Social Minimum Wage now at $20 an hour in California


Gold Belt
Dec 26, 2017
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No, this isn't April fools. I went to Starbucks today like I do many days, and the drink I always get was 50 cents higher today. I said was there a price increase? The girl laughed and said yeah starting today.
Then I go home and turn the news on and they're praising that minimum wage workers get $20 an hour starting today. Well they don't mention the fact that corporations don't give a shit because they're just increasing their prices. <JagsKiddingMe>, we find positive,per hour will be smaller.
Big deal bro stop crying snowflake.
His $8 coffee was now 8.50. It’s an outrage!
Since you libs are too stupid to comprehend. It's not about paying 50 cents its about making it sound like minimum wage increase is great for the people meanwhile the corporations just raise their prices. So the people being paid the minimum wage increase......are just paying more for their food etc...... <JagsKiddingMe> <seedat><WhatIsThis>
$20? That’s a bit steep I mean they can now afford three Starbucks coffees an hour. Who needs that much of their crappy coffee.
Since you libs are too stupid to comprehend. It's not about paying 50 cents its about making it sound like minimum wage increase is great for the people meanwhile the corporations just raise their prices. So the people being paid the minimum wage increase......are just paying more for their food etc...... <JagsKiddingMe> <seedat><WhatIsThis>
Corporations have been cutting those costs and passing it onto the government for decades now. We were already paying it in taxes. Not to mention a place like Starbucks is selling at a disgusting markup because guys like you will pay it.

But hey you’re a clever guy that can spam memes and reaction gifs at everyone. I’m sure you realized this already. This is some 1st world problem entitled crybaby shit bro
I don’t remember the full details of this law, but I want to say it only applies to national chains. That’ll force mom and pop establishments to either raise prices too or settle for crappy workers. I’m expecting a decent amount to get shut down unfortunately.