Rampage explains how outer space is a hoax

3, and I'm as healthy as ever. 12x3 minute mma and boxing rounds with Polynesian heavyweights last Saturday. 3 hours of cardio, muay thai and jits yesterday. Boxing sparring, muay thai and jits today.

Tell me more about how my death is imminent from taking the most well researched and documented vaccine in all of human history 🤣

So back to my question - do you ever have flashes of clarity where you momentarily realize what a fucking psycho you are? How's that election overturn going? Is Trump going to be installed as president any day now??
For sure. Just not today.
Dude I saw that exact image just looking for photos of planets because you could see Venus near the moon recently and I was curious. That was the top photo on Google and I was like uhhh maybe I did something weird? Nope! Link was to nasa! I went to the age and that is indeed supposed to be a real photo. Wtf.

Why would they do that? Are they fucking with the space is fake guys?
Do you really think it's a fake? Sad.
The light you're seeing is sunlight reflected off the Moon and onto the Earth. The whole set up makes judging the relative position of the sun more difficult since it depicts the Earth's axis as straight up and down when, in relation to its orbit around the sun, the Earth is tilted at 23 1/2 degrees from the vertical. On the other hand, the Moon orbits the Earth close to the ecliptic plane.

I'm not an astronomer, but it looks to me if you follow the motion of the Moon in the animation and then extend that line outward you'd find the Sun at the other end of it.
It's what it looks like, but doesn't track with the moon's movement. I also don't know it the multiple images in the gif were all from NASA or it was made by someone mocking the original image's "fakeness"
It's what it looks like, but doesn't track with the moon's movement. I also don't know it the multiple images in the gif were all from NASA or it was made by someone mocking the original image's "fakeness"
What do you mean it doesn't track with the Moon's movement. I just explained to you how it precisely tracks with the Moon's movement. Try turning your display sideways until the Moon is moving horizontally left to right.

Then go find a picture somewhere that depicts the Earth-Moon system in relation to the Sun and compare.

Edit: note the green line going through the center of the Earth at an angle, labeled north celestial pole
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3, and I'm as healthy as ever. 12x3 minute mma and boxing rounds with Polynesian heavyweights last Saturday. 3 hours of cardio, muay thai and jits yesterday. Boxing sparring, muay thai and jits today.

Tell me more about how my death is imminent from taking the most well researched and documented vaccine in all of human history 🤣

So back to my question - do you ever have flashes of clarity where you momentarily realize what a fucking psycho you are? How's that election overturn going? Is Trump going to be installed as president any day now??

You don't even realize that it wasn't science that got you injected, however, and that's the funny/ironic thing, you lab rat.

Your last paragraph is just nonsense, unsurprisingly. I've never made a post saying Trump would be installed as president or that the election would be overturned. But I understand you have to make shit up when you don't have anything.

That said, I'm sure you love him for operation warp speed though, right?
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I mean NASA did just release the most blatantly fake images of all time only to retract them because they were clearly made on Paint so anything's on the table.
Post link to what you’re referring to please otherwise you’re just talking shit.
What's a science denier?

Is that like a person who doesn't get their experimental COVID injection?
That’s a person who doesn’t understand verifiable Science or how to use the Scientific method to deduce reality or the world around them.
Earth is a rotating sphere and this can be verified through high school level science experiments. The problem is that most Flerfs are 8 grade graduates at best.
What number booster are you on, science person?
You've been using that ineffective line forever. Let me know when anyone who's had the covid shot and booster from this site suddenly announce they had a heart attack or whatever nonsense you think the vaccine does.
You've been using that ineffective line forever. Let me know when anyone who's had the covid shot and booster from this site suddenly announce they had a heart attack or whatever nonsense you think the vaccine does.
it doesn't give you a heart attack, duh. it controls your brain and makes you bow down to your masters.
Imagine living in 2024 and still believing the earth is flat
Where did I say I believe the Earth is flat? I've been on enough planes to know it's not.

I said NASA releases fake shit. Which they do. They literally admit they Photoshop their photos.

"NASA Photoshops Images for Good Reason" is some Orweillian ass shit but have fun with that.
Do you see the reflection of a light source on the center of the earth in the animated gif above? Do you know what that is?

