Dana White: "The Reason We Have WMMA Now Is Because Of Ronda Rousey"

I think he may be banging her. I really do.

Banging her is not a problem, I think it could be worse. i think he's in love with her and will go to extreme distance to protect her, like have her fight fixed. im not saying Dana is crock, but love can make people do fucked up things
Wish Dana would quit trying to shove her down everyone's throats.

We get it, she's so awesome and you wanna bang her. Now stfu

umm Dana white is a promoter? Every Promoter likes to shove things down people throats about their fighters.
Dana is so creepy you know he has or has tried to tap it already.
attractive? uhhh yeah, she looks like a guy and punches other women in the face. wouldnt classify that as attractive
I'd be so pissed off if I was Marloes, Cyborg and Miesha right now. Dana playing favourites, no surprise there.
1. You're a moron
2. Kinda hard to promote someone who is suspended for PEDS
3. See #1

1. U Mad.
2. Really? cuz they have no problems promoting Overeem & Diaz, 2 suspended fighters
3. Go ahead & support this champion without a division, I'll be enjoying Hendo/Machida but what I won't do is pay for this joke of a main-event, I'll let idiots like ya do that.