Lloyd Irvin's students accused of brutal rape (Part 3)

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when it happened were you being watched by a black guy furiously jerking his limp dick as he desperately tried to get a boner?

Hahahaha too good.

Keenan's in quite a predicament and I don't expect he will leave Team LI soon.
But depending on how this plays out, the pressure may invariably force him out - at least now his eyes are open, it will be hard to disparage new incidents or evidence as such and I don't know how you can, as a human being, reduce yourself to being solely focused on achieving medals in a sport.
I haven't posted in this thread since Part I like page 50, eons ago. I have so many things I'd like to say to a few of you, I don't even know where to start. One that does stick out in my mind, I was unable to quote because the thread is locked, were comments from a poster deriding someone "sticking up" for Irvin. I thought it was ironic that his screen name is Pimphand and his signature was something about banging his friend's Grandma.

Anyways I thought I'd tell a story in hopes that it may shed some light on the atmosphere that may have been going on during Irvin's incident. I am not condoning rape of any kind, but I am hoping to open the door so that maybe some of you can see the mentality and how easy it is to get sucked in.

I have been to college and seen some wild stuff. Those in these threads that have pointed out that girls who like trains do exist, are absolutely correct. Do not confuse this with me even implying that yep, a girl deserves it. There are some that like it and seek it out.

I have also been in the Navy and seen some wild stuff. And before you judge, keep in mind what may be gross or disgusting to you may be a turn-on for others. Doesn't make it gross, just different. For the most part.

Now the analogy:

I was stationed aboard a U.S. submarine for just over 4 years. This particular submarine had missile tubes and our berthing was nestled in between the tubes. The bunkrooms were u-shaped and each of the 3 pieces that make up a U had bunks 3 high.

For those incapable of complex math, you shared the bunkroom with 8 other people, generally of the same rate. Seeing as how we were always either out to sea together for around 90 days or in home port together for 90 days, we grew pretty close.

We were always together, even moreso than with our own families. It was always a really tight knit group. Until an outsider showed up.

This guy, we'll call him Brian, arrived. He had been out to sea before so he knew the ropes, also he was a bible thumper. Now, having a submarine filled with 130 testosterone fueled men, pron was a hot commodity. It was read, shared, discussed, and like prison, it could even be used as currency.

Well, Brian didn't like it. He didn't like having it around, he didn't even want people discussing it with him in ear shot. Of course his pleas fell on deaf ears, it was 8 on 1. So it took it up the chain of command. Soon we had a chief in our bunkroom going through every drawer, nook, and cranny, snatching up every piece of pron he could find. All to satisfy Brian. Brian - if you're reading this, sorry man.

Brian never lived this day down. He was shunned, ridiculed, ostracized, whatever. While no physical violence came unto Brian, his life had to have been miserable for the remaining 90 days. I even think some of his belongings mysteriously vanished. You get the idea.

To summarize, Brian found himself in a situation he wasn't comfortable with, pron in his bunkroom. He took a stand and then paid the social price. It was 8 angry guys against 1. His reputation around the boat suffered, he was the guy who turned in all the pron.

Now let's turn this analogy around a little bit.

Let's say that Brian arrived and still hated pron. But this time he kept that dislike to himself. He just ignored it. But then a month later the Navy comes out with some policy that all pron is illegal and violators will be dealt with. We don't turn our pron in and get caught. Is Brian just as guilty as the rest of us? Should he get the same punishment we do even though he was opposed to it?

If we connect this to Irvin's case where he was guy #2, #5, or #8, what was he going to do? He could turn them all in and be the biatch or he could go along with it but really not be okay with it?

Here is where some of you will probably fire back and say "but he should have stopped them!" That is great to say. And I agree with you. But we weren't there. Who knows how Irvin felt it would all turn out?

I wasn't anti-pron by any means but what if I had chosen to side with Brian? I would have been shunned as well. And at that age, amongst those peers, it seems really important that you don't stand out.

Open any new ideas or thoughts?

And then lastly, it does kind of irk me that some of you are basically crucifying him for this event from 20 years ago. I would like to end this post with a few questions regarding similar cases:

How did you react when you first heard about the Duke lacrosse issue?

