men's mother, said she had seen a change in the methods used by Israeli forces in the West Bank since the Hamas attacks on Israel on 7 October.
"They are acting just as they used to," she said. "The only thing that changed is that, before, the army would shoot a guy in his leg. But now it's bigger - now they are bombing with rockets and killing as many people as they can."
According to UN figures, last year was the bloodiest on record in the West Bank: 492 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces - 300 of them since the Hamas attacks in October, including 80 children.
Almost all were killed with live ammunition.
Twenty-eight Israelis, mostly civilians, were killed in the West Bank by Palestinians last year - including three since the attacks in October, two of whom were soldiers.
Attacks have also been carried out by Palestinians inside Israel, including one earlier this week that killed one woman and injured 17 other people.
Two witnesses who were in the coffee shop that morning told us that the army convoy left al-Shuhada between 04:00 and 04:45 local time (02:00-02:45 GMT), before the air strike took place, and that there were no clashes with local people.
"The soldiers passed four times and nobody approached them," one said. "When the [vehicles] were fully outside the village, they bombed. Young men, sitting near a fire to stay warm, were hit with a rocket."
Another man told the BBC it was around an hour between the army leaving the village and the air strike happening around 05:00, and that many people in the coffee shop - including him - had left in between the two events.
Hand of the four brothers' mother on graveside photo of one of her sons

Khalid al-Ahmad, the paramedic from the Palestinian Red Crescent, remembers the Israeli army withdrawing from Jenin Camp in the early hours of the morning, and says it was "almost 5am" when he was called to the village after the strike.
The director at Jenin Hospital confirmed that the bodies had arrived there at around 05:15.
CCTV footage from a nearby camera, part of which was filmed on a mobile phone by an unknown source, shows the 30 seconds immediately before the air strike, during which a car passes down the same stretch of empty road, apparently without incident. There is no time-stamp visible in the recording.
A group of people - the Darweesh brothers and their relatives - can be seen standing and sitting around a fire. Then the air strike hits.
Some of the brothers had been going to work, their mother said, while Hazza had been heading to an early morning dialysis appointment at Jenin Hospital.
He was worried that the military operation would block the road, she said, and wanted to leave early.
The hospital kidney unit confirmed that Hazza Darweesh had a regular 7am appointment for dialysis that day, and showed us his name on the schedule.
A video taken by the brothers' uncle, Youssef Asous, shortly after the air strike shows bodies strewn across the ground.
The experienced Jenin paramedic, Khalid al-Ahmad, said he despaired of ever being able to forget the scene.
"They were kids without weapons," Youssef said. "If they had weapons, I would have seen them. There were only the chairs they were sitting on."
"At the end of the day, anyone Palestinian is a target - if you are an armed person, then you are targeted; and if you are a civilian, then you are also a target."
We put all the allegations in this report to the IDF spokesperson, who repeated that the army had nothing more to add.
Ibtesam Asous, the mother of the four visiting the site of the strike

Image caption,
Ibtesam Asous visited the site of her children's deaths
Ibtesam Asous visited the site of the attack for the first time this week - her other children had tried to stop her coming, she said, but she had to see it for herself.
"I wanted to come and imagine where each of them was sitting," she explained, gesturing to different points on the ground as traffic thunders by.
"Alaa was there; Ahmad, Rami and Hazza were here. I wanted to see exactly where my sons were. It helps."
Orsi Szoboszlay contributed to this article

Oh the antisemite card. Gets old fast. The only concession here is you admitting that you don't answer questions, you only want to be the one that askes them. That's because when you answer you openly call for genocide like you did many times already. Can't help yourself.

"sucha dishonest person with a serious bias" are you talking to yourself ? The lack of self awareness is sad. Almost.

