Official Sherdog Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame Thread

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Nash is statistically the worst drawing WWF Champion in history. Sid did better numbers surprisingly enough, even when he worked with Shawn/Bret he outdrew Nash's numbers against them.

that actually isn't all that surprising. sid was a pretty over guy, not as over as he believes (in no way did he rule the world), but over nonetheless.
Nash is statistically the worst drawing WWF Champion in history. Sid did better numbers surprisingly enough, even when he worked with Shawn/Bret he outdrew Nash's numbers against them.

I assume you give him the same break you give Bret Hart, though? He was champion around the same time.
I assume you give him the same break you give Bret Hart, though? He was champion around the same time.

No because Bret actually did good business. Nash took the reigns from Bret for a year and everything plummeted. When Bret got the belt back from him houses, ratings, merchandise sales, PPV revenue all went up. Michaels took them and while they dropped off they were nowhere near as bad as Nash's numbers.
As an individual, Nash is not in it BUT he's part of the original NWO/Outsiders Tag Team. Therefore one way or another, Nash is in.
that actually isn't all that surprising. sid was a pretty over guy, not as over as he believes (in no way did he rule the world), but over nonetheless.

He was master of the squirrels or something equally awesome though. Plus he does only have half the brain of Nash.
Razor Ramon!!!!!!! Hahaha he was def a fav to watch growing up.
what about the stinger and ultimate warrior? Where would they be?
what about the stinger and ultimate warrior? Where would they be?

Sting could easily get in if he already hasn't. He's one of the most over wrestlers never to work for Vince, which says a lot. The only thing that may hurt his chances is his time in TNA. Other than that, if someone were to nominate Sting, he'd get my vote.
Sting could easily get in if he already hasn't. He's one of the most over wrestlers never to work for Vince, which says a lot. The only thing that may hurt his chances is his time in TNA. Other than that, if someone were to nominate Sting, he'd get my vote.

He also wasn't a big draw. His only good numbers came from Starrcade 97.
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