Also can you tell where the sun is in relation to the subjects in the photos? I can't tell, myself

I would assume its the sun, but it might be the reflection from the moon, or it could just be some sort of camera/imaging artifact.

The photo was taken from Lagrange Point 1 (L1) - see the link below for an image that shows where this point is in relation to the sun/earth/moon. Another reason the image looks fake is that when we see the moon it is usually in contrast to the blackness of space so it looks really light grey, but in reality its much darker. When shown in contrast to the brightness of earth, we see the darker shade that is much more accurate to what it actually looks like. Its also likely an industrial camera that is specifically setup to take pictures of just the earth, so on the rare occasion where this happens the color balancing/focus etc. doesn't look quite right.

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I would assume its the sun, but it might be the reflection from the moon, or it could just be some sort of camera/imaging artifact.

The photo was taken from Lagrange Point 1 (L1) - see the link below for an image that shows where this point is in relation to the sun/earth/moon. Another reason the image looks fake is that when we see the moon it is usually in contrast to the blackness of space so it looks really light grey, but in reality its much darker. When shown in contrast to the brightness of earth, we see the darker shade that is much more accurate to what it actually looks like.

Thanks for that. Thought it was the moon too but it stays centered during the movement. Thought it might be a reflection from a centered light source behind the camera, however the convex surface of the Earth would disperse such a reflection away from the camera lens instead of focusing it as it seems to look like. And yes you're correct about the shade of the moon, however this could have also been touched up in some post editing to make it more visible compared to the (relatively) very bright Earth.

Damn homie. I see this dude in a much different light now.

Ive heard Flat Earthers, Ive never heard that space itself, doesn't exist.

This may be Tito Ortiz level deduction. They should do a podcast together talking about science, viruses, mediciine/biology and spirituality

A lot of Flat Earthers don't believe that space exists. Bryce Mitchell believes that the Earth is Flat, Gravity is actually density, and the Sun is a mirage projected very close to the earth's surface with nothing beyond it. Also... sky Daddy saves.
Where did I say I believe the Earth is flat? I've been on enough planes to know it's not.

I said NASA releases fake shit. Which they do. They literally admit they Photoshop their photos.

"NASA Photoshops Images for Good Reason" is some Orweillian ass shit but have fun with that.

Did you even read the article you linked? What do you think you raw image they're talking about would look like if it wasn't altered?
That’s a person who doesn’t understand verifiable Science or how to use the Scientific method to deduce reality or the world around them.
Earth is a rotating sphere and this can be verified through high school level science experiments. The problem is that most Flerfs are 8 grade graduates at best.
*oblate spheroid ;)
You don't even realize that it wasn't science that got you injected, however, and that's the funny/ironic thing, you lab rat.
It was, because I understand the basics of how vaccines work.

You do know that we have mountains of data now on the efficacy of covid vaccines right? It's fucking incredible that you're still here doing this smooth brained grug shit when the evidence that youre wrong is just completely overwhelming at this point. It's like smugly proclaiming that Oliveira is going to beat Islam, then the fight happens and Islam washes Charles, and then after the fight you're like "man Charles destroyed Islam!" It's just fucking weird man. Like the evidence is right there in front of your face. You can go look at it, right now, and just simply stop being wrong. You know that right???
Your last paragraph is just nonsense, unsurprisingly. I've never made a post saying Trump would be installed as president or that the election would be overturned. But I understand you have to make shit up when you don't have anything.
Yeah, I'm sure pal. You're a card carrying member of the looney tunes goof troop.
That said, I'm sure you love him for operation warp speed though, right?
It was literally one of the only good decisions he made during his entire administration.
Did you even read the article you linked? What do you think you raw image they're talking about would look like if it wasn't altered?

Did you?
In the time that elapsed between the three photos, Dione moved slightly. To create the final picture, Emily Lakdawalla of the Planetary Society, a nonprofit space advocacy organization, aligned the two moons, then Photoshopped in some missing bits of shadow.

Yes, please release to me official photos where you Photoshop them to look how you think they should look.