♔♔COD BLOPS4 Blackout Role Call♔♔

Lord Commander Palis

Superior Genetics
Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
Who here is playing this? I pre-ordered and am currently playing the beta on PC. This game is siiiiiiiiiiiick.

Game play:

Lord Palis: s0l1d#11496


@Grassshoppa GT: Grassshoppa
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Going to try it out tomorrow. Why the fuck they want to start the openbeta on Saturday at like 1:00pm I have no idea but that's when I'm going to try it out.
Treyarch is garbage. the guns sound like rattlesnakes
Going to try it out tomorrow. Why the fuck they want to start the openbeta on Saturday at like 1:00pm I have no idea but that's when I'm going to try it out.

Do I just dl game and put my code in for access?
Do I just dl game and put my code in for access?

Not even sure I just remembered I still need to. On pc you just download the blizzard app. Console has no open beta you must preorder.
Not even sure I just remembered I still need to. On pc you just download the blizzard app. Console has no open beta you must preorder.

I have the pre-order code. When does open beta start?
anyone have an extra xbox beta code they can pm me?
I got conned into preordeing by a friend of mine.

Played 3 games of the black out mode and instantly remembered why I don't like BR games. Boring af
From what ive seen this game excels in no specific area. Graphics look washed out to work on console hardware and gunplay/UI is designed around using a controller.

Twitch streamers will most likely gravitate towards Ring of Elysium over this.
I am interested
Ww2 was a good game but the kill streaks sucked. THe gameplay was overall solid.
MW2 was the last cod I played and then I got tired of that series, never played again, watched a trailer and nothing has changed lol.
Can't wait to flamethrow me some noobs on XBox.

GT: Grassshoppa
Watched a bunch of big name streamers play this last night or two and they all seemed to love it, going to get the beta tonight after work and try to get a few games in... going to get it for ps4 as I suck using pc still ... my whole plan is to get wasted and play tonight
Not a fan of BR games but it is nice to play a BR game that actually has good controls and some polish compared to PUBG and fortnite
Got 2nd place in a close fight, game feels tight and fun but there seems to be some big optimization and memory issues on PC that I am having trouble with.
so many freaking campers in Blackout.. I won't be playing that mode. My old clan suckered me into buying this for some DOMINATION rounds like the old days.... Too bad there's a bunch of little kids on mics... might have to get rowdy.
The hype around it has me considering my first Call of Duty purchase since Modern Warfare 2. BR games seem like a lot of fun and would be a big change of pace from my usual rpgs and stragtegy library. Might wait for reviews first.
I am not great at this game. It’s pretty fun though. Definitely different. I haven’t done BR before so it seems complicated to me.
I think I would like it better if it made more MP elements. I’d like to choose my load out. I’d like mini map indicators when someone shoots at me.

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