2015 Green Bay Packers v2: Favre Week


This is haram
Dec 18, 2009
Reaction score
Unless youre living under a rock, Brett Favre's jersey is being retired tomorrow.





Absolute legend, nobody had more fun out there. Played a million games in a row and didnt give a fuck about getting hurt or throwing picks but he made a lot of insane throws too.

He may have been sexting hot chicks and a Vicodin addict who tried to spite the front office by going to the Vikings but hes OUR sexting addict and that will never change.

Also a shoutout for science for helping to allow Bart Starr to attend tomorrows game, the OG QB of the franchise and one of the nicest people on the planet. This article is really long but its a great read. Halftime will be a pretty awesome moment.


Fuck the Bears

Leveon Bell was told to drop weight going into the 2014 season

Shady was told to drop weight going into this season

Both guys look like beasts

Fat Eddie shows up overweight the last two seasons. Coaching staff does nothing

What a can show
I'm still bitter

But he's the reason I got into football back when I was like 5 years old. Without him I'd probably be a Patriots fan, which, is an existence I'd rather not think about
"Nobody had more fun out there." Hard to argue that when you're banging Wisconsin 8s (LA 2), high on painkillers, and getting paid a fuckton to do it.
Ty getting healthy(er)

“I feel like I have to get open and I can make plays,” he said. “But if I don’t feel like I’m playing fast enough and do what I’m supposed to do in order to get open and be myself and make plays, it’s a waste of my time, it’s a waste of everybody else’s time. It’s a waste of a spot.

“Somebody needs to be out there that can get the job done.”

I fuckin love this kid
Also, I find it super depressing just thinking about Starr. I don't look forward to seeing him in a near vegetative state.
Yeah, like usual, I'm real happy with the character of our rookies Ty and Brett seem to be especially bright guys.
I always forget how long Greeeeeg Jeeeeennings has been in the league. Watching a bunch of Favre highlights I keep thinking to myself "ohh wait hey that's Greg!"

He was a lot better than history will make him out to be
Lol this shit is great


“I had the least impact on it, obviously. The lateral play, watching it unfold, obviously you never know what’s going to happen. For whatever reason, Rich decides to throw the ball 30 yards behind everyone to Aaron, who’s standing back there by himself. Which is not how it’s designed, but apparently it works out extremely well.

“So with the face mask, I knew we were going to get one more opportunity; I knew Aaron would be able to get it to the end zone. So I’m on the sideline, I watch the ball go up in the air, and everyone was already standing in front of me, so I turned to the Jumbotron and watched Rich jump up and catch it.

“Everyone else went crazy, ran out onto the field like a bunch of little kids. I stood there, like a mature adult, and slowly walked out onto the field. Obviously great to be on that end of a Hail Mary and be part of a successful one.”


“I was in position to catch it off the tip, if anybody deflected it and knocked it down. Going back to the lateral play, we ran it the play before, and I don’t know what happened but we didn’t complete it. So the next play, we’re lining up, and Aaron’s going crazy, telling everybody what to do. But I didn’t hear what he said. So I just kind leaked through, and I saw him throw to ‘J.J.’ (wide receiver James Jones). And I’m supposed to be right there for him to pitch it to me – I wasn’t there, obviously.

“So Rich is there, he gets the pitch and then he throws it back [to Aaron Rodgers]. And afterwards, I’m like, ‘Rich, why would you throw it back 30 yards?’ And he was like, ‘Look, we got a penalty.’ He said it like that was his brilliant plan all along, that we would get that penalty.

“So the next play, me and [Jared] Abbrederis are scrambling again. We hadn’t ran the rebound pass out of that package before, so he’s asking me what to do, and I’m like, ‘Just run. Run!’ So I get to the 20-yard line, and I can’t see Aaron, I don’t know what’s going on, and then I see him roll out to the right. And he just throws it straight up in the air.

“So I’m pretty much walking that way, because it was taking so long in the air. By the time I got over there, I was in between. ‘Do I jump up and get it? No, that’s not my responsibility.’ So I wait for it to come off the tip, and I see Rich catch it. And before he hit the ground, I grabbed him and hugged him. I don’t think I’ve ever hugged a man like that before. So while I’m hugging him, people start jumping on us, and the next thing I know me and Rich are like, ‘I can’t breathe! I can’t breathe!’ Luckily, everybody got off [of us]. It was pretty exciting.”


