Merged Religous Debate Threads

Are you serious? Do you really think I want a zealot like you knowing my real name and address? How the hell do I know you wouldn't burn my house down to "forward the cause of atheism" or some garbage like that. You wouldn't tell me your name or address either, and I'm a hell of alot more stable than you. You are borderline obsessive about this atheism stuff. I'd fight you for sure, but I'm sure as hell not gonna have you know where I live.
Just about all of your posts in these threads have been to me or about me. And you call me obsessive?

Go away.

As to your points. First, when it comes to these parents "isolating" their children, I really only take exception to you saying "who has the right to limit children's exposure to the real world and their education?" Parents do. It may not be a good idea, but it is their right. Would you rather give the government more power to tell parents how they should raise their children?

On your point of whether or not religion ever asks its followers to question the very basis of its existence, again I disagree. I cannot speak for every religion obviously, but I can tell you that at my church we tackle that issue often. While I'm sure in any religion you can find blind followers, the same could be said for atheism or any other philosophical or world view. As a Christian I constantly question my faith, why I believe, etc., and in doing so find answers I wouldn't have otherwise found. I do not believe religion and science cannot coexist, nor do I think you believe that judging by the tone of your post, but I do believe trying to limit something outside of human beings' comrehension by the laws that govern this world is pointless. Striving for knowlege is fine, I'd even say admirable, but admitting we'll never know some things is equally as admirable.

as far as who has the right, for young ages, the parents are the best judge of what is an is not okay for their child. but once the child has reached a critical stage at which they can critically decide what is best for them, then no one has the right to tell them how to live their life. its not the governments place in any way shape or form. never was, never should be.
if the parents cannot teach the child what is right and wrong in the most formative years of a persons life there are two possibilities. the parents should never have had children in the first place or the child has a problem that cannot be fixed. there is of course gray areas, but i cant address every issue. if the child has reached a mental maturity, they should be allowed to succeed or fail of their own free will. this isnt to say a nihilistic lifestyle, rather an unabstructed lifestyle where if i wanted to find out what made me happy, i should not have to fear what others think.

as far as your religion. i would consider you amongst a minority. i do not believe that if you really questioned a religion and its basis, you could be considered by the majority of that religion to still be a "believer".
Oh man, I can't believe I almost forgot this. In addition to being a pompous, egomaniacal know-it-all, Mens is one of those deuchebags who challenge people over the internet to real life fights. I read a post where he did it, and when I told him how stupid he sounded, he challenged me to a fight!
Mens, if you're still reading my posts, I've had a change of heart. When you challenged me to a fight before I said I'd do it but only for money. Being somewhat new to these forums, I had no idea what a worthless waste of oxygen you are. So, while I don't care enough about you to fight you just for myself, I think I owe it to the Sherdog community to do it for free. The thing is, once I knock your ass out or choke you unconscious, I don't think I could resist the urge to piss on your face while someone recorded it. Of course I'd then post it on here and probably have the most popular thread of all time. Not very Christian of me I know, but what can I say? I never claimed to be perfect.

You want to give mens rea a golden shower? Hawt.
You're in every thread spewing garbage, it's hard not to respond when half the posts in these thread are YOURS! Hell yes, you're obsessive. Telling someone to go away is mature, too. And in the actual MMA threads I post plenty and they don't have anything to do with you. You're flattering yourself a little too much, buddy. You're like an annoying bug that is constantly buzzing around, of little consequence, yet irritating just the same.
as far as who has the right, for young ages, the parents are the best judge of what is an is not okay for their child. but once the child has reached a critical stage at which they can critically decide what is best for them, then no one has the right to tell them how to live their life. its not the governments place in any way shape or form. never was, never should be.
if the parents cannot teach the child what is right and wrong in the most formative years of a persons life there are two possibilities. the parents should never have had children in the first place or the child has a problem that cannot be fixed. there is of course gray areas, but i cant address every issue. if the child has reached a mental maturity, they should be allowed to succeed or fail of their own free will. this isnt to say a nihilistic lifestyle, rather an unabstructed lifestyle where if i wanted to find out what made me happy, i should not have to fear what others think.

as far as your religion. i would consider you amongst a minority. i do not believe that if you really questioned a religion and its basis, you could be considered by the majority of that religion to still be a "believer".

And what would your idea of "the critical stage" be? In this country, at age 18 you can do whatever you want without your parents having a say. Are you saying that's too old? I'm not even saying I'd necessarily disagree with you if you did, just wondering if that's what you're asking.
I don't know what to say as far as the quesioning of one's faith and whether or not that would make you something other than a believer. Again, I can only speak from my experience, but with a few exceptions, all the religous people I know (and this includes those of religions other than Christianity) question their beliefs to varying degrees. Personally I do not believe this makes me less of a believer. In fact, I think it makes me a stronger one.
LOL. You're right, he may enjoy it. Scratch that idea.

