Social 2 Ohio House of Representatives Republicans propose making June 14th a holiday to celebrate Trump

Yes record low.
Trump enthusiasm effect. The American dream was reborn.
Haha that legitimately made me lol, nicely done.
It hit record lows in Trump’s first year, before he’d passed a budget, tax plan, trade deal, or any other economic policy which could’ve possibly had an impact. So it’s the “Trump enthusiasm effect.” <Lmaoo>
Here’s a graph showing black unemployment from the start of Obama’s first term through Trump’s first year. It’s obvious who did the heavy lifting to make things better for African Americans.

It would be more entertaining to see someone dispute such an obvious list.

So may great accomplishments to choose from, the list couldn't be more obvious...

Built wall over the entire Southern border and made Mexico pay for it
Revitalized the coal industry
Repealed and replaced the ACA
Drained the Swamp
Eliminated the federal deficit
Locked up Hillary
Didn't play any golf during his entire presidency

Also even in defeat, classy guy that he is, accomplished the most peaceful transfer of power
Why do you think Obama has a holiday in Illinois?

I didn't eve know he was recognized until I read this article.

He doesn't have a holiday in Illinois, the bill to create a holiday was rejected. What Illinois did was just have a day that recognized Obama, but it is not a state holiday. In Obama's case it makes sense since he was a junior senator in Illinois , and got his political start there. Trump has never held any public office in Ohio.
I celebrate Trump 365 days a year

There is was 1 world leader who Trump was very similar to. Turkmenbeshi of Turkmenistan he also loved Gold and praised himself as the greatest and a genius etc
Holy shit...

Ah you got it? Lol it is a joke. But I am sure some super Trumpers would want it on that day
Do we all get orange spray tans, two scoops of ice cream, and get to fuck super models on that day? If so... I'm down.
These two are either truly crazy or just conniving political cunts
It would be interesting to see a list of the accomplishments that make him 'one of the greatest presidents in American history'.

Building a wall and making Mexico pay for it.

Draining the swamp.

Repealing and replacing the ACA with some far better that covers everyone.

Eliminating the debt and the trade deficit.

Eliminating the tax deductions and credits that hedge funds and private equity managers take.

These were all things he (seriously) ran on.
Black employment record low

"but it was going down during Obama so no credit is given""

Coast takes over a team that has a winning record makes the playoffs ... a new coach takes that team to superbowl and wins... difference ..
Trump wouldn’t pull out his mushroom dick to piss on these losers if they were on fire. Ted Cruz will back them. His wife probably gets him to dress like trump around the house.
Trump wouldn’t pull out his mushroom dick to piss on these losers if they were on fire. Ted Cruz will back them. His wife probably gets him to dress like trump around the house.
Heh, Cruz is a sick fuck. He would probably give his own small daughters to Trump just for the rub.
If Trump was such a good President, why are there still Jewish Space Lasers?
I mean if said lasers can be used to start wild fires in CA, whats to stop them from taking out the entire US.
The only party that cares about Jewish Space Lasers is the GOP which is why they will get my vote.