Did you automatically condemn them? I bet you did. Did you follow up on the case weeks, months, days later, and then contact these people and apologize for any bad mouthing you did? Are these Duke lacrosse players in your opinion required to tell people in the future, 20 years from now, that they were part of the Duke lacrosse scandal?

How did you react with the Zimmerman/Martin case?

Zimmerman automatically guilty?

And then the beloved linebacker Ray Lewis.

You know the guy that'll have specials done about him if the Ravens make the Super Bowl? Attempted murder. How many of you have gone onto his Facebook page recently to jump his poop? I hope none of you are following the Ravens or the NFL for that matter as who would employ an attempted murderer? And then have him do like make-a-wish stuff too? Yikes.

Lol, so now porn = rape?
Way to rationalize with this horrible analogy.
They wont be missed, they are UN-loyal traitors using this an excuse to bail. That's fine it wont hurt the team at all, like I said cutting off the weak links. No one at their school produces for the team at major events anyway, they wont be missed and not true grinders for TLI, bye let them go.
They are a major as well as a good academy after all Cobra Commander
Lol, so now porn = rape?
Way to rationalize with this horrible analogy.

Yes, that is exactly what it says. Why did I write that whole thing when I could've easily just written porn = rape.

No. The point was how maybe Lloyd wasn't faced with the easy decision most of you are accusing him of not making. When faced with a situation like that among your peer group, it is very easy not to do anything.

Brian rather than being shunned for standing out against porn could have chosen to keep quiet and live with it. Instead he spoke up and put his foot down.

For those crucifying Lloyd for not doing anything to stop the actions of that night, perhaps he was faced with a similar dilemma. He could have spoken up and risk being shunned or he could keep quiet and not participate.

And I also present that it's not nearly as easy being in the situation and being talked about on a forum. I can already tell that most of you will still be like "he should have done something!" Yes, most of us think he should have. But not all of us would have done something.

How many times did you ignore someone getting bullied in high school because you didn't want to stand out and risk being targeted yourself? And before you chime back in and say that now I'm equating bullying with raping, I'm not.

How many of you have participated in belt whipping as part of promotions even though you didn't really want to? Why did you then? Because you didn't want to stand out.

But it is the same as ignoring an issue that you could have taken a stand on.
Yes, that is exactly what it says. Why did I write that whole thing when I could've easily just written porn = rape.

No. The point was how maybe Lloyd wasn't faced with the easy decision most of you are accusing him of not making. When faced with a situation like that among your peer group, it is very easy not to do anything.

Brian rather than being shunned for standing out against porn could have chosen to keep quiet and live with it. Instead he spoke up and put his foot down.

For those crucifying Lloyd for not doing anything to stop the actions of that night, perhaps he was faced with a similar dilemma. He could have spoken up and risk being shunned or he could keep quiet and not participate.

And I also present that it's not nearly as easy being in the situation and being talked about on a forum. I can already tell that most of you will still be like "he should have done something!" Yes, most of us think he should have. But not all of us would have done something.

How many times did you ignore someone getting bullied in high school because you didn't want to stand out and risk being targeted yourself? And before you chime back in and say that now I'm equating bullying with raping, I'm not.

How many of you have participated in belt whipping as part of promotions even though you didn't really want to? Why did you then? Because you didn't want to stand out.

But it is the same as ignoring an issue that you could have taken a stand on.

Sorry but equating peer pressure in watching or tolerating a porn magazine to participating in gang bang rape is quite a stretch. It's a horrible rationalization for what lloyd was involved in back in 1989.
Guys, guys the Apostle is right! It's ok to NOT speak out against a gang rape because, you know, the guys doing the raping might call you a bitch and shun you.

Are you for real, guy? Never mind the fact that you completely ignore Lloyd's own testimony from the trial that he would have participated if he could have gotten an erection AND the victim's testimony that he raped her I can't fathom how you can justify NOT at least SAYING SOMETHING, let alone actually trying to participate because there's a risk of being "shunned"!?!?

Shunned by gang rapists, no less.

Take your rape apologist agenda elsewhere.
Guys, guys the Apostle is right! It's ok to NOT speak out against a gang rape because, you know, the guys doing the raping might call you a bitch and shun you.

