Dana White: "The Reason We Have WMMA Now Is Because Of Ronda Rousey"

I truly find her annoying.. She has a huge mouth and just comes off like she is entitled to something..
Dana White: "The Reason We Have WMMA Now Is Because Of My Boner"
Dana is being ridiculous.
She's also suspended for PEDs.

tbf that suspension is over in 9 days. and he already has a fight for overeem already lined up as long as he is licensed when his suspension is over at the end of this month...
Just a fad, when Cyborg whips her ass people will forget about her.
He says it's not just because of her look

but because she can?

If wanted to sound legit he should've spoken about her "skills"
I think it's bullshit that Dana doesn't give more credit to Gina Carano. She was the one that really initially brought attention to WMMA. there may have been no ronda if there had been no gina.

secondly, I really don't like dana's double talk. When asked what happens if ronda loses, he says "well then the other girl will be champ and we'll see who's next for her"

but then he says like 2 minutes later. This really isn't about women's mma. This is about ronda and how great she is.

It seems women's mma in the UFC, is like elite xc and kimbo....if ronda loses, it's over. they'll scrap the division.

It will basically go like this.
1.ronda loses.
2.ronda comeback fight
assuming ronda wins
3.ronda challenges for title

and if ronda loses that one...no more division, heck...if she loses at step #2....no more division. It's 100% ronda unless some other great women start popping up right and left