“I guess I was initially supposed to be the jumper, but responsibilities ended up flipping. I got to the end zone, and Rich was trotting down there, taking his sweet time, so I figured I’d get down there and try to move some people around. I was dog tired as it was, from the two plays before that, [having] sprinted down the field. So I get to the end zone, and like 20 minutes later I’m wondering how Aaron’s still running around back there and buying time.

“The ball goes up, and in Detroit, their lights, the way their stadium is set up, it’s really hard to see the ball – especially when it’s three miles up. So I’m trying to scramble around, and I see the ball is coming in my general area. And I do not see Richard at all. I just see blue jerseys, and I feel like six dudes are on me – and one of the fans is on my back, too. So I’m trying to figure out where I’m going, how I’m going to get this ball because I’m supposed to [get it].

“‘E.B.’ [Edgar Bennett, the Packers’ offensive coordinator] always makes fun of me. ‘Davante, you’re supposed to be the one who can jump.’ If you look at the picture, Richard is [a foot] higher than me. But I’ve got two dudes on my back, I’m trying to box them out while I’m jumping up. I heard the crowd go off, but it wasn’t the type of cheering where a ball got batted down. I’m like, ‘Somebody caught this ball.’ I look down, and Rich has his knees to his chest and he’s holding the ball, and I see Randall mugging him.

“Rich’s catch was great, and Aaron did a great job scrambling around and buying time back there. It was an awesome thing to be a part of.”
Despite all the past drama, Favre deserves his due.

Could only imagine what Favre would have been able to do with that beast receiver Sterling Sharpe had he not broken his neck and had his career cut short. Crazy combo they were.
lol, Jordy's quote is awesome.

Glad to hear everyone is getting healthier. Tretter should do well, just no bad snaps, bro!

I'm really hoping Ty can return at the latest by week 16 for that matchup against Arizona.
Legendary qb. If it wasn't for his insane decision making he would have a good argument for top 5 all time. Get that W today pack!!!
Arizona game is gonna be a complete shit show. Unless Lacy loses his fat ass, Ty and Jabby get healthy, and Janis gets involved, we're going to get demolished
Gunter active! Got a feeling we'll see a little bit of him with Hyde hurt and Rollins dinged up
Clay Matthews and Jake Ryan are the starting inside linebackers

Yes, that's right, Jake Ryan
Rodgers just through a legit interception, flag on the play for nothing... This leads to Lacey running the ball near into the endzone and tosses the ball away before he even crosses.. still a touchdown.

I wonder who the NFL wants to win this game lol

Yeahhhhhh he was good against the run but he was bad in coverage. Would like to see if Ryan could develop into something better
not sure if you guys are into first take, but this one made me laugh.
What a great ceremony.
lol Skip Bayless

Pass was "pure luck."

Just pure luck that Aaron could evade the sack and then throw a pass that traveled 67 yards in the air and 30 yards high.
That ceremony is what being a Packers fan is all about. Truly the greatest franchise in sports.
I thought Ryan looked really instinctive and twitchier than I expected. I'm glad he's starting.

Dude needs to work on his coverage, though, for sure.
It was a beautiful ceremony.
lol Skip Bayless

Pass was "pure luck."

Just pure luck that Aaron could evade the sack and then throw a pass that traveled 67 yards in the air and 30 yards high.

I can't wait for Monday morning, to see that dumb SOB, bitch about how his cowgirls just got hammered by the Packers, and him still shit on Rodgers and claim the victory was luck!!:icon_evil
Adams lets ANOTHER ball hit him right in the chest and then gets up bitching for a flag.
Ryan looked more comfortable as the game went on, makes sense obv given his first start. Defense needed stops in the 2nd half and he played a part in that. Not sure why they weren't playing him sooner it's not like Palmer was setting the world on fire
Skip is just a troll. Brady's receivers not being open and dropping balls? He gives him a pass. Rodgers receivers not being open and dropping balls and he says "Aaron is just not that good" or "Tom Brady could make it work with those guys".
Skip is just a troll. Brady's receivers not being open and dropping balls? He gives him a pass. Rodgers receivers not being open and dropping balls and he says "Aaron is just not that good" or "Tom Brady could make it work with those guys".

He wrote an article in 2011,in the Dallas morning news stating how romo was a better qb than Rodgers ,wtf?