Are you for real, guy? Never mind the fact that you completely ignore Lloyd's own testimony from the trial that he would have participated if he could have gotten an erection AND the victim's testimony that he raped her I can't fathom how you can justify NOT at least SAYING SOMETHING, let alone actually trying to participate because there's a risk of being "shunned"!?!?

Shunned by gang rapists, no less.

Take your rape apologist agenda elsewhere.

Not at all what I'm saying. Am I being trolled? I am saying the decision and action to speak up is not as easy in certain situations as most of you are making it out to be. Should he have stopped it from happening? YES! Would you have? I doubt it.

How many whiny effing threads are on here daily - I want to switch gyms... what do I say?

Rather than standing up for himself and going right to his OWN instructor or gym and saying "look, I'm not getting the quality of instruction I wanted, I'm leaving," he comes here, gets advice from you guys on how and what to say.

For an issue as trivial and petty as switching gyms some of you guys have to come on here and ask how to do it. Why the fear of just going up to your instructor and telling them how you feel?

You really want me to believe that the majority of people on here who are too afraid to speak up at their OWN gyms are going to stand up and actually be a man in this instance?

And again before someone happens to only read the word gym above, gym does not = rape.
Not at all what I'm saying. Am I being trolled? I am saying the decision and action to speak up is not as easy in certain situations as most of you are making it out to be. Should he have stopped it from happening? YES! Would you have? I doubt it.

Cowards and misogynists would not
They are a major as well as a good academy after all Cobra Commander

Not Major in the results department, like I said weak link, who cares next move on. No time for Un-Loyal ship jumpers.
I could buy the peer pressure argument if Lloyd had just stood idly by or sat in the next room while his buddies raped the girl, not daring to speak out or stop them, but he himself said in court that he actually wanted to participate, and tried, but couldn't perform. Additionally, the victim and one of the other defendants even claimed he did have intercourse with her. Unless the other guys held a gun to his head, peer pressure is no excuse for that kind of involvement.
Not Major in the results department, like I said weak link, who cares next move on. No time for Un-Loyal ship jumpers.

I thought TLI was a big family? Unless you dont get good results in competition, then you're just expendable.
Not Major in the results department, like I said weak link, who cares next move on. No time for Un-Loyal ship jumpers.

Well their students aren't raping people so I would consider that good results. Getting medals in Jiu Jitsu is great and all but at the end of the day it really doesn't matter all that much and outside the small world of Jiu Jitsu nobody gives a crap about it. What people do give a crap about is people with good character training to becoming better members of society.
Well their students aren't raping people so I would consider that good results. Getting medals in Jiu Jitsu is great and all but at the end of the day it really doesn't matter all that much and outside the small world of Jiu Jitsu nobody gives a crap about it. What people do give a crap about is people with good character training to becoming better members of society.

This is not about the douche bag students, this is about Lloyd and his case, so don't beat around the bush thinking its something else. They are cowards and taking the easy way out.
Not Major in the results department, like I said weak link, who cares next move on. No time for Un-Loyal ship jumpers.
Where does TLI get the funds from to allow the "loyal non-ship jumpers who achieve major things in the results department" to do exactly that? Academies, kids programs, regular students, LI's cleaning business etc.

This is a big deal and your attitude of "Fine, we don't want you cowards either" is about as childish and exemplifying poor character as it gets without wandering into illegal territory. But enjoy your increased chances at a $130k pool built by debt spending and unfortunately doesn't look at all like a real $130k pool.

Also, that porn submarine analogy was awful. The situations being compared were not at all analogous and there was little to no similarity in the dynamics of each situation.
No, but they are leaving like cowards, so it's their choice.

Ahh ok, they're the cowards. It all makes sense now. Its still mean that you've looked down on them and the rest of your affiliates/family this whole time.
I don't think they are cowards at all, it is actually pretty brave to stand up against a personality cult like that and all of their peers. You said Beta Academy does not get results, I was responding to that. I argue they are getting results if the culture they have at their academy does not lead to their students raping another student. Of course they left due to Lloyd Irvin's past specifically, and rightfully so.
Ahh ok, they're the cowards. It all makes sense now. Its still mean that you've looked down on them and the rest of your affiliates/family this whole time.

No just now their true colors are showing and where their loyalties have been, not to TLI that's for sure. They run at the first sign of peer pressure from others on stuff they know nothing about, that is cowardly yes.
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