♔♔COD BLOPS4 Blackout Role Call♔♔

scorestreaks are painful in hardpoint if your team sucks and my shotgun sucks. must need long barrel on it
The fencing and wall guy is pretty good for objectives. Lots of points in there. Just save them up and flood an objective with them.
Average flick based aiming. His pre-aim is bad though. This style of aiming eventually leads to inconsistency. For it relies solely on your wrist/arm reactions. What you look for in high tier aimers is precision aiming with limited wasted movement.

These matches are SO fucking short jesus I want to play not watch slow motion kills every 2 minutes between rounds
These matches are SO fucking short jesus I want to play not watch slow motion kills every 2 minutes between rounds
The mercenary thing is pretty fun. Stay up around 50 kills each match. Digging laser sight 2 on the spitfire

Also fast mags is needed

Also need extended mags somehow but shit that’s like six point right there


No secondary needed, dump perk 3. That’s scavenger and gung ho. Spitfire. 4 attachments. Two wildcards. Add an acoustic or stim pack.
The mercenary thing is pretty fun. Stay up around 50 kills each match. Digging laser sight 2 on the spitfire

Also fast mags is needed

Also need extended mags somehow but shit that’s like six point right there


No secondary needed, dump perk 3. That’s scavenger and gung ho. Spitfire. 4 attachments. Two wildcards. Add an acoustic or stim pack.

Gonna try this setup, haven't really used a smg yet.
This isnt a pissing contest. Im trying to give you context of an above average aimer you labeled unjustly higher.
Thought so. You can't match him, likely wouldn't even come close, but you want to peacock by objecting to him being called "nasty".

Criticizing mechanics is always acceptable, but if the ball goes in, the ball goes in. I bring you a former CS:GO Pro, and even that isn't enough. "Average"? Fucking average? Do you understand what that word means? This is an open court. This would be like me showing up to a blacktop, seeing Kyle Kuzma out there, and when I hear some nearby player gush after he runs off 8 straight points, "Holy shit he's nasty!", quip, "Average player. His follow-through is bad, though. He pushes the ball out of the pocket a bit when he supinates on his finish. Leads to inconsistency. Probably why he shoots below the 46% FG league average."

Yeah, I'd be taking a piss, and I wouldn't expect that to go over well. I would fully expect to get mocked on the sidelines, and for a 1v1 gauntlet to be thrown. That's the thing about talking shit if you can't walk the walk. Pee slips out, too, when going #2. So it is a pissing contest, and if you can't back up what you say, then you end up pissing on yourself.
Thought so. You can't match him, likely wouldn't even come close, but you want to peacock by objecting to him being called "nasty".

This month ive been thinking of making a compilation video. Last one i made was during beta testing for iRacing twelve years ago. Youve just gave me the inspiration : )
Prestiged the spitfire
Oh my god forgot what all grind it was getting the attachments you need
Shoot first die first over and over
Have laser sight and extended mags unlocked at least

Vapr is just a better spitfire with rapid fire on it. Not useful outside mid range though. even burst firing won’t hit a head behind an object
Have you done dual saugs?


@Madmick holy shit I think he's dead dude. That guy doesn't even play anyways.
With extended mags and laser you can start killing people inside shotgun range at least. Still lose every straight up gun fight but you can maneuver around those. Also fucked if there are two of them. I snuck up on three guys camped facing away from me. Killed one. And got six hitmmarkers on the other two before running out of bullets. It was ass. Should be an easy triple but fuck me it’s like shooting a tank.

Didn't watch the video but there are a big chunk of technical issues. Also, multiplayer, not blackout, is god awful. Most games are slaughters. Zero matchmaking, the snowball effect is boring and too easy, people leave like crazy and when you have only 5-6 teammates it's pretty bad.

Mantis, elite team, attack choppers etc should all be removed, shit is zzz.