Yeah it must have been someone else on your account then liking the posts of incredibly more overt anti-Semites posting here. If the search function wasn't so busted I'd spend the time to find when you slipped up and said goy yourself.
I don't see where you saw me be antisemite. I genuinely don't have anything against Jews or the Jewish religion in my heart, not towards any other human for the record (in general, of course I'm not fond of specific individuals like George Bush or Bachar Al Assad or... Netanyahu). Legit if I saw someone desecrating a synagogue I would physically stop him. Real talk no bullshit.

I have a problem with Israeli government utter disdain for Palestinian lives, continuous and atrocious IDF crimes, military occupation of Palestine, settlers colonization and rewriting the history of Zionism as a pink fairy tale without blemish while it's clearly not.

But you being Israeli (?) I understand that any strong opposition to the IDF inhumane methods is seen as antisemitism.
I think you are motivated by compassion in most of your posting. I think that you also fall prey to malicious social media which you post here which vilifies Jews (and Israel). I don’t know what narratives are echoed in your daily life or in your community, though it is clear that you have a very specific lens to the conflict. I bet sitting down for a cup of coffee with someone like me would do well for you, as you certainly come across as a decent person capable of empathy.
I think you are motivated by compassion in most of your posting. I think that you also fall prey to malicious social media which you post here which vilifies Jews (and Israel). I don’t know what narratives are echoed in your daily life or in your community. Though, it is clear
that you have a very specific lens to the conflict. I bet sitting down for a cup of coffee with someone like me would do well for you, as you certainly come across as a decent person capable of empathy.
Pretty clear our daily lives or community gives us different viewpoints, but you and others have a specific lens to the conflict too. And yes I do get emotional on those subjects. Thank God I'd be worried if I didn't.

Tough it shouldn't as many israeli jews have views that I can fully agree with fully like the B'Tselem organization which is really trying to build a peaceful future for both jews and palestinians or Dr. Gabor Mate who clearly lays down what is happening and how to solve it.

I could definitely sit for a cup of coffee, but I think you'd be surprised as the benefit would be mutual, I'm definitely not the most bright individual - and I'm concious of it - but I've read a little, hence why I post what I post too.

I would like the war to end and peace be established between Palestinians and Israelis, I've said how I think it can be achieved, but this war is a fire that is burning too hot and too strong and cremating with it every hope of peace.
As Israel presses on against Hamas in Gaza, children there are facing growing misery. Richard Engel reports on a 13-year-old who is now raising his seven siblings after his parents were likely killed.

Please give it a watch, it's 2:22 and shows how children really live in Gaza. It's from January 17th 2024.
Bloody cnn. Basically article is lifted word for word from the times of Israel article two days ago. And fuck me they're very selective with how they choose to present things and what they've decided to trim from the article...

The original times of Israel piece....

Cunio said some captives received medical treatment from hospital staff. When one in her room grew sick, she said, he was taken away, returning with an IV. One hostage underwent leg surgery, she said.

Food didn’t come on a regular schedule, but most days captors brought two meals. Sharon described spicy rice topped with meat, and often-moldy pita bread with feta. Cunio lost 11 kilos (24 pounds) and said they each suffered from vomiting and diarrhea at least once.

The cnn piece

Aloni Cunio spoke of the harsh living conditions they endured in captivity. They slept on a blood-strained pillow, and there was a bathroom outside their room, but it could take hours for the door to be opened – a torment especially when “we all had diarrhea and vomiting.”

At one point, they were given a bucket and glass to shower, but she said she was able to shower only five or six times in the two months they were there. They were barely fed and she described the food they received as moldy.

Fuck me I hate the " media "

"it would be open season to rape" fi I was in charge.

How should I interpret this?
By reading the next sentence.

BTW do you remember when you said I was enjoying the slaughter of Palestinians? Because I remember
At last, the cracks are forming in US support for Netanyahu's lunatic government.

As Netanyahu makes it clear he wants only a one state solution, the US confirm there will be "no reoccupation of Gaza", per John Kirby.

Sense is prevailing at last.

Put the pressure on this piece of human garbage as he desperately clings to power.

This, I think, is a game changer. The USA will not stand for a single state solution.

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