International Israel vs. Palestine Discussion- War of 2014, v2: Israel Withdraws from Gaza

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Very interesting article about that is happening with the current state of Israel.

Fact number 3 is especially interesting:

3. Netanyahu is well aware of this link and the detrimental effect of his policies on the security of Jewish communities worldwide, and on public opinion, but he also knows that the greater the increase in antisemitism the more French, British and other Jewish nationals will be forced to sell their homes and reluctantly leave the countries of their birth to seek sanctuary in Israel. This is a key principle of the Netanyahu government agenda that all American, European and diaspora Jews should be ‘persuaded’ to emigrate to the Israeli state – together with their assets.

On a side note, about the latest conflict because Gaza wants to stop the choke hold since 2007, here are the current stats found only on BBC news about the genocide against the Palestinian people, CNN (owned by Jews) and Fox news will never publish this information:

Human cost of the conflict

Palestinian deaths

1,935 killed, including at least 1,408 civilians
452 children
235 women
Israeli deaths

64 soldiers
2 civilians
1 Thai national in Israel
(Source: OCHA; 0800 GMT on 9 August)
I expect credit every time you throw that in someone's face man.
We all know you support the Palestinians. But for one very short moment, basing your answer on the current situation do you think, if you were an Israeli that Israel can give security control to the Palestinians. At this time and under these circumstances.

Answer honestly, please. If you do, I will answer a question as a Palestinian.

Thats not what the charter says, it doesnt says under this circumstances, it specifies, under any circumstances would control be relinquished.

Netanyahu political support comes from the idea that settlements are permanent and that West Bank is Israel, he is a hardcore zionist, so there wont be any deal without Israel getting Judea and Samaria.

Not that it bothers me, it bothers me more the idea of stripping Israeli arabs of citizenship.
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Thats not what the charter says, it doesnt says under this circumstances, it specifies, under any circumstances would control be relinquished.

Netanyahu political support comes from the idea that settlements are permanent and that West Bank is Israel, he is a hardcore zionist, so there wont be any deal without Israel getting Judea and Samaria.

Not that it bothers me, it bothers me more the idea of stripping Israeli arabs of citizenship.

It bothers me that people I consider smart are arguing that the Likud party has any intention of a two-state solution. For fucks sake, Ariel Sharon was a pretty staunch conservative and he had to form his own party because he thought the Likudniks were so far right, they were scary.
read the disclaimer at the bottom of the article. They obviously report a bunch of bull shit. I am a mexican male by the way. If someone attacked me, i would fuck them up too.
It simply says: The contents of this article are of sole responsibility of the author(s).

That has nothing to do with content accuracy.
Palestinian deaths

1,935 killed, including at least 1,408 civilians
452 children
235 women

Israeli deaths

64 soldiers
2 civilians
1 Thai national in Israel

I'd feel bad for Palestine/Hamas...if they weren't the ones always attacking first, violating truces, refusing peace, and literally, explicitly stating that the complete extinction of the other side is their goal.

Since they clearly suck at being the violent aggressors, maybe they should give being reasonable and civilized a shot.
These stats only say that Israel is the more effective killer. It does not lend any credence to either sides cause.

I support neither side BTW, fighting over who's myths mean the most is retarded.
I'd feel bad for Palestine/Hamas...if they weren't the ones always attacking first, violating truces, refusing peace, and literally, explicitly stating that the complete extinction of the other side is their goal.

Since they clearly suck at being the violent aggressors, maybe they should give being reasonable and civilized a shot.

They didn't attack first. They were invaded and occupied, and their land has been stolen, their homes razed to the ground. They're defending themselves against ethnic cleansing.
I'd feel bad for Palestine/Hamas...if they weren't the ones always attacking first, violating truces, refusing peace, and literally, explicitly stating that the complete extinction of the other side is their goal.

Since they clearly suck at being the violent aggressors, maybe they should give being reasonable and civilized a shot.

this. Just saying.
If anti-semitism gets so bad, that all Jews have to emigrate to Israel, then their assets will be worthless, or either taken from them. And I wonder about the the 4th fact. Exactly how much money do Murican Evangelists even have to give to Israel?
i believe the muslims conquered that land a few thousand years ago. And the british took it back in ww2 and created israel. The palestinian ancestors stole that land. And just like in mma, the more prepared combatant wins. Dont bring a knife to a gunfight
Well, lets go back for a second....Israel put a blockade on Gaza since 2007 limiting food that can go in. Israel said they will out Gazan's on a "diet". No other people go though such harsh/destructive policies.

Also there is 50% unemployment rate in Gaza. Then you think everything will be ok? They will be perfectly happy with the occupying state if Israel? They are fighting to remove the illegal blockade. The USA isn't helping so Israel gets away with murder.
1. This isn't really five facts, it's one long fact
2. It's mostly right, but with little historical context
3. Just because it is correct, does not mean you should ever read anything from Ever.

4) Merge this with the current Israeli v Palestine thread, please.
It bothers me that people I consider smart are arguing that the Likud party has any intention of a two-state solution. For fucks sake, Ariel Sharon was a pretty staunch conservative and he had to form his own party because he thought the Likudniks were so far right, they were scary.

Both sides are extremely polarized to a point that any argument has to be either 100% pro Israeli or 100% pro Palestinians.

For such a tiny nation it surely makes a lot of noise.
i believe the muslims conquered that land a few thousand years ago. And the british took it back in ww2 and created israel. The palestinian ancestors stole that land. And just like in mma, the more prepared combatant wins. Dont bring a knife to a gunfight

Muslims existed a few thousand years ago? Didn't they come into existence like 1200 years ago?
They didn't attack first. They were invaded and occupied, and their land has been stolen, their homes razed to the ground. They're defending themselves against ethnic cleansing.

It's a relative historical fact that they did indeed attack first. Whether their fears were valid or not will never be known: they attacked first and the refugee problem was caused because of that.
Well, lets go back for a second....Israel put a blockade on Gaza since 2007 limiting food that can go in. Israel said they will out Gazan's on a "diet". No other people go though such harsh/destructive policies.

Also there is 50% unemployment rate in Gaza. Then you think everything will be ok? They will be perfectly happy with the occupying state if Israel? They are fighting to remove the illegal blockade. The USA isn't helping so Israel gets away with murder.

of course it has 50% unemployment. How big is it, and how many people are in it? There is not enough room to put enough businesses and still have that many people together, in order to employ all those people.
4) Merge this with the current Israeli v Palestine thread, please.

It would make the most sense to just name this v3 and lock v2 when it hits 1000 soon.

But some Zionist will probably just delete it or merge it into the end of v2 because they know it'll be locked soon.
These stats only say that Israel is the more effective killer. It does not lend any credence to either sides cause.

I support neither side BTW, fighting over who's myths mean the most is retarded.

thats not what they're fighting for
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