Social Minimum Wage now at $20 an hour in California

The ultra rich were successful in basically selling everyone else a lottery ticket. Conservatives typically rail against stuff like minimum wage because they think if we regulate that, it hurts everyone's chances to be the next billionaire. So they hump the ruck for the ultra wealthy thinking that if they just work hard enough, they too can be the next Jeff Bezos. The reality is people who are/were incredibly wealthy got that way because of luck, or being in the right place at the right time. It does take hard work, don't get me wrong, but things outside of any individual's hard work must fall in place to become someone like Bill Gates. Or you have to be born to the right family. Plenty of people work really hard and have nothing to show for it.
They also convinced them to hate those that make less than them. Even the ones that make less money hate those that make the same money as them.
Leftist policies only MUST give to the poor at the expense of the "middle class" in an environment where the laws, media, and political rhetoric all favor the donor class. A class that can pay little in taxes of their worth while still claiming they pay tons in taxes. A class that, as stated earlier, tells others they must spend money to make money and yet lobbies against social spending over and over again. A class that has us distinguishing "poor" from "middle class" as if those are different things, there's working and non-working, and the non-working always sell us hustle culture bullsh*t.

Social safety programs and spending should come at the expense of the wealthy, it doesnt here because it was engineered not to. Meanwhile Brett Favre robbed public funds intended for the poorest black people in his State and isnt in prison.

Due to your wording, it was a bit hard to decode what you are saying and whether it is sarcastic, nor not. But if serious, I actually agree with a good bit here. Basically, the middle class gets fucked over by the wealthy and the poor.

I have a masters degree and a shit ton of experience, yet I can’t get a job that pays a lot. I do all right, but it should be more. When I was a cop, I was grossly underpaid. I was a lieutenant and at the top of the food chain and I was making 56k. Now, first year officers on my department make 60.5 with a 20k sign on bonus. Lt’s make mid 80s now-all this changed in the last four years because no one wants to be cops anymore. If I could go back, I am not sure I could have made the decision to not get back surgery and I had to retire because you can’t be a cop or firefighter with a fused spine. It was that, or risk serious permanent disability.

I risked
My life for years for less than 60k my whole career while CEOs are making 50 million to add to their hundreds of millions and guys who play a fucking kids’ game are making 10 mil. Life isn’t fair and there isn’t shit you can do about it, which causes frustration, depression, feelings of worthlessness and a total lack of agency because the people that make the laws are bought and paid for by some fucking corporation. Every last one of them.

The upper class makes the middle and lower class fight for scraps. Those CEOs would piss away my yearly salary on a Christmas party.
I don't think it's fair to dismiss the mass firings as "fear mongering". they are literally replacing the people with self-service kiosks and/or closing down all together. Those business that close down will be moving to another state.
All your reasoning does is create a race to the bottom. Any business that can automate any process is going to do it regardless of min wage. If a retailer or fast food chain leaves something else will pop up in its place.
If you're family of 4, that's almost $10 extra...

But you're right... these poor to middle income families shouldn't be eating out anyway. Only the rich should be able to not have to eat at home all the time.

Yay... Self Serve customer service... just like we're getting jammed down our throats at grocery stores.

I didn't say they shouldn't be eating out. I said that the amount of money we're discussing shouldn't be the make or break for them.

Let's take your example of $10. If $10 is enough to make that family struggle then the underlying price of the meal is too expensive for them to begin with. Now, if you said an additional $50 then there might be a discussion but not at $10 for a family of 4.

You guys are talking about $2 and $10 as if those are the barriers between financial solvency and starvation. I think that's ludicrous.
You were just talking about how the middle class depends on an exploited underclass. I agree with you.

Leftist policies tend to give things to the poor at the expense of the middle class. If leftists policies primarily hurt the rich, then the middle class would lean more left.

I agree with you that wal-mart uses welfare to their advantage in the exact way you mentioned. Walmart pays very low wages and they know they can still get employees because employees can supplement with welfare.
You are wholly incorrect about what I'm saying. The middle class has become dependent on the exploitation of the poor but it is not the middle class who is benefitting from the exploitation, it is the rich. Dependent upon it but not benefiting therefrom. Leftist policies do not give things to the poor at the expense of the middle class. It's a fallacious way of thinking that the rich have convinced people in the middle class of to prevent the middle class from actually examining these things.

Let's use Walmart again to illustrate the problem. Joe Middle likes cheap goods. Sam Walton has convinced Joe Middle that the only way he can get cheap goods is if Luke Low-Wage makes a low wage. But the truth is that Sam Walton could still sell cheap goods and pay Luke a decent wage. Joe Middle would still get cheap goods. But Sam Walton would make less money.

Sam has tricked Joe. Joe thinks he's benefitting from Luke's low wage but it's really Sam who's reaping the benefit. See, if Sam ever had to pay Luke a higher wage, he's not going to reduce Sam's income, he's just going to make Joe pay more so that Sam keeps the same massive income. Poor Joe Middle doesn't realize that Luke has never been the problem. Sam was exploiting both of them, he's just made Joe a part of the exploitation without ever giving Joe any of the real benefit.

Remember, Joe and Luke are buying the same goods at the same prices, it's not like Sam raises the prices only on Joe Middle. If Joe is paying more money, so is Luke. But Joe somehow believes he's the only one suffering. Joe is a useful idiot economically.
Yeah these places are throwing a tantrum right now but this isn't going away. I don't believe we should just NEVER raise the minimum wage because corporations are going to throw a fit. That's the mindset we've been operating under for generations in this country and all it's led to is widespread poverty among the working class. Eventually we were going to raise the minimum substantially. When we did, this was ALWAYS going to happen. It's a fear mongering tactic. These companies can afford to pay it they just don't want to and hope they can get it reversed if they throw a fit long enough.
That’s literally what this is. You’ll never convince an idiot like him though. No in his mind it makes sense. Meanwhile most of these places have been turning in record profits while raising prices at high rates.