So, when are you going to fight him? Youtube it. If Mens Rea wins, I want him to say "Where's Jesus now, bitch?". I'd lol because the Sherdog atheistic community would be both intellectually and physically beating the Ned Flanders of Sherdog.
And what would your idea of "the critical stage" be? In this country, at age 18 you can do whatever you want without your parents having a say. Are you saying that's too old? I'm not even saying I'd necessarily disagree with you if you did, just wondering if that's what you're asking.
I don't know what to say as far as the questioning of one's faith and whether or not that would make you something other than a believer. Again, I can only speak from my experience, but with a few exceptions, all the religious people I know (and this includes those of religions other than Christianity) question their beliefs to varying degrees. Personally I do not believe this makes me less of a believer. In fact, I think it makes me a stronger one.

i do not dispute that question a belief can make you a stronger person. i agree with that whole heartedly.
as far as the age is concerned. that is a tricky situation. kids often think they have the mental maturity to make the right choices and they will say bla bla i can make my own choices and complain when the parents dont let them do as please. its when the child makes those choices and logically defends them. thats the que for the parents. if a child is so controlled that they cannot ever make choices for the wrong reasons from time to time then they will never learn to make choices for the right reasons. you cannot force somebody to become something they do not want to be of their own free will.
So, when are you going to fight him? Youtube it. If Mens Rea wins, I want him to say "Where's Jesus now, bitch?". I'd lol because the Sherdog atheistic community would be both intellectually and physically beating the Ned Flanders of Sherdog.

I'm sure the fight will never happen. He wants me to post my home address. Sure, I'll do that. I guarantee that little turd would start crying like a little girl with a skinned knee once he found out what he was in for. And then your little cult would have to have a moment of silence or something because you pseudo-intellectual leader was curled in the fetal position wailing "I'll believe anything you want, just don't hit me again". As for you idiots "intellectually beating" people, go take a look at the Genetic Mutation thread right now. Your butt-buddy is having his ass handed to him by some guy.
i do not dispute that question a belief can make you a stronger person. i agree with that whole heartedly.
as far as the age is concerned. that is a tricky situation. kids often think they have the mental maturity to make the right choices and they will say bla bla i can make my own choices and complain when the parents dont let them do as please. its when the child makes those choices and logically defends them. thats the que for the parents. if a child is so controlled that they cannot ever make choices for the wrong reasons from time to time then they will never learn to make choices for the right reasons. you cannot force somebody to become something they do not want to be of their own free will.

I agree with this. It is up to parents to decide when their child is old enough to make their own life choices, at least up until age 18. I guess what I mean is that if parents think their child is mature enough before 18 to make their own choices, that's fine. At 18, it's out of the parents hands. In the end though, up until 18, it's the parents call. I think it's irresponsible for parents to keep control of say, a 16 year old, if the parents already know the kid is mature enough to make their own choices. I just don't want someone from the outside coming in and making those decisions. So while parents may try to control their kids a little too long at times, I'd rather have it that way than the alternative.
Actually I've seen Mens photo. and Mkess would stomp a mudhole in his ass and walk it dry. Mens is no Rickson Gracie and Mkess has a lot of weight on Mens scrawny lilly ass.
Arguing religion over the internet is a total waste of time. Anyone agree?
If it's fun to you then go for it. To me, it seems like everyone here would have a huge headache.
It's fun. But it gets weird when the Christers get all interested in me personally. Even in the last couple pages of this thread we see that one wants to pee on me, another stares at my picture every night and talks about my ass, and a couple and just wacky characters. I'm sure I'm partially responsible for that attention though.
Well if you truly believe in the Judeo-Christian God then you need to believe the Bible as well. I suggest you read it as many of your beliefs conflict with what it says.

The bible is not something that should be taken literally. The gospels were written as historical accounts, and so were the letters of paul. Now the old testament is IMO full of a lot of parables to show how life is and how it should be. Was there really a burning bush, did jacob really wrestle God, was there really a flood where Noah got all the animals on the arc?? None of these things are actually true, although the most likely I guess would be the burning bush, although I'm not too sure of that even. These are just stories that tell people how things are, and how the world is, so as not to confuse people, and they were stories passed down through word of mouth for so long, that even if at one time they were true, how much of it can actually be trusted? It is completely impossible that Noah made an arc that had all the animals on it. First of all it is impossible that he had access to all the animals considering he lived in the middle east and there are a TON of animals that cant live in the middle east, and secondly, there are infinite types of insects and things, and how did he cage them, and feed them, what about animals that ate other animals? I know you can say "well God made it happen" but that isnt a logical answer. A whole lot of the old testament is stories or myths.