Atkins Diet

Wai Khru***

May 29, 2008
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Just started the Atkins Diet about three days ago has anyone had success with it? So far I love it I'm just hoping it works. I'm going to do phase one for about three weeks I believe I walk around at about 214 lbs and realistically would like to weigh about 190 lbs so if any of you have had experience with this diet I would like to hear your input.
I tried Atkins a few years back when it was really popular. I felt weak in the gym and staying away from sugar/carbs 100% was almost impossible for me. It might be a good way to lose weight fast but I prefer what i'm doing now and that is just a low carb diet.
I tried Atkins a few years back when it was really popular. I felt weak in the gym and staying away from sugar/carbs 100% was almost impossible for me. It might be a good way to lose weight fast but I prefer what i'm doing now and that is just a low carb diet.

I don't agree with everything about the Atkins diet but the only time in which you really have to cut out almost all carbs is phase one and even then you can have 20 grams a day and that lasts for two or three weeks. After that you add more and then when you get to the maintain phase you can eat carbs moderately.
Yes, the Atkins diet works for lazy slobs. It worked for me when I was a lazy slob.

If you grapple or lift you're going to HATE it, you'll have 0 energy. BUT, if you don't, then it's all good. Do the diet and do cardio, you'll BLOW throw fat reserves.
It's not somthing I would stick to for life. But to lose fat? It works.

Just switch to a healthier way of eating once you're where you want to be.
Ketosis sucks, unless you find things like gout and bad breath pleasurable.
Just started the Atkins Diet about three days ago has anyone had success with it? So far I love it I'm just hoping it works. I'm going to do phase one for about three weeks I believe I walk around at about 214 lbs and realistically would like to weigh about 190 lbs so if any of you have had experience with this diet I would like to hear your input.

IMHO, just eating clean+portion control with a little patience is better than trying to lose weight fast with Atkins. Long term health, having energy, better recovery and all the other things that come with eating well FTW.
I don't eat fast food I watch my carbs and things of that nature. I just want to drop weight quick because I'm getting married next year. I want to drop it quick then maintain it.
I just want to drop weight quick because I'm getting married next year. I want to drop it quick then maintain it.

Absolute carbohydrate restriction is stupid.

If you're a lifter or any type of athlete, your muscles will start catabolizing.

Drop the stigma that carbohydrates are evil and realize that they, just like fats and protein, are essential to a healthy physique.

You need to develop a healthy eating lifestyle, not a fad, pipe dream diet plan for a "quick loss."
Yes, the Atkins diet works for lazy slobs. It worked for me when I was a lazy slob.

If you grapple or lift you're going to HATE it, you'll have 0 energy. BUT, if you don't, then it's all good. Do the diet and do cardio, you'll BLOW throw fat reserves.

Yeah cuz bodybuilders just hate ketogenic diets and we know how lazy they are >_>.... Atkins is just an easier more popular version of a keto diet, and if you fallow a keto diet right it's an easy way to cut and maintain muscle mass. The body is going to adapt to whatever energy source you give it if the majority comes from fats it's going to utilize lipids for energy. Untill your body adapts to fats and protiens (most ppl call it the ****bolic shift) your supposed to feel weak when lifting, if your on a calorie deficient straight into it, it also makes more difficult for your body to adapt, but if your eating veggies with every meal supplementing the diet with multi vits and fish oil and drinking alot of water, for alot of people they get really good results. Everyone's body is diff not everyone's going to see hte same results on a ckd diet... it's a trial and error proccess, for some ppl keto is an ez way into single digit bf%...

Absolute carbohydrate restriction is stupid.

If you're a lifter or any type of athlete, your muscles will start catabolizing.

Drop the stigma that carbohydrates are evil and realize that they, just like fats and protein, are essential to a healthy physique.

You need to develop a healthy eating lifestyle, not a fad, pipe dream diet plan for a "quick loss."
It's not supposed to be absolute carb restriction your supposed to get around 30g's of carbs
a day not including fiber, and your supposed to be getting a lot of fiber. Actually the diet is supposed prevent catabolism for lifters, It's even refered to as the "anabolic diet" instead of ckd or ketogenic diet. A lot of bodybuilders use it for that reason.

keep in mind it's only to cut ur supposed to slowly go off it once u get the results you want (well most ckd diets state neway, some suggest using it for bulking phase 2)

edit: I think 20g is carb max for atkins, its kinda low ,don't most ckd diets suggest 30-40?
edit: is there a reson ****bolic is censored?
Someone else could probably explain it better but...m.e.t.a.l. is an html code that causes problems. What problems i don't know. Just that it can be used to screw things up on the site.
I don't agree with everything about the Atkins diet but the only time in which you really have to cut out almost all carbs is phase one and even then you can have 20 grams a day and that lasts for two or three weeks. After that you add more and then when you get to the maintain phase you can eat carbs moderately.

Thanks for the correction. I was following a friend's regimen. We cut out sugar/carbs/caffeine completely for the first phase. I only made it through about 2 weeks.
If you are serious about following a low carb approach, check out the link below. It gives alot of pointers and goes into detail about what supplements you should be using pre & post work out. I will admit, it is not very easy to follow, but I have been on it for 5 weeks and I have dropped 12 pounds. I will admit that at first I felt soooooooooo weak in the gym, but after making some adjustments and just making sure that I get a good amount of food in my belly prior (2hr or so) before going to the gym, that I can still make it through my workout without feeling completely drained. Not for the feint hearted and it is not a miracle worker, you still need to hit the gym hard, but if you work, it will work. | Refined Physique Transformation
If you are serious about following a low carb approach, check out the link below. It gives alot of pointers and goes into detail about what supplements you should be using pre & post work out. I will admit, it is not very easy to follow, but I have been on it for 5 weeks and I have dropped 12 pounds. I will admit that at first I felt soooooooooo weak in the gym, but after making some adjustments and just making sure that I get a good amount of food in my belly prior (2hr or so) before going to the gym, that I can still make it through my workout without feeling completely drained. Not for the feint hearted and it is not a miracle worker, you still need to hit the gym hard, but if you work, it will work. | Refined Physique Transformation

Thanks for the article.
I have a question about the article well maybe the site... I have seen many articles say fish oil yes, but they choose FlameOut. Has anyone tried this oil? Is it the be all end all they make it seem to be?
If you are serious about following a low carb approach, check out the link below. It gives alot of pointers and goes into detail about what supplements you should be using pre & post work out. I will admit, it is not very easy to follow, but I have been on it for 5 weeks and I have dropped 12 pounds. I will admit that at first I felt soooooooooo weak in the gym, but after making some adjustments and just making sure that I get a good amount of food in my belly prior (2hr or so) before going to the gym, that I can still make it through my workout without feeling completely drained. Not for the feint hearted and it is not a miracle worker, you still need to hit the gym hard, but if you work, it will work. | Refined Physique Transformation

Thanks I liked that.
I have a question about the article well maybe the site... I have seen many articles say fish oil yes, but they choose FlameOut. Has anyone tried this oil? Is it the be all end all they make it seem to be?

T-Nation authors always hype biotest products. Flameout is a *convenient* fish oil in that it's very concentrated, but you still get more for your money buying Costco fish oil and taking twice as many capsules.
T-Nation authors always hype biotest products. Flameout is a *convenient* fish oil in that it's very concentrated, but you still get more for your money buying Costco fish oil and taking twice as many capsules.

Awesome man, thanks. I do regular trips to Costco. That is where I pretty much pick up all my meat.