Crime Gang rape of a tourist in India highlights its struggle to curb sexual violence against women

India is a complete fucking shithole. Rape is apparently part of the culture and it has received quite a bit of coverage the last few years. Find those responsible and make an elephant fuck them in the ass and then gore the fuck out of them. If an elephant refuses or is not available, attach a large device on a vehicle and ram the point home.

They would probably end up gang raping the elephant


The only place on earth such a headline is possible. Not even Florida
Been to India twice. 2014 Mumbai and 2019 Goa Beach. Didn’t see a lot of foreigners in Mumbai. Saw a bunch in Goa though.

The Indian girl I hung out with said if an girl goes to the police to report a rape they’ll ask questions like, What were you wearing? Why were you alone? Etc etc

Just a disgusting culture.
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The outdoor shitting scene is an absolute nightmare for poor women in rural India. They have to go to the crapping fields in big groups to avoid being raped or harrassed.

They live on a diet of curry, e-coli and salmonella, with an extremely restricted pooping schedule. I can't imagine a worse manifestation of hell.
Yeah that was a horrible take and the the vast majority of people aren't BJJ Black belts or pro fighters...I like Jake but that's not a cool take at all.
I used to be a fan of Shields but he's become a grotesque Twitter troll so can't say I care much for the guy now. Its one thing to have a few boneheaded views, they're fighters after all, but Shields is making a name for himself by being a cretin on Twitter.
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whats wrong with "grabbin em in da pu&&y!"

WE doing it in 24'
This is a common mentality amongst Indian men. It's the women's fault because Indian men are sex-starved.

This is disgusting. Blame everyone and everything except the rapist! I wonder if someone unleashed an army of Dahmers on them, would they still sing the same victim-blaming bullshit song?