Social Did Kristi Noem ruin her political future?

Do you agree with Kristi’s actions?

  • Yes, just goat though

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800 pissed off goldfish, rocking level 99 knight armor and armed with shields and spears annointed with the guts and blood of Pete the Piranha. they will be waiting. there will be a rainbow bridge reckoning. pepper your angus, fish killer.
That goat would've lived a much longer and happy life if he hadn't jumped on the hood. He had 2 or 3 other goats and didn't slaughter any others. It wasn't something he did on a regular basis.

Were they milk goats or something?
Were they milk goats or something?
Not that I remember. I think he just had them to have them . . . maybe to eat down part of their pasture.
dog voted for brandon 18 times, and then 18 more times after it got shot execution style by kristi noem because if hugo chavez was still alive it's what he would have wanted the dog to do.
That explains it.
Working dogs that attack livestock and children should be put down. However, I prefer my candidates to lie about reality and portray themselves as perfect angels. The less human the better.
Working dog as in a tool, not a pet. Explains your mindset.

She specifically was training a puppy to hunt wild chickens and then surprise surprise it attacked a neighbors chicken. Why exactly was that cause for killing it?
Yep and they eat pretty much anything.
I guess that's why i never understood the goat story of Noem, she talked as if it was a hard decision.

Here in my region nobody keeps goats for anything but eating, i know a lot of people see it as cheap smelly meat but there are a lot of places where they serve pit roasted goat dish called Birria, a lot of places use beef, but there are still a lot of more traditional ones which are made with goat.

Plus its used as party dish too as it feeds a crowd.
Working dog as in a tool, not a pet. Explains your mindset.

She specifically was training a puppy to hunt wild chickens and then surprise surprise it attacked a neighbors chicken. Why exactly was that cause for killing it?
Bird dogs aren't trained to hunt wild birds. They're trained to find them and point them out for a hunter. Then, once the hunter shoots the bird the dog is then trained to retrieve them.

If this bird dog wasn't doing that and chasing every bird instead that's how/why it was deemed a useless hunting dog.
If people kept their dogs in the same condition that most goldfish are, they'd be arrested for animal abuse.
Goldfish are the most abused pet on the planet. A goldfish doesn't belong in a bowl, it doesn't only grow to the length of the tank they're in, and should live 20+ years.

When you keep a goldfish in a bowl, you're doing the same thing as putting a dog in a box they can barely move, while smoke is getting pumped into the box constantly.
Next time you go to Petco or Petsmart, take a look at the fish wall. 95% of those fish will be improperly cared for, and will die a painful and early death.
Yeah most people don't know goldfish can grow much larger in the right environment.
I guess that's why i never understood the goat story of Noem, she talked as if it was a hard decision.

Here in my region nobody keeps goats for anything but eating, i know a lot of people see it as cheap smelly meat but there are a lot of places where they serve pit roasted goat dish called Birria, a lot of places use beef, but there are still a lot of more traditional ones which are made with goat.

Plus its used as party dish too as it feeds a crowd.
I think Noem is painting herself into a corner here and is just making things worse everytime she tries to make an excuse.
I guess that's why i never understood the goat story of Noem, she talked as if it was a hard decision.

Here in my region nobody keeps goats for anything but eating, i know a lot of people see it as cheap smelly meat but there are a lot of places where they serve pit roasted goat dish called Birria, a lot of places use beef, but there are still a lot of more traditional ones which are made with goat.

Plus its used as party dish too as it feeds a crowd.
When I lived in Arizona all my neighborhood was pretty much all "Mexican Americans" and they always roasted goats during parties and holidays.....I tried some stew once and it was actually really good.