They will tell they’re shareholders they’re doing gangbusters at the quarterlies and then turn around and talk about how this is it, the final nail in the coffin for their ailing business if they have to share some profit with the drones.

Pizza Hut might be the exception though. They are actually kind of dying now
Why because this one guy shut down his business? That's fine and he won't be the only one. I'm sure plenty of companies are relying on paying slave wages to turn a profit.

If that's your business model go ahead and fail then. Plenty of other businesses waiting to replace you, and hey maybe some of them will actually be GOOD at what they do!
They all want to throw around economic arguments why it will drive up prices or whatever. They never assess the economics in the other direction. If some guy shuts down his business because he doesn't want to pay the higher wage, that will increase demand in the remaining shops and boost their profitability. Thus making it easier for those remaining businesses to pay the higher wage.

If those companies are sufficiently profitable, it will encourage competitors to enter the market. The marketplace will eventually reach equilibrium with only companies profitable enough to pay the reasonable wage in the market. Companies that rely on excessively exploiting their labor will become extinct.
That’s literally what this is. You’ll never convince an idiot like him though. No in his mind it makes sense. Meanwhile most of these places have been turning in record profits while raising prices at high rates.

They will tell they’re shareholders they’re doing gangbusters at the quarterlies and then turn around and talk about how this is it, the final nail in the coffin for their ailing business if they have to share some profit with the drones.

Pizza Hut might be the exception though. They are actually kind of dying now
Their problem is dough, not dough.
et people would rather complain about Walmart having to pay a higher wage than ask themselves why Walmart is allowed to cheat the working man in 2 different ways? Once on his wages and again through his taxes.
Don’t forget that those same people love to bitch about having to pay for food stamps for said people.

Actually maybe that’s why they’re against it. They don’t want to lose the ability to bitch about them being in food stamps
If you're family of 4, that's almost $10 extra...

But you're right... these poor to middle income families shouldn't be eating out anyway. Only the rich should be able to not have to eat at home all the time.

Yay... Self Serve customer service... just like we're getting jammed down our throats at grocery stores.

That’s not new. They’ve been doing that for years now. Cutting down on those employees didn’t raise anyone’s wages in the back either so their excuses are extra flimsy
there's a widening wealth gap that has to be addressed but how????
That’s not an easy question to answer and there is no single solution to do it. The problem is out of control right now.

I also have little hope it will be addressed with any sincerity in our lifetime. Make no mistake, the Democratic Party has barely any more interest in addressing this issue than the Republicans do. We saw the one candidate who actually advocated action to fix this and the Democratic leadership did everything in their power to make sure he didn’t get nominated. I truly think that most the democratic elite would rather Trump be president than Bernie.
They all want to throw around economic arguments why it will drive up prices or whatever. They never assess the economics in the other direction. If some guy shuts down his business because he doesn't want to pay the higher wage, that will increase demand in the remaining shops and boost their profitability. Thus making it easier for those remaining businesses to pay the higher wage.

If those companies are sufficiently profitable, it will encourage competitors to enter the market. The marketplace will eventually reach equilibrium with only companies profitable enough to pay the reasonable wage in the market. Companies that rely on excessively exploiting their labor will become extinct.
And the minimum rising will make some employers raise wages because they don't want to lose workers or be seen as a minimum wage employer. The first time the minimum went up while I was working was at my second job. I was already making a little more than that and was bummed the increase would erase that.

Then I came into work and there was an immediate meeting at start of shift where they announced a storewide raise effective immediately. My boss explained they wanted to seem like a more attractive option than fast food to make it easier to get new workers in the door. So every time the minimum went up everyone would get a raise. And this was at a large corporation.
That’s literally what this is. You’ll never convince an idiot like him though. No in his mind it makes sense. Meanwhile most of these places have been turning in record profits while raising prices at high rates.

They will tell they’re shareholders they’re doing gangbusters at the quarterlies and then turn around and talk about how this is it, the final nail in the coffin for their ailing business if they have to share some profit with the drones.

Pizza Hut might be the exception though. They are actually kind of dying now

That’s literally what this is. You’ll never convince an idiot like him though. No in his mind it makes sense. Meanwhile most of these places have been turning in record profits while raising prices at high rates.

They will tell they’re shareholders they’re doing gangbusters at the quarterlies and then turn around and talk about how this is it, the final nail in the coffin for their ailing business if they have to share some profit with the drones.

Pizza Hut might be the exception though. They are actually kind of dying now
I called to order a pizza from them about a month ago. They have a pre-recorded message saying that due to the high price of doing business In California they are getting rid of delivery drivers and outsourcing delivery to door dashers.

Even though I'm in Nevada not California, and there was no wage increase here. They will use any and every excuse not to pay people.
I called to order a pizza from them about a month ago. They have a pre-recorded message saying that due to the high price of doing business In California they are getting rid of delivery drivers and outsourcing delivery to door dashers.

That isn't a California thing...places are doing this in every single state. And they are definitely doing it in the middle of nowhere USA like where I live too lol

Domino's is the only place I know of that still does delivery around me and weirdly enough, they bought like 6 delivery cars with dominos branding all over them and parked them in front of the restaurant.