Gym Idiots v11

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I seen this guy using the pullup assist machine...he was still kipping up on it.
I see fucktwits at my gym all the time.
the stupidest are the guys who grab a single dumb bell and then
balance themselves on that half ball thingy and do
psuedo kettle swings or something?

not to mention the queers who jump onto a pull up bar or handles and then do
monkey type moves with their legs and torso, switching hands to demonstrate
their dexterity I guess.


A guy was doing deadlifts in the squat rack the other day. After he was done he took off about half the weight, lifted the barbell into the rack and walked away leaving the plates on the floor and the rest on the bar, and a large pile of chalk all over the ground. He went and did curls after that.

This seems to be a new trend - the deadlift, bench, curl workout.

Then a trainer had his client do dumbbell press while laying down in the squat rack on the floor.

What kind of shit is that? You don't need a rack to deadlift. You don't need a rack to lay on the floor.

Same day, two guys benching and discussing what to do next:

Want to do arms?
Naw, my arms are still tired, I did them yesterday
We also benched yesterday
Ya, how about abs and just biceps?

Because what else is there? Chest, arms, abs.
Not a gym idiot moment but still have to share. Went to the gym yesterday. I finished squatting and went to the leg press. High-school guy walks in. Has on a football t shirt from a local private school. I would guess he was 17 and around 190 lbs. He walks to the squat rack. 135x10, 225x10, 275x10...i know it's weird to watch others but this kid got my attention so I watched without looking like an ass hole. Anyhow.... On to 315x8, 365x6, 405x4, 455x4, 465x4, after that he went for 485 and failed. Dumped it on the rack. And not a single rep was half ass. Kid had a rather wide stance and would hit below parallel on each rep. I was seriously impressed.... And slightly jealous.
My team has ~20 lifters spread over only three bars in the gym. .its not a big deal at all, if you have your shit even remotely together.

I guess if it can be done it can be done, also sounds like your team is putting in some work and not walking around texting and glancing at their arms every two seconds or so.
A guy was doing deadlifts in the squat rack the other day. After he was done he took off about half the weight, lifted the barbell into the rack and walked away leaving the plates on the floor and the rest on the bar, and a large pile of chalk all over the ground. He went and did curls after that.

This seems to be a new trend - the deadlift, bench, curl workout.

Then a trainer had his client do dumbbell press while laying down in the squat rack on the floor.

What kind of shit is that? You don't need a rack to deadlift. You don't need a rack to lay on the floor.

Same day, two guys benching and discussing what to do next:

Because what else is there? Chest, arms, abs.

The leaving the plates laying around drives me nuts, there is a chronic offender in the gym I work out at that does that, she will go over throw all the plates on the floor and into walkways and not stop and think twice about racking them or anything, she usually only will do one set, so in a matter of 15 minutes or so she has weights every where but on the rack or bar
Gym Idiots part 11??

I think most of you should quit the gym and invest in a propper home gym.
Gym Idiots part 11??

I think most of you should quit the gym and invest in a propper home gym.

Would love to. Unfortunately, while the long-term savings make it a good investment, the initial start-up cost is hard to overcome- particularly in NZ, where fitness equipment is ridiculously priced.
Also, gym idiot from tonight. Trainer says to a girl in the beginners class that she has odd Thai pads and needs to use some matching ones. She looks at them for a second and said "How can you tell?"

They were quite visibly different, only the brand was the same.
i don't think i posted this already :

So a few weeks ago i was doing deadlifts and this older guy (probably in his 60s) comes over to me while i'm resting, looks at the weights and we have this conversation...

him : how much is that
me : 385 lbs
him : you lift that over your head?
me : no. it doesn't go past my waist.
him : do you drop it when you're done?
me : no. it's not a good lift unless you control it all the way back to the floor.
him : does it make a lot of noise when you put it down?
me : well, it's 385 lbs. unless i put pillows under it, it's not exactly going to be silent.
him : a lot of these guys drop the weights from over their head. it makes a lot of noise. They made a rule that you aren't allowed to drop the weights from above your waist, but i don't see any signs up about it.
me : well, if my options are dropping the weight or dislocating my shoulder, it's going to be noisy either way. i'm gonna drop the weight.

He does yoga in a room down the hall from where the platforms are (stupid layout. make all the yoga people walk through the area where the heavy lifting is happening. great idea.) and apparently he finds the noise distracting. So he complained until they made a rule about it. None of the trainers enforce the rule so he's still a little pissy, thus our conversation.

i'm not entirely sure who is the bigger idiot, him for thinking heavy weightlifting is going to be quiet or the gym for putting the yoga room next to the free weights.
I work out at the YMCA, so there's a gym idiot or two every time I'm there. Yesterday was this guy who was doing curls in his taekwondo/karate outfit.

you don't lift in your gi pants? you're missing out
i sometimes lift at the 24 in pacific beach (san diego). i definitely feel like the gym idiot there staring at all the fine ass girls walking's actually quite distracting
and today, guy in the hack squat machine was facing down towards the machine

That's a legit exercise. Feels dumb as fuck doing it but it works.

Fuck yeah. Just pulled 405x3 for the first time.

(Sorry, stoked about the new milestone and needed to get it out somewhere)

Congrats man. Still working on getting to 4 plates x 1